I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 296 Library

Although Bailiyuan really wanted to go up and touch these three people, but Bailiyuan finally held back. He doesn't have that much demand for easter eggs at present, and he would easily get kicked if he went up to touch the three people rashly.

Under the arrangement of the tour guide, the team of the tourist group sat down in the venue. Fortunately, the seats in the venue were not exactly the number of people, and the team was not seated in order, so it was very easy for Bailiyuan to sit in the front row .

Maybe it was because Bailiyuan was still a child in taking care of her, and no one else had any objection to Bailiyuan sitting in the front row.

After everyone was seated, the tour guide began to introduce the three people waiting in the venue.

"This is the sixth-level scholar Han Mora, and these two are the disciples of Han Mora, the second-level scholar Maffei and the second-level scholar Harry. The next half an hour will be reserved for them."

Bailiyuan didn't know what the level of the scholar was, but the other people in the scene exclaimed when they heard the sixth-level scholar, as if the sixth-level scholar was something very special.

"I only met a fourth-level scholar last time I came here, but this time it turned out to be a sixth-level scholar. I really won a lottery." Someone whispered.

The tour guide nodded to the three of them, and then left the venue. After leading the team for so long, she also needs to go out to rest. As for whether there will be any accidents, first of all, the strength of Han Mora scholars is not ordinary people Comparable, and secondly, this is in the tree of Akamoy, which is the best place for Akamoy to protect scholars.

When the tour guide left, Han Mola showed a kind smile, greeted everyone in the venue, and then made a more detailed self-introduction, and then began to give her speech.

The research direction of Han Mora scholars is the utilization of energy, but it is naturally impossible for Han Mora to fully describe his research, otherwise let alone half an hour, half a day may not be able to explain clearly, especially for Baili Yuan and the others For this group of laymen.

Therefore, with the cooperation of the two disciples, Han Mora conducted a primary teaching of energy utilization, and explained the basics based on small experiments, thus leading to his own research direction, but he did not continue to delve into it, but he was able to mobilize other people Akamoy's greatest charm lies in his research interest and desire for knowledge exploration.

Knowledge is not to be imparted, but to be sought!

The little experiment that Khan Mora narrated is the manipulation of power, and the more detailed manipulation of power can bring out unexpected power!

In the experiment, everyone saw with their own eyes that Muffie, who was holding the shield, used very little energy, but used very clever control to make the energy flow in a strange way, and finally smashed a rock into two pieces with a light palm. Half.

A heraldry envoy who smashes rocks can do it, but splitting a rock in half with a light palm is not something ordinary people can do.

When Bailiyuan was learning fighting skills from Master Dalang, one of his exercises was to divide the rock into two halves. This is a very advanced technique, but Bailiyuan can't do it yet.

What is different from Murphy is that Master Dalang teaches the skills of using power, but what Murphy uses is the skills of using energy.

The directions of the two are not the same, but they can achieve the same effect.

Bailiyuan was also very curious about this, but unfortunately, although Han Mo described some training and usage methods related to energy manipulation, he did not explain how to control energy in order to achieve this level.

The real core of energy manipulation is how to use the energy that you can control.

This is like the cultivation of Chakra. The proficiency in using Chakra is the ability to control, and how to use Chakra to climb trees is the use of energy.

Even if the manipulation of energy has reached a very high level, but it can't be used, it is no different from tricks.

Half an hour passed quickly, and everyone bid farewell to the three Han Mora scholars, master and apprentice, and then the tour guide returned again, leading everyone to carry out the last activity.

The last activity was to visit a public library built in the tree of Akamoy. Bailiyuan did not go with him. Compared to visiting that public library, he might as well go to the one he should have gone to. Kamoy is the library with the highest standard.

Therefore, taking advantage of other people's inattention, Baili Yuan secretly left the team, and his clothes returned to normal.

After exiting from passage number one, Bailiyuan turned to entrance number forty-five.

Passages 1 to 40 are open to the public, but the entrances to passages 41 to 49 are not open to the public.

And entrance 45 is the entrance to the library that Bailiyuan should go to.

And there is no passage behind the entrance.

At the door, Baili Yuan swiped the library card in his hand, and was let through.

As soon as you enter the entrance, what appears in front of Bailiyuan is a magnificent library. Countless books are neatly arranged on the bookshelves. There are countless huge bookshelves in the space, but there are even more books surrounded by the surrounding walls. The bookshelf formed from the root!

Even if Bailiyuan looked up, he still couldn't count the number of books in it.

And this is just one of the book collection spaces in this library!

Moreover, the books in the library are classified into various categories. The instruction manual that Bailiyuan pulled out from the shelf at the door was a thick one, and it was nothing more than a classification manual of books.

The rules and places to pay attention to in the library are very complicated and cannot be explained in a few words. Therefore, everyone who enters the library is issued a communication headset, which can inquire about some things anytime and anywhere. Colleagues and staff can also use the camera to Guide those who come to study.

There are quite a few people in the library at this time, and they are all senior scholars and big figures from the outside world. After all, access to this library requires permission, but now they are all doing the same thing, that is, reading and learn!

Although the library was huge, it was still quiet inside. Affected by the atmosphere, Bailiyuan couldn't help but relax his steps.

There are many non-human creatures in the library, some of them are creatures responsible for the management of the library, and some of them are here to read and study!

That's right, humans are not the only ones who read and study in the library, some contracted beasts or monsters with high IQs can also enter the library after meeting certain conditions.

Bailiyuan released Xanadu, and the only one who can study with him is Xanadu. Although the mosquito-repellent frog can also read, it is not so easy to calm down and study. Other elves prefer training, if not Bailiyuan brought the elves out to relax, and the elves might still be training at Yuncheng Academy.

Although the training is good, it needs to be moderate. Bailiyuan brought the elves to let them relax and go out for a stroll.

After going out from the library, Bailiyuan was going to take the elves to have a good time in Akamoy.

Because this library is not open to the outside world, the books in the library are all in the form of books, many of which do not have electronic versions, and the books do not support take-out.

Therefore, if you want to take out the contents of some books, you can only go to the copying area to copy the books, but the number of copies per person per day is also limited.

If you want to bring out more, you can only copy it yourself. Of course, there are other methods that can also be used.

As long as the books in the library are not destroyed or stolen, what you can take away from here, how much you take away, and how you take it away, it has nothing to do with the library.

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