Chapter 2904 The strongest summoner?

The young people among the guardians of the human race are naturally the three who have become guardians in recent years.

Andy, then Bailiyuan, and finally Huo Chaofan.

Huo Chaofan was the latest to become a guardian, and he also practiced martial arts and superpowers. It can be said that he has two blossoms, and there is no obvious shortcoming in strength.

Andy holds the power of the law of causality, which is more dangerous and stronger than Huo Chaofan.

The strongest is naturally Baili Yuan who faintly reveals the strength of the second-level guardian.

In fact, Andy was also surprised.

Because Andy remembered that the last time he saw Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan was the first-level guardian. Before this year passed, Bailiyuan jumped to the second-level guardian.

Perhaps this is the gap between people.

To get to the meeting place, even Galatron would take a long time to fly.

The big world is too big.

In addition to the wild, this road will naturally pass through the territory of some other races.

Both Andy and Huo Chaofan are fine. They have seen the scenery of other races near the human race, and they have also experienced in the territory of these races.

On the contrary, Bailiyuan was very interested in everything.

Doesn't Bailiyuan like traveling?

Of course he likes it.

But the problem is that he was not given a chance.

When everyone saw Bailiyuan lying on the window, staring at the scenery with wide eyes, they realized that Bailiyuan was a child.

Naturally, this route is not absolutely safe.

Even if you choose a safe route, you may encounter monsters and monsters on the road.

Of course, there will be robbers blocking the way in some chaotic areas.

There may also be forces that do not want the human race to participate in the meeting and want to suppress the human race, and will do something to the human race.

At this time, the four guardians on the bright side need to take action.

They did not choose to hide their tracks.

It also has the meaning of drawing out secret enemies.

In fact, after knowing the troubles he might encounter on the road, Bailiyuan secretly took a deep breath.

"So much trouble?"

"It's just that these troubles may arise." Andy said.

"It's not necessarily..."

Bailiyuan looked at his panel.

The Pope of the God of Fate: You are the Pope of the God of Fate, you will be favored by fate, your luck will be improved, and the probability of encountering events will be increased.

The translation is that when this character is set as a companion, it is easier to encounter enemies in the wild.

After leaving the territory of the human race, everyone became slightly vigilant.

When we got to the wild, the monsters blocking the way appeared.

A huge bird monster appeared, took Galatron as its prey, and swooped down on Galatron.

Seeing this, Huo Chaofan opened his eyes slightly, "Leave it to me!"

The spiritual power spread out of Galatron, turned into a sharp blade, and directly pierced the spirit of the bird monster.

A diamond-level monster can only be instantly killed in front of a colorful-level guardian.

And this kind of magical beast that will attack people actively cannot be kept.

Then a special space channel appeared beside the monster, sucking the monster into it.

"That's my mental space, which is usually used for storage." Huo Chaofan explained simply.

The heraldry space that comes with the coat of arms is too small, so those who are capable will study space methods, at least they must have a larger portable space.

Or space equipment.

Galatron moved on.

The emergence of birds of warcraft is just the beginning.

Then there are many kinds of Warcraft or strange monsters attacking Galatron.

However, among them, there are only a few diamond-level monsters like birds and monsters, and most of them are not even diamond-level.

It's not even diamond level, and it's useless to attack Galatron.

Because those monsters might have seen Galatron from a distance and were ready to attack, but in the blink of an eye, Galatron flew over their heads and took away the hair on their heads.

At most, they were unwilling to release long-range attacks from a distance, trying to stop Galatron from moving forward, but doing so could only let them vent their emotions, unable to rage.

Only those alien species with extraordinary talents can keep up with Galatron's speed.

But when these alien species are about to attack Galatron, the people in Galatron will attack them.

This kind of extremely fast alien species is more valuable alive than a corpse. If you sell it to a professional summoner, you can sell it for a good price, but the number of alien species is extremely rare.

Along the way, only Andy caught one.

And the scene was bought by a summoner in the team.

Even if it is a friendly price, Andy can be regarded as a small profit.

"I remember that the guardian of Bailiyuan is a summoner. If there is no accident, the guardian of Bailiyuan may be the strongest summoner among the human race." Hua Shi said with a smile.

"Really?" Baili Yuan scratched his buttocks.

Johnson nodded, "It is relatively difficult for a summoner to become a guardian, because more resources are needed to cultivate contracted beasts. In the history of the human race in the last thousand years, there are only three summoners who have become guardians, and they can reach Bailiyuan You are the only one who has achieved such an achievement as a guardian. As for the guardian of the stronger summoner profession, I have never heard of it."

"So it is not an exaggeration to say that the guardian of Bailiyuan is the strongest summoner of the human race at present."

Everyone else looked at Bailiyuan.

A title of the strongest is indeed very attractive.

"I'm just stronger. My experience in fighting as a summoner is no match for those seniors." Baili Yuan said seriously.

"Sometimes, absolute strength can make up for the lack of experience." Hua Shi said with a smile, "Because the summoner can fight with the contracted beast, in most realms, he is a stronger existence in the same realm. The stronger the realm of a summoner, the greater the gap between him and other professionals of the same realm."

Baili Yuan looked at Andy, "Is that so?"

To be honest, Bailiyuan really didn't feel much, because he seldom fought against professionals in the big world.

Andy nodded, but looked at Bailiyuan with complicated eyes.

In Andy's memory, Bailiyuan doesn't seem to often fight as a summoner.

As for the strength and configuration of Bailiyuan's contracted beasts, even Andy didn't know, but he knew that the potential and strength of Bailiyuan's contracted beasts should not be bad.

After all, Bailiyuan has awakened a rare special talent that can go back and forth between the two worlds.

In response to the compliments from others, Baili Yuan sighed silently.

"A grown-up's compliment, an adult's hypocrisy, hum~"

Then Baili Yuan scratched his head with a smile, and laughed, "You guys say that, how can I be ashamed."

Huo Chaofan hesitated to speak.

Because Huo Chaofan noticed, Bailiyuan couldn't stop laughing.

"Is this the hypocrisy of the predecessors?"

It's just that the good time didn't last long.

The hill in front of Galatron suddenly exploded, and a huge monster emerged from the mountain, heading straight for Galatron.

The visitor is not good!

Everyone's complexion changed.

Sure enough, the enemy appeared!

Bailiyuan shouted loudly: "Galatron, kill it!"

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