Chapter 2934 Lottery: very hard work

The World Conference officially begins.

The opening is over.

The various ethnic groups began to speak according to the seat number and put forward their own ethnic proposals.

The first to speak was naturally the Ten Saints.

Primitives are the number one seat and speak first.

The representative leader of the primitive tribe sitting in his seat turned on the microphone and spoke to the microphone: "Our primitive tribe is here for a meeting, and we only want to mention three things!"

"The price of ice cream has been reduced, electric shaking is prohibited, and the dragon turtle has been strengthened."

"I'm done talking, whoever agrees, whoever opposes."

The proposal of the representatives of the primitive tribe made the representatives of various tribes who came to participate in the World Conference for the first time look confused, and wondered whether they had entered the wrong conference room.

On the contrary, the delegates who have participated in more than one world conference look calm, as if they have been used to it for a long time.

It's a meeting, be serious!

"It's good to listen to the original people's proposal. They don't care much about what will happen to the world." Hua Shi explained to Zhao Ziya.

To put it simply, primitive races are bastards.

Zhao Ziya's expression was subtle.

The representative leader of the ancient immortal clan in the second seat, an old man with white beard and hair, pressed his microphone, interrupted the speech of the primitive clan, and continued the cold world meeting.

"Okay, now it's our turn to speak."

"We, the Ancient Immortal Clan, have put forward the following points of view regarding this change in world rules and the emergence of the race system..."

The words of the leader of the representative of the Ancient Immortal Race gradually put the atmosphere of the meeting on the right track, and the representatives of other races began to listen carefully and summarize.

Compared with the mixed primitive race, the ancient immortal race is obviously a strong race, and indeed a lot of useful points of view have been analyzed.

Some races with a language barrier have opened up translation methods.

Some are translated by machine, and some are directly smashed a language scroll for themselves, so that they can understand the words of other races for a short time.

The representatives looked serious and nodded from time to time, as if they recognized the words of the representative leader of the ancient immortal clan.

There were also representatives whispering about the content of the speech made by the representative of the ancient immortal clan.

Bailiyuan and the others were also distracted listening to the words of the representative of the ancient immortal clan.

Huashi and the others did not turn on the translator.

Because the Human Race and the Ancient Immortal Race came from the same source, one of the evidences is that the pronunciation of the languages ​​of the Human Race and the Ancient Immortal Race have many similarities.

Even if they haven't learned the language of the ancient fairy tribe, the human race can roughly understand the meaning of the language of the ancient fairy tribe.

While listening to the speech, Bailiyuan and the others started chatting again.

"Senior, I'm a little curious. How is the order in which these races speak determined? Among the ten holy races, is the primitive race the strongest?" Huo Chaofan asked curiously.

When Huo Chaofan asked this question, he was naturally not interested in the order of the seats, he was interested in the powerful race.

See which one is stronger and challenge in the future.

The primitive race spoke with that attitude, and they were the first to speak. It is very likely that the primitive race is the strongest race!

Ren Yin shook his head, "Although the seats are divided according to the strength of each race, there are still many races whose strengths are not much different. The division of seats is not entirely based on the comprehensive strength of the races."

"Although the primitive race is special, it is not invincible. The strength gap between the ten holy races is not so obvious."

"Then what?" Huo Chaofan was a little puzzled.

Andy and Bailiyuan also looked at Renyin.

Ren Yin spat out two words.

"Draw lots!"


Ren Yin explained.

Races with similar strengths are selected by lottery, such as the ten holy races.

There is no use of racial initials or pronunciation sequences.

Because in the big world, different races have their own languages. Although there is still a common language, the common language is not accepted by all races. Some sounds in Common, and in the languages ​​of some ethnicities, are swear words.

Not elegant enough.

After all, different races have different physiological structures, different pronunciation organs, and different histories and cultures. It is difficult to find a language suitable for all races of creatures.

There used to be a special language learned from the world—divine language and divine sound, which could be adapted to the entire race.

However, only the strong can master the divine script and the divine music, and the descendants of the heroes hold a meeting and use the divine script and divine music, isn't it a bit strange?

