I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2895 Nicole's trump card? !

"Come on, Dumb King!"

"Run, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

Two more elves appeared.

Kabu's fighting elf is a fire-attributed wind speed dog.

However, Nicole's Dullking is very different from the usual Dumbking, because it is a Galar Dumbking!

Compared with the ordinary Dull King like King Youzai, Galar Dull King looks more like an evil wizard, with a smirk on her face, and she also has more dangerous attributes!

Galar Dumb King, poison + super power, level 75.

Wind speed dog, fire, level 78.

The level of the wind speed dog is still higher, and the sunny weather at this time is also beneficial to the wind speed dog.

The sunny weather is not unlimited, but it is not yet time to disappear.

Moreover, as soon as the wind speed dog appeared, it showed a good momentum, and the characteristics of the wind speed dog played a role.

Intimidating feature: Intimidate opponents when they appear on the field, make them flinch, and reduce the opponent's attack.

Facing the pressure caused by his characteristics, Galar's Dumb King inevitably took a few steps back.

However, the effect of the intimidating feature ends here, and it does not reduce the attack of Galar Slow King.

Because there is a special powder sprinkled on the shell above Galar's head, which prevents his attack from being reduced.

This is the characteristic of Galar Dumb King——

Characteristics of strange medicine: it can spray medicine from shells to restore the change of our party's ability.

However, just as Galar Dullking stood firm, the Wind Speed ​​Dog had already charged in front of her, knocking her back fiercely.

The moment the wind speed dog landed, the wind speed dog ran up and used the speed move.

There is no need for Kawu to command, this is a tacit understanding between the trainer and the elf.

Seize the opportunity with super speed, and then use extreme speed and fire to completely defeat the opponent.

Nicole will never be given a chance this time!

Neither Nicole nor Galar Dumb King panicked.

Galar Dull King let out a laugh, and began to quietly recite the spell. The power of the super power spread from Galar Dumb King, spread around circles, and shrouded Wind Speed ​​Dog's body.

"This is...not good, it's a weird curse! Wind Speed ​​Dog, use God Speed ​​to interrupt her!"

The strange curse is a special ability mastered by Galar's Stupid King. It can not only attack with super powers, but also cast a curse on the opponent, making it more difficult for the opponent to use the moves used before.

The seal is the same move that both parties have learned before, and the strange curse can be regarded as a weakened version of the seal, which can only partially seal the moves that the opponent has used before.

However, the strange curse is aggressive, and its attack power is not low.

When the wind speed dog wanted to rush up to interrupt Galar's dull king again, it was inevitably affected by superpowers.

The super power is like a wave, spreading out from Galar's dull king, forcing the wind speed dog that is approaching Galar's dull king to retreat, pushing the wind speed dog back continuously.

The superpowers of Galar Stupid King are more powerful than ordinary Stupid Kings, because Galar Stupid King has the ability to control other creatures.

However, Wind Speed ​​Dog's will is firm, and with the trainer standing behind him, Galar Dull King can't control Wind Speed ​​Dog casually.

Moreover, Galar Dull King did not choose to use powerful super powers to attack, but instead started to release a large cloud of venom at the wind speed dog.

Venom Bomb!


The wind speed dog who was just affected by the strange curse was still a little dizzy, and was directly hit by the venom bomb, blowing him out.

However, the wind speed dog turned over deftly and stood firm again.

However, a tinge of purple began to spread on Fengsu Dog's body, and the purple color in Fengsu Dog's hair was particularly eye-catching. Fengsu Dog couldn't help whimpering, and his body trembled slightly, but soon his limbs exerted strength, and he stood up straight again .

"What a strong poison!" Kawu was a little surprised, and hurriedly commanded the wind speed dog: "Overheating!"

Defeat opponents directly with the strongest flame moves!

Galar Dumb King yawned at Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The wind speed dog released a large flame and enveloped Galar's dull king, but then the wind speed dog felt that his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

The yawn move will infect the opponent after a while and fall into a deep sleep.

Wind Speed ​​Dog hastily shook his head, trying to stay awake, but his footsteps inevitably became chaotic.

When Wind Speed ​​Dog looked at Galar, who was shrouded in flames, he saw that Galar was erecting several walls of light to protect himself in it.

In the end, the wind speed dog fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep, but showed a painful look from time to time.

The toxin is eroding the wind speed dog's physical strength.

Kabu clenched his fists.

The use of Galar's Dumb King moves is always just right.

You don't even need to read it first, it's like a hack, you can always seize the opportunity, release the skills you should release, and defeat your opponent.

And as the attributes of the super-powered spirits on the field became stronger and stronger, this emotion became more and more obvious, and the battles of the spirits became more understated.

"Is this super power?" Even though Ka Wu hadn't seen many powerful super power trainers, at this time he also thought that Nicole's achievement of this step must have something to do with super power.

"I even heard that some superpowers can use their superpowers to assist the superpower spirits to release moves, making the power and effect of the moves more powerful."

"She shouldn't have used a similar move before."

Kawu thought a lot in an instant, but he didn't take back the wind speed dog, but called out instructions while thinking.


Wind Speed ​​Dog heard Kabu's voice before falling asleep.

The wind speed dog lying on the ground got up again.

Sleep talk move, which allows the sleeping elf to randomly release a learned move.

And if there is the correct training method, you can even control the choice of moves released by Sleep Talk.

The wind speed dog got up, and the move that Feng Speed ​​dog released in his sleep talk was - crush!

Evil attribute moves, restrain superpower attributes.

Galar Slow King chooses to use defend.

The wind speed dog successfully released the crush with sleep talk again.

Galar Dumb King chooses to use a stand-in.

"Support the poison." Ka Wu muttered, and reluctantly put away the wind speed dog who was tortured by the poison.

However, perhaps because of Galar's delay with the yawn move, the remaining physical strength of the wind speed dog is running out.

Kawu knew that the wind speed dog would not be able to play again.

Now it's a big disadvantage!

Kabu's next elf is——

Flame Queen, poison + fire, level 80!

Finally, the only female elf in Kabu's team appeared.

The sunlight in the arena has returned to normal.

The sunny weather is over.

However, at this time Nicole took the initiative to take back the Galar Dumb King.

The Flame Queen has reached level 80, even if Galar Slow King can leapfrog the battle, it will be difficult to deal with the Flame Queen.

Not to mention the bloodless Galar Dumb King.

And then there is no need for Galar Slow King to consume the Flame Queen.

When Nicole took Galar away, Kabu realized that Nicole was going to get serious.

"What's her trump card?" Ka Wu thought, but also looked forward to it.

The disadvantage will not make him afraid, but will continue to stimulate his fighting spirit! Let the flames of war in his heart burn!

The elves that Nicole used before are all elves with Galar characteristics.

Is it the same for Nicole's next elf?

Finally, Nicole threw the elf ball in her hand.

The elf ball that Nicole threw out this time was not an ice hockey puck, but a purple elf ball with an "M" standard on it.

Master Ball!

It is said that it can subdue elves 100%.

But in fact, Master Ball is often used to subdue——

Nicole's sprite appears.

A big purple bird floats in the air.

The appearance of Frozen Bird Galar!

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