Chapter 2902 World Conference

Bailiyuan received a new task.

However, most of them were notification documents from Akamoy, asking Bailiyuan to pay attention to the surrounding area where he was stationed to maintain law and order.

And let Bailiyuan report the situation of the stationed position and strengthen the vigilance.

The work is not complicated, just troublesome.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan is not alone.

These things were handed over to the Misaka sisters by Bailiyuan, led by elves above level 95.

Outside of Linhai, there are still many cities, which are actually under the jurisdiction of Bailiyuan.

If there is any problem within these ranges that even the great heraldry envoys can't solve, someone will notify Baili Yuan to come forward.

Fortunately, the outside of Lin Hai has been relatively peaceful.

The Misaka sisters also often go shopping in the outside cities, and they are very familiar with the outside cities.

Those cities can't compare to top cities like Yuncheng, and they don't even have a particularly large city, but they still have all the internal organs.

Bailiyuan sat in the research institute, watching the Misaka sisters come and go, like worker ants.

However, what the Misaka sisters transported was not food, but information from the outside world, as well as shopping bags and frog figures one after another.

"Wait, why does it feel like the Misaka sisters are suddenly so keen on shopping?" Bailiyuan asked in surprise.

"Because of this mission, you will be responsible for reimbursement of expenses incurred when going out, and you will not be paid their wages." Caroline replied.

"When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"The investigation order they asked you to sign before they went out contained this matter, but you didn't read it carefully."

"Are they going to plot against me?"

"You think they are too naive."

The Misaka sisters are also growing up.

In addition to Lin Hai's surroundings, Baili Yuan also received reports from Yuncheng College and the Demon King's Sect. The content was that everything was fine and there was no confusion. They asked if there were any special instructions.

However, Bailiyuan only allowed the Demon King Sect to continue to develop steadily, and Yuncheng College didn't say much, because Bailiyuan was no longer the dean of Yuncheng College.

Although Yuncheng College can be regarded as the power of Bailiyuan and Andy, in terms of status, Bailiyuan and Andy do not have the right to interfere with the affairs of Yuncheng College.

According to Andy, they only need to ensure that the power of Yuncheng Academy will not be used by others.


Baili Yuan curiously checked the system panels of everyone around him.

Although he can't see other people's system panels, he can let others write out the panels for him.

Because from the panel, many things that have not been discovered before can be found.

Of course, this situation is just curiosity when encountering new things, and Bailiyuan will almost return to normal after a while.

But when Bailiyuan was hiding in his research institute, Andy, who hadn't seen him for a long time, came again.

"Andy~" Bailiyuan flew away.

About to hit the mountain.

Then one foot wearing high heels blocked Bailiyuan's face, blocked Bailiyuan, and kicked back to the sofa by the way.

"Long time no see, you haven't changed at all." Andy greeted Bailiyuan.

But Bailiyuan could sense that Andy's face was full of tiredness.

Andy has been investigating [Innocence] since he met An Qi.

Regarding the story between the pair of sisters, Bailiyuan didn't know much about it, nor did she take the initiative to investigate it.

It's just that when Andy investigates An Qi, he silently provides financial and intelligence assistance behind the scenes.

But the energy of Bailiyuan is also limited.

Even the energy controlled by Bailiyuan and Caroline may not be comparable to the energy controlled by Andy for many years.

What's more, there is a [Guardian] organization behind the scenes to help Andy.

What is certain is that the story between Andy and An Qi is definitely not simple, and An Qi may be very important to Andy.

It could also be that the absence of Angie is important to Andy.

Because the previous fights between their sisters were all deadly.

But even though Andy's expression was a little tired, it still didn't affect her stunning look, but instead gave her a little more pitiful coquettishness.

Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they are.

This time Andy came to look for Bailiyuan, not specifically to see Bailiyuan.

After entering the research institute, Andy greeted everyone and took out a gift for Nicole, but he didn't find Nicole.

Shirakawa Junko explained Nicole's whereabouts to Andy, and Andy felt a little sorry.

After taking two sips of Shirakawa Junko's hand-brewed coffee, Andy did not hesitate to praise her, but then Andy was about to get down to business.

"Pack up your luggage and let's go." Andy said.

"Let's go? Where are you going?" Baili Yuan asked puzzled.

"Go to the World Conference!" Andy looked serious, and his red lips parted lightly: "Because of the matter of the racial system, the various races decided to hold a World Conference to discuss the future development of the world, and it is also to appease the emotions of people of all races around the world. .”

Andy continued: "Actually, a small meeting was held on the Internet between the major forces of human beings, and human beings have also decided to attend this world conference. Human representatives need guardians to accompany and protect them. I decided to go to the World Conference to see. Take you with me by the way."

"A meeting? How come I don't know about such a big thing?"

Bailiyuan blinked.

"In order to prevent others from stealing information, the candidates for the World Conference are all notified privately." Andy explained, "After all, in this big world, although there are a lot of human beings, compared with those unique races, the human race, It's only average."

The human race in the big world is stronger?

It's really not weak, even the supreme powerhouse doesn't know how much it hides.

But in the whole big world.

Human race can only be ranked in the middle.

And those races that are stronger than the human race are not all friendly to the human race.

This world conference is not only for discussing the future, but also for communication and exploration between various races and forces.

The emergence of the racial system is also a challenge to the previous world rules. If this meeting fails to achieve a good result, it is likely to cause drastic changes in the world, and even a racial war.

And because of the [Innocence] matter, many races have already developed resentment against the human race.

So human beings attach great importance to this meeting, the representatives are in charge of negotiation, and the guardians are in charge of protecting the representatives and showing strength.

At least let other races know that Terran has not become weaker and has potential.

Therefore, the guardian candidates in charge of this world conference have also been considered.

In order not to be stolen by others, the candidate is notified in private.

There are two requirements for the selected candidate, one is strong, and the other is young.

Both Bailiyuan and Andy belonged to the young guardians, so they were naturally chosen.

"This time, there will be a powerful second-level guardian of human beings following in secret. You and I are filling the stage in front of the stage. This World Conference is very important, so we must be more careful." Andy looked serious.

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