I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2887 Mary's eyes lost their highlights again

The sun rose on the horizon, bringing light to the whole world.

The dusty depression was stained with the golden color of the early sun.

There is a gap in the stone wall on the side of a hill, and the sunlight shines into the back of the stone wall through the gap.

Suddenly there were footsteps behind the stone wall.

Ma Li leaned on the wall, followed by Hooking Eye, and came to the stone wall panting. She saw the light coming in through the gap.

The underground passage really has a road connecting the outside world, but this road is blocked by a rock wall at this time.

When she saw the sand outside and the early sun in the distance from the crack in the rock wall, Ma Li couldn't help but squinted her eyes, but couldn't hide her excitement.

"Finally, we're going out!" Mary was discouraged, and she couldn't help kneeling on the ground, and the next step was to let the elves break through the stone wall.

But when Mary raised her hand to touch the elf ball, she suddenly realized that all the elves had worked hard all night, and most of them were injured. Do the elves still have the strength to break the stone wall?

"No, the way out was blocked at the last moment, I don't want such an ending!" Saying that, Ma Li looked at the eye of the soul.

Hooking Eye stood beside Ma Li, tilting his head.

It's just a ten-level elf, and it can't penetrate the stone wall.

And at this moment, Mary suddenly heard something moving outside the stone wall.


boom! !

The stone wall was shattered, and a large swath of sunlight poured into the cave, illuminating everything in the cave.

Mary was shrouded in a shadow.

Mary looked up quickly. He saw a figure standing in front of her with his back against the golden sunlight, opening the way for her to survive.

"Ma Li, I'm not late." Baili Yuan's smiling voice reached Ma Li's ears.

Ma Li recognized it, and it was Baili Yuan who came!

"Master Xiaoyuan!" Ma Li shouted excitedly, with joy and grievance in her tone.

Also at this moment, Ma Li's emotions exploded, and with the last of her strength, she got up and rushed into Baili Yuan's arms, holding Baili Yuan tightly.

The child who just left home has encountered so much suffering and danger. Even Mary, who is more mature, still needs a warm embrace at this time.

Even though Bailiyuan is still a child, in Ma Li's view, Bailiyuan is something she can rely on.

Baili Yuan was taken aback by Ma Li's behavior, then smiled, hugged Ma Li with both hands, and gently patted Ma Li's back with one hand, comforting Ma Li.

"Welcome back, you've grown up, and I'm proud of you." Baili Yuan said softly, as if he knew everything that happened to Ma Li.

Hooking Eyes looked at Bailiyuan suspiciously, and suddenly felt that Bailiyuan seemed more attractive to it, but recalled the scene of Ma Li stepping on it before, so it decided to follow Ma Li.

Sometimes, the most suitable is not necessarily the favorite.

Even elