Chapter 2890 Brother, if you really can't do it, give me back the moomoo milk

Dust Bowl, somewhere.

"Array soldiers, I want to subdue you!"

The soldiers in the array looked at the girl standing in front of them with the female monster power, and they were all confused.

But since someone has come to challenge them, they will not avoid fighting.

If the opponent is really stronger than them, it doesn't matter if they are subdued.

"There are really formation soldiers here." Mary said in surprise.

Caidou also intends to subdue the array soldiers.

Unexpectedly, after some searching, a group of soldiers was actually found on the edge of the sandy depression.

"This place is already close to the edge of the dust depression, and it is easy to find elves that are common in other areas." Magua explained.

Bailiyuan didn't intend to take the three of them to roll stones in the sandy depression all the time, so after they had almost practiced, Bailiyuan took them out of the sandy depression.

There is a lake in the front area, which is also the area to practice next.

"If we go this way, will Master Xiaoyuan take us to Jiqing City?" Magua thought.

And Caidou also started to fight the array soldiers with strange power.

Compared with Bailiyuan's formation, the level and strength of this formation was obviously higher, but even so, Caidou still fought with the strange force and charged forward.

Baili Yuan stood aside with his arms around his shoulders, watching Cai Dou and Wei Li's battle, and nodded slightly.

Cai Dou is worthy of being a genius, it was just a period of teaching, and now Cai Dou has a good fighting style.

In the end, the array soldiers were successfully subdued by Caidou.

"The leader of the array, can I walk in front of you?" Cai Dou just made an excessive request to the leader of the array as soon as he subdued the array.

The leader of the array didn't say anything, he raised his leg and started kicking Caidou's ass.

Although Cai Dou defeated them with strange power, Cai Dou still didn't have the qualification to walk ahead of them.

This made Cai Dou a little disappointed, and looked enviously at Baili Yuan and the soldiers in formation following Baili Yuan's ass.

Caidou knew that what Bailiyuan could make the soldiers follow behind him was not relying on great strength, or even the bond between trainer and elf, but relying on Bailiyuan's strength as a fighter.

This kind of power is beyond strength!


edge of the lake.

Bailiyuan sits on the shore and fishes daily.

There are many fishing friends similar to Bailiyuan nearby.

The atmosphere was harmonious.

But on the far side of the lake, Ma Li, Ma Gua and Cai Dou, wearing tight-fitting swimsuits, are suffering.

A new special training has begun.

The three people in the water and their elves, carrying heavy loads, were doing some special postures according to Bailiyuan's request.

These special postures are the special body-building postures of the world of heraldry, and they have good effects even if they are used on people in the Pokémon world.

It was extremely painful.

The reason why the three of them were asked to practice in the water was because it would increase the difficulty and pressure for them, allowing them to quickly discover the potential of their bodies.

Bailiyuan was also silently paying attention to the situation of the three of them, making sure that they would not overdraw their bodies.

"I'm not a fighter, why do I need such special training?" Mary asked puzzled.

Panting, Magua spat out the lake water in his mouth, and explained: "The body is the foundation of trainers and elves, and the foundation of strength. If the body becomes stronger, then the growth of strength will be much smoother."

"That's right." Caidou nodded, "Trainers must also become stronger. Those powerful trainers all have strong physical fitness, and they can even command elves to fight for several days. If there is no strong enough physical support , cannot be done at all.”

Not only that, the trainer's battle is not only on the field, field battle is also an important aspect of the trainer.

This world is not all beautiful, there are many elves who are dangerous in the wild, and even trainers.

Even this is one of the conditions that distinguish ordinary trainers from elite trainers.

Fighting in the wild is not a game where the two sides stand in place and direct the battle.

Although there are many wild elves in the wilderness area, this is only a place for trainers to train them, and it can't be called a dangerous wilderness.

However, there are still many trainers who die here every year, or simply lose contact, and do not know whether they are alive or dead.

If you don't lay a good foundation, you will die faster when you wait for future dangers to come.

Especially in order to inherit the gym and challenge the champion, this one must be exercised.

Bailiyuan had already taught the three of them relevant moves and skills, and also gave them a reference for their future paths, and even helped them plan the selection and cultivation of their main elves.

