I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 30 The Unbelievable Flower (Part 1)

Bailiyuan sat in the middle of the lawn, waiting nervously.

As time passed, Bailiyuan became more and more nervous.

Obviously it was Froggrass that evolved, but it turned out that he was the one who was most nervous. Bailiyuan felt a little ashamed, but...he really couldn't control himself!

Sensing Baili Yuan's emotions, Froggrass and Walking Grass did not continue to run around, but quietly nestled next to Baili Yuan from left to right.

Baili Yuan sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes, slowed down his breathing, and adjusted his state...

In other words, if you don't evolve by yourself, what state do you adjust yourself?

Thinking of this, Baili Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth and opened his eyes again.

I found that at some point, the frog grass and the walking grass were also imitating him, closing their eyes and slowing down their breathing.

Seeing their appearance, Baili Yuan smiled happily, and his mood eased a lot. Instead of disturbing them, he also closed his eyes. In this way, the three of them kept their original postures and sat quietly on the lawn with.

In the distance, Shedu looked at the appearance of the three, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then quickly changed back to the original.

"I hope it will work." At this moment, Korda walked over and said.

"He has the potential to become a real summoner." Shedu suddenly said something without beginning or end.

Korda was taken aback.

"A real summoner..."

Korda felt as if he had grasped something, but he didn't seem to understand anything, and finally shook his head. He was not a summoner, so what was he thinking so much about?

The members of the Weiwei Breeding Team watched the time nervously.

"It's already past twelve o'clock, everyone cheer up, pay attention to record data, and if an accident occurs, keep calm and deal with it with the best plan." Korda gave orders to everyone.


Ten past twelve, no evolution...

12:50, no evolution...

1:20, no evolution...

Two thirty, no evolution...

Two fifty, no evolution...

The members of the Weiwei Breeding Team panicked.

Twelve o'clock evolution, the error will not exceed three hours, and the time limit will soon be reached! Could it be that something happened?

"Is there something wrong with our data?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"No, we used the most advanced equipment to check it out, there can be no problems." Korda said firmly.

"It's all quiet, in fact... the evolution has already started." Shedu suddenly said.

"What?" Korda and the others looked at Shedu in surprise, and then at Froggrass, nothing changed!

Shedu didn't explain, but looked at Bailiyuan and Froggrass quietly.

"Wait, look at those wood-attributed mist!" Someone suddenly said.

Everyone hurriedly observed the wood-attributed mist. They had been looking at the froggrass before, and they didn't care about the wood-attributed mist around them.

After being reminded by someone, he finally came to his senses, and began to observe the surrounding wood-attributed mist, and found something different.

Usually, the wood-attributed mist floats randomly and is very scattered, but now, the mist flutters in a ring shape, surrounding the surroundings.

"But, why hasn't this energy been absorbed?" Another question was raised. Evolution requires a huge amount of energy, and the main way to obtain energy is to absorb external energy, which is also a part of evolutionary intervention.

"Because the evolution of Froggrass is from the inside out, and the power gushes out from his body." Shedu suddenly said, his strength is stronger than that of the breeding team, and his senses are more sensitive. Every change in the grass clearly appeared in his perception.

But this kind of perception cannot be used casually, it is very energy-consuming.

"From the inside out..." Korda's eyes lit up, "It's genetic evolution! Life leap!"

"It's coming!" Shedu said, and the others quieted down immediately, and at the same time straightened the recording equipment.

In the past, the power in the froggrass was only becoming active, not evolving, but a precursor to evolution. Now, the power in the froggrass is rapidly changing. With this speed, evolution is only a matter of a moment. The most critical thing now is to what extent this evolutionary intervention can achieve, and what will the final froggrass evolve into.

In the eyes of everyone, Frog Grass's body was shrouded in a layer of white light.

Bailiyuan closed his eyes for the first time, and his calm mood became tense again.

"The froggrass looks a little strange, what? The froggrass is about to evolve?"

Suddenly, such a sentence emerged in Baili Yuan's heart.

When the white light completely covered Frog Grass, Baili Yuan's heart also lifted.



The divinity of the Frog Grass gradually expands and deforms, and the wood attribute energy around it begins to flow violently, quickly converging towards the direction of the Frog Grass. When the light seems to reach a limit...


The white light exploded, and a figure with a huge flower on his back appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone in the breeding team clenched their fists.

Baili Yuan was also excited, but soon, his expression became strange, because the Miao Frog Flower at this time was a little different from the Miao Frog Flower in his impression.

A normal frog flower should be composed of light blue body, emerald green banana leaves, dark brown trunk and red petals.

However, at this time, the body of Miaowahua is blue-green, and the joints are covered with a layer of green crystalline armor. The banana leaf behind it has become emerald green, like a work of art, and the trunk is still deep. Brown in color, as for the flowers with white spots on the back, they are extremely delicate and charming, a fragrance rushes to the face, making Baili Yuan's mood more calm.

In addition, a strong vitality emanated from Miaowahua's body, and the lawn under him was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is this... flashing?" Baili Yuan was a little dazed.

"Flower, flower..." Miaowahua rubbed happily on Bailiyuan's body.

"Haha, Miao Frog Flower, congratulations." Baili Yuan touched Miao Frog Flower's big mouth and said happily.

There is no way, Miaowahua is definitely over two meters tall, and I can't touch the top of his head.

"Congratulations, congratulations." Korda also brought someone over and said happily.

"The Frog Flower seems to have undergone some changes, can I trouble you to check it?" Baili Yuan said to Korda.

"Is it called Frog Flower after evolution? It's really a suitable name, haha, we will check it without you telling me, after all, it seems that Frog Flower has indeed undergone some changes." Korda looked at the frog flower joints Crystal armor and crystallized banana leaves.

After Bailiyuan and Korda took Frog Flower to check, Shedu looked at the lawn that Frog Flower had just pressed under him, and it was obvious that the lawn and height were much higher than other places, which not only made him Squinted.

"It's such a strong vitality, it's just that such a leak can affect the growth of plants in the outside world, if this power can be completely controlled by him... Obviously it looked like a monster with ordinary aptitude before, but it just evolved. Such qualifications are really incredible.”

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