Chapter 2920 Andy can't feed three children at once

Hero power!

When Baili Yuan obtained the power of a hero, he finally revealed the mystery of the power of a hero.

"The power of a hero is indeed related to the imprint of the world!"

Heroes probably also have a world imprint, and they are awakened world imprints in order to master the power of heroes.

Now that Bailiyuan has the power of a hero, he can reverse the awakening of the world imprint!

Although it was only a trace of heroic power, it still touched Bailiyuan's two world imprints a little.

The two world imprints are like two children waiting to be fed, waiting to be fed.

"Finally found a way to awaken the imprint of the world!"

"If I continue to reap the power of heroes, my two world imprints will definitely be fully awakened!" Baili Yuan's eyes lit up.

Unlike Andy, Andy not only got the semi-awakened world mark, but also got the seed of heroic power, he can practice the power of the world by himself, and then awaken his own world mark.

However, Bailiyuan can only awaken his own world imprint by absorbing the heroic power of other heroes.

Bailiyuan doesn't have a license plate... Bah, it doesn't have seeds.

Maybe Bailiyuan can wait to absorb Andy's heroic power to awaken his own world imprint, but in that case, he will definitely wait for a long time, and even slow down the awakening speed of the two world imprints.

There are two world imprints on Bailiyuan's side.

Andy alone can't raise three world imprint children.

Feed no more than two at a time.

Well, nothing wrong.

The two world imprints of Bailiyuan need to absorb the hero's power at the same time, and the half-awakened world imprint cannot be given priority.

However, if we continue to absorb the hero's power, the semi-awakened world imprint will be fully awakened first, and then Bailiyuan will be able to awaken first and then awaken, and produce and sell on its own.

Thinking of this, Baili Yuan's heart became hot.

If both world imprints are fully awakened, one semi-awakened world imprint, and one unawakened world imprint, the power fed back after awakening should be able to provide him with one and a half levels of power!

This is the first and a half of the supreme class!

At that time, Bailiyuan will have a strength close to level 98!

This strength, in the Ultra universe, can also allow others to sit and talk to him.

After growing to the supreme level, the improvement of strength becomes extremely difficult.

Bailiyuan still broke through to the supreme level with the help of the power of becoming a god and the god rank, and with the help of the power of the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm Dao, and now his strength is improving very slowly.

If you only use practice to improve your strength, you may not be able to advance to a level in ten thousand years.

It's not that Bailiyuan's practice speed can't keep up, but that the improvement of strength at this level is no longer simply the accumulation of one's own energy.

It is also necessary to deepen the development of one's own potential and ability.

No matter how good the cultivation talent is, it doesn't help much.

On the contrary, understanding is more important.

Lack of comprehension, you can learn other powers to understand by analogy, or use external forces to break through.

Therefore, the promotion of the supreme level can no longer simply use practice to improve strength.

Not only Bailiyuan, but also the elves.

For the elves of Bailiyuan, as long as they have sufficient resources and cooperate with the power of one or two laws, it is actually not difficult to break through to the supreme level and become a champion elf.

However, after Bailiyuan's elves become champion elves, they are generally stuck at level 96, even Xanadu.

Perhaps Xanadu is infinitely close to level 97, but there is always an opportunity to break through.

Not breaking through does not mean that there is no way to leapfrog to fight. If you master special abilities and means, leapfrog fighting is also possible.

But this kind of leapfrog battle has an element of luck, and it is only temporary. Once a stalemate is reached, the loser must be the party with a lower level.

Bailiyuan's leapfrog battles never lasted long, and he always died suddenly.

If you want to grow further, if you don't have special qualifications, you can only rely on external forces and opportunities.

The elves who contracted with Bailiyuan are more than level 96, only the first-level God Steel Super Dream is level 99, the alienated Suijun who has absorbed the power of time and space is level 97, and Pi Laoxian who has comprehended the Dao is level 97, mastering the power of time and space The Miao Frog Seed with the power of power is 97, and the Big Needle Bee is 97 through the realization of the law of poison and the awakening of the devil fruit.

Geng Gui, Quick Swimming Frog, Chenglong, etc., who have obtained artifacts and law powers, as well as fire-breathing dragons, Bi Diao, and Flaming Chicken, etc., who have the blood of beasts or special blood, all have strengths close to level 97.

If you want to go further, you need to realize more powers that suit you, absorb more powerful resources, or encounter greater opportunities.

It is enough to see that if the two world imprints are awakened and raised to one and a half levels, it will be of great help to Baili Yuan.

Not only that, the two world imprints are fully awakened, and it will also bring the powerful ability of the two world imprints to Bailiyuan.

When Bailiyuan becomes stronger, it will also drive the elves to become stronger.

If only relying on practice, it may be difficult for strong people from other races to advance to a level through practice until the end of their lifespan, but Bailiyuan has no worries in this regard. As long as he has no bottlenecks, he can completely retreat for tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

Hiding in the universe for hundreds of millions of years, with Baili Yuan's aptitude, there is also a chance to get close to the legendary level.

However, if this is the case, it will be too late when Baili Yuan comes out of retreat.

Humans don't even know what it's developed into.

At that time, it is not certain whether there are human beings or not.

"It seems that the next step is to work hard. Leaving the island of heroes, the outside world will not have such a convenient opportunity to obtain the power of heroes."


Bailiyuan walked out of the test space, Ye Yuan looked at Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan showed a big smile.

"The harvest is good." Bailiyuan said, and patted Hedel beside him.

Ye Yuan nodded, looking at Hedel who had evolved into a goblin hero, he was also very curious.


The contracted beast is the strength of the summoner. As the contracted beast grows, the strength of the summoner will naturally increase.

Although this goblin contracted beast, even if it evolved, would not be of much help to Bailiyuan.

Ye Yuan could tell that Huddle had evolved into a goblin hero, and his strength had leapt to the level of a great heraldry, that is, the diamond level.

However, for Bailiyuan, the diamond-level combat power is not of great help to him.

But it's a good start.

"What race of hero stone statues are you going to challenge next?" Ye Yuan asked Baili Yuan this time, wanting to refer to Baili Yuan's opinion.

Bailiyuan should choose the hero stone statue suitable for his contracted beast to challenge!


Bailiyuan asked: "Is there such a hero with strong spiritual power?"

"Spiritual power?"

Does the guardian of Bailiyuan have a contract beast that majors in spiritual power?

Ye Yuan thought for a while and had a choice.

"There is a choice, Inhuman Hero, Spirit Watcher!"

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