Almost everything that can be helped has been done.

For the rest, the three of them need to practice hard, actively learn more knowledge, and keep getting stronger, and then get resources to grow in a virtuous circle.

"The master leads the door, the practice is on the individual, the more he guides the younger generation, the more he can understand such words." Baili Yuan sighed in his heart.

When Bailiyuan's first teacher, Shedu, taught Bailiyuan how to be a summoner, he taught Bailiyuan how to deal with the enemy quickly and accurately, which was different from the academic way.

It had a profound impact on Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan's growth was different from Shedu's.

Shedu commands the contracted beasts to fight, and then the summoner sneaks up and kills the enemy in unexpected places.

Although Bailiyuan fought with the elves, most of them took the lead and rushed forward, shouting "Kill me" while charging.


Bailiyuan fished for a few days, and Ma Li and the others also finished this stage of practice.

All three of them got some sun exposure. Well, Caidou couldn't tell if she was dark or not, because her skin color was not white in the first place.

But they are all the same, their eyes have become more determined, and their physical fitness has also become stronger.

"The training is almost done, but practice requires a combination of work and rest. Let's go to Jiqing City to have fun." Baili Yuan smiled.

Ma Li found out, she was the one who was mentally healthy among the three, and Baili Yuan naturally found out a long time ago.

But instead of not knowing where to enlighten them, it is better to let their hearts become stronger in practice, and then guide them out of the inner wall.

Perhaps only in this way, Magua will find out that the key to solving the problem in Zhan Jing Town is not that he has to become strong enough, Cai Dou will also find her smile.

As for Marie... probably in the future when she knows the truth about the Shouting Squad, she won't be unacceptable.

There is a road from Jiqing City here, so the four of them rented a car and planned to go to Jiqing City from the suburbs by car.

When he was leaving, Bailiyuan saw a fishing friend from the Air Force walking back in despair with his fishing rod on his back.

Bailiyuan, who was sitting in the car, stopped the fishing friends.

"Hey, brother." Saying that, Bailiyuan held the shiny ugly fish he caught today in his hand and shook it nonchalantly.

As soon as the fisherman walking on the road raised his head, his eyes were inevitably attracted by the flashing ugly fish, and he exclaimed: "It's amazing, oh, little brother, no, big brother, you are so beautiful. You are here Where did you catch it, brother."

The car did not slow down, and continued to move forward, but the speed gradually increased.

The fishing friend's footsteps became faster and faster, and then ran along.

Bailiyuan just smiled and shook the glittering ugly fish.

The fishing friend said while running: "Can you tell me the location, brother, if you can't, you can take me there, I will definitely not take anyone else."

"Look, I still have a bottle of Momoo's milk here, here you are, brother." The fishing friend threw Moomoo's milk into Baili Yuan's arms through the car window.

"Big brother, slow down, big brother." The fishing friend shouted while running, but did not wait for Bailiyuan's answer, the fishing friend continued to shout: "It's really impossible, you give me back the Momoo milk, big brother... ..."

The speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and the fishing friends disappeared.

Bailiyuan put away the flashing ugly fish, and then put Moomoo's milk into the fish pod under his feet.

There is no fish in the fish poke, but there are all kinds of snacks. There are three bottles of Momoo milk alone.

The other three people in the car didn't know what expression to use to look at Baili Yuan.

They were watching how Baili Yuan used a shiny ugly fish to fill the fish poke under his feet.

Why did this kind of person really catch the cherished shiny ugly fish!

Baili Yuan smiled slightly, leaned on the back of the chair, and sighed: "Isn't this a kind of fishing?"

Then Bailiyuan saw a frustrated fishing friend in front of him.

"Slow down." Bailiyuan said to Magua who was driving.

Finally, Magua couldn't bear it any longer, kicked the gas pedal and rushed into the distance, startling the fishing friends on the side of the road.

When the fishing friends on the side of the road raised their heads, they saw Bailiyuan's hand before he could take it back, and the shining ugly fish in his hand.

The fishing friend instantly understood, and then his complexion changed drastically, and he scolded angrily: "Isn't it just catching a precious elf? What's the air?"

"I'm not sour at all, really... woo woo woo."

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