Chapter 299 The Legend of the Girl Spider

After putting away the elves, Bailiyuan found Caroline. At this time, Caroline was flipping through and scanning the books quickly. A book can be scanned in a few minutes, and then changed.

Bailiyuan was very envious of Caroline's reading speed.

"Caroline, let's go." Baili Yuan called out.

Caroline closed the book in her hand, then sent back the surrounding books by category, and finally came to Bailiyuan's side, and attached herself to Bailiyuan's body again.

The time when Caroline was not around was also a rare time for Bailiyuan to wear clothes. Before that, Bailiyuan had always been wearing clothes transformed by Caroline. Although they were mechanical, they were top-notch in comfort.

"How was the harvest?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

“Very satisfying!”


Bailiyuan found Uchiha Shisui's location based on induction.

Perhaps because of the unique hobbies of the audience who read the books, the area where the ninja-related books are located is dimly lit, which perfectly embodies the phrase "ninjas are hidden in the dark".

Bailiyuan roughly sensed it, and it seemed that there were at least five people in the open area, not including Uchiha Shisui, and those hidden deeper ninja Bailiyuan couldn't sense it at all.

For example, a ninja who is reading a book standing in front of Bailiyuan, even if Bailiyuan approaches, it is difficult to feel the breath of the other party.

If he didn't see it with his eyes, it would be hard for Baili Yuan to believe that there was a person here, and if the other party wanted Bai Li Yuan's life, it would be difficult for Bai Li Yuan to take precautions in advance.

Fortunately, the ninjas here are not here to kill people, but to read books.

Bailiyuan walked past the ninja who was reading a book, but the other party ignored Bailiyuan, but still stared at the book in his hand seriously.

Ninja is a heraldry profession in the world of heraldry, but it is a branch profession, a branch of the assassin profession, and the assassin profession is also a mainstream profession in the world of heraldry.

These include shadow assassins, blade assassins, shadow dancers and other branch professions, which are not much worse than the summoner profession.

But the difference is that due to the particularity of the assassin profession, the ability of the main profession assassin is not outstanding, but the branch professions can always shine with strange brilliance.

Moreover, mage professions, such as summoner professions, which are fragile and lack melee combat ability, do not like encountering assassin professions very much.

It is said that nine and a half of the ten mage class heraldic users will not have assassin class heraldic users around them, because they always subconsciously think that the other party will stab them in the back, and then instinctively distance themselves from each other.

However, Bailiyuan had never fought against a coat of arms envoy of the assassin class, nor had he been stabbed in the back by the opponent, so he didn't have that deep feeling yet.

When Bailiyuan came to Uchiha Shisui's side, Uchiha Shisui was hanging upside down on a log to read a scroll.

The log is a unique climbing device in the ninja area.

Because many books in the library are originals, many books in the ninja area appear in the form of scrolls, and ninjas love this way of recording very much.

"What kind of reading are you doing?"

Bailiyun raised his head and looked at Uchiha Shisui in puzzlement.

I've heard of people hanging upside down and shooting planes, but this is the first time I've seen reading books upside down.

"My lord!"

Uchiha Shisui closed the scroll, kicked a little, turned over and landed.

"What I just used is a kind of reading ninjutsu learned from the scroll here, which can improve concentration and memory." Uchiha Shisui explained.

Bailiyuan rubbed his chin, thinking that he might be able to learn from it.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Uchiha Shisui asked suspiciously.

"Oh." Only now did Bailiyuan come back to his senses, "Clean up, I'm going to take everyone out for a walk."

"Okay, then I can leave after I send the scroll back."


Before Bailiyuan left, he went to the Nutrition Express to say hello.

Don't underestimate the menu area, people depend on food, and food also plays an important role in the society of heraldic envoys.

Some special materials require special cooking methods to exert the strongest effect, so there are many people studying recipes in the recipe area, and there is also a special kitchen for those who study recipes.

Bailiyuan naturally knows the benefits of delicious food. The breeders who are associated with the summoner have more or less studied the recipes, and they will also apply them when preparing the food of contracted animals.

Even if Bailiyuan didn't study it specifically, satisfying the elves' taste through his own cooking skills can quickly increase the favorability of the elves, and the younger the elves, the faster the improvement. Sure enough, it's better for children flicker.

Favorability is a kind of data that cannot be measured specifically for the time being, but Bailiyuan can feel that with the increase of favorability, the connection between the elves and himself has deepened. In the past, it was necessary to command step by step. Even without saying anything, the elves can guess their own thoughts, and cooperate more tacitly.

Bailiyuan has a very deep intuition that maybe when the favorability between himself and the elves reaches the limit, something miraculous will happen.

Although the elves are familiar with Bailiyuan's culinary skills, the increase in favorability has slowed down, but Bailiyuan believes that if his cooking skills improve, the favorability can still be increased quickly.

The premise is that Bailiyuan really has the talent to improve his cooking skills.

The current situation is that if the culinary level that the system forcibly raised for Baili Yuan is removed, then he will know nothing but eating.

When Bailiyuan arrived at the recipe area, Nutrition Express was wearing a nude apron and holding a spoon, and was discussing the recipe with several bald men who were also shirtless, showing muscles, and holding kitchen knives and spatulas.

Looking at the row of shiny bald heads, Baili Yuan retreated silently.

He always felt that he was out of place with Nutrition Express because his head was not bright enough.


When Bailiyuan brought Uchiha Shisui to the exit, he found that it was night outside.

After staying in the library for a long time, Bailiyuan couldn't tell the difference between day and night, and when he went out, he seemed to have a sense of time and space disorder.

At this time, the librarian opened the door and let the two go.

There is no inspection. The books in the library are not something that ordinary people can take out. If someone steals a book, he will be arrested as soon as he does it.

And the library hasn't had a book thief for decades.

It's not that the quality of people has improved, but that the majesty of the library makes people with bad intentions dare not play tricks.

"By the way, please be careful when you two go back." The librarian scratched his head, thought of something, and told Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui.

"Don't worry, I know the way." Bailiyuan patted his chest, and the map to the hotel where Shedu and the others lived was in Caroline's records.

But Uchiha Shisui heard a little voice.

"Did something happen?" Uchiha Shisui asked curiously.

The librarian rubbed his neck, looking distressed.

"Haven't you heard? Oh, are you foreigners?"

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other, then looked at the librarian and nodded.

"Then I want to remind you that the recent Akamoy is not peaceful. Recently, there is a legend called 'Girl Spider'. It is said that there is a beautiful girl transformed into a spider who will seduce humans and then prey on them. However Whether this matter is true or not remains to be discussed, but it is true that someone has disappeared recently."

"Akamoy didn't do anything?" Bailiyuan frowned. In what Shedu said before, although Akamoy was big, there shouldn't be such a situation of missing people, and it sounds like This matter is not a day or two.

"The higher-ups are indeed investigating, but with little success. If someone is really playing tricks in secret this time, the other party is indeed a tricky guy. In short, you should be more careful when you go out, especially at night. If you encounter If you are in danger, just shout for help, and now the guards have been dispatched to patrol around the clock, and they will hear your calls for help."

"Okay, thanks for the reminder."

"You're being polite, the other party seems to be picking out young and vigorous men, this ninja brother should pay attention, hahaha..."

Uchiha Shisui has a black thread.

Saying goodbye to the librarian, Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui left the library.

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