Fortunately, there are various translation methods that allow creatures of different races to communicate with each other easily.

But if you choose to use the initials of a certain family name to sort them, new disputes are likely to break out.

Don't you look down on us if you don't use the language of our race?

There is no absolute "superior" power in the big world, only "how strong".

There is also a certain basis for choosing the somewhat childish method of drawing lots to rank.

Because luck is also a kind of strength!

As long as the strength is sufficient, you can also compete in luck.

Do you really think the lottery is all about luck?

The lottery between the strong is completely a confrontation of strength!

"When the lottery was drawn back then, it was said that many races who went up to draw lots were strong people who were good at the law of karma, and many were the luckiest people selected by their race, luck protectors, good at the way of luck, etc. The lottery of identity." Ren Yin explained.

"Other races also secretly cast a curse on the lottery of the hostile race, making them tainted with bad luck. It is really a lottery of all races, and each uses their own methods."

"The rules of this kind of lottery have also been handed down. For some special cases, the way of lottery can be used to make a decision."

While talking, Ren Yin opened the rulebook of the World Conference, spread it out on the coffee table, and clicked on several of the contents.

The few rules that were selected are naturally the rules involving the lottery.

[125789. Prohibited items in the lottery: It is not allowed to cast a curse on the drawer's back...It is not allowed to extract the luck of the lottery by squeezing the juice...Not allowed...Not allowed...]

Looking at a few rules, everyone felt the special means of many races.

Sure enough, despicable and dangerous methods are all listed in the prohibited items.


Some just read the written meaning, which makes people break out in a cold sweat and send chills down their spines.

Looking at it this way, the lottery process is really extremely dangerous.

Then everyone looked at Andy.

Because Andy is a strong man who masters the law of cause and effect, if the lottery is to be drawn again, maybe Andy will be allowed to play.

If Andy hadn't broken through the Guardian, she wouldn't be eligible to draw lots.

Everyone uses the law of cause and effect. Of course, whoever is stronger is more likely to take advantage.

But Andy looked at Bailiyuan, and said faintly: "I remember, there seems to be a god of fate by your side, and that god seems to be able to control the authority of luck."

Andy's words made everyone look at Bailiyuan again.

Baili Yuan nodded, and smiled modestly, "If there are candidates who need to draw lots, remember to call me, the God of Fate can indeed bless me with great luck."

"Cultivate the god for a thousand days, use the god for a while, the god of fate has accumulated a lot of faith in these years."

God of Fate: Really tie Q!

Then Bailiyuan said: "Among my badges of honor, there are two more that add luck to me. I think my luck is better than most people."

[Guardian of the World] and [Pope of God of Fate], the two badges of honor both added luck to Baili Yuan.

"It turned out to be a badge of honor that increases luck? There is such a badge of honor?" Everyone was surprised.

"A very precious badge of honor." Ren Yin commented.

"Wait, two badges of honor?" Johnson sensed the point.

"May I ask, senior, how many badges of honor do you have?" Huo Chaofan asked curiously.

"Six, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, excuse me." Huo Chaofan fell silent as he looked at the only two honor badges on his race panel.

His two honor badges, one is the [Human Guardian] that a human guardian must have, and the other is his life achievement - [Secret Explorer].

[Secret Explorer]: You have explored ten hidden places, and now you have the ability to check part of a target's information.

Zhao Ziya who acted with him also had the same badge of honor, and it was Zhao Ziya's only badge of honor, because Zhao Ziya was not a guardian of the human race.

Everyone else's mood is a bit complicated.

The human race naturally also collected a lot of information about the race system panel.

There is no question that badges of honor are precious and special.

But extremely difficult to obtain.

Someone has tried it, even if it is done according to the instructions of the badge of honor, it is difficult to get the badge of honor.

The conditions for obtaining the badge of honor may not simply be experienced events and trigger conditions, there are other ways of judging.

The badge of honor, the most important thing, may be the word "honor"!

Many guardians of the human race only have one badge of [Guardian of the human race].

Hero inheritors will have an additional [Hero Inheritor] badge.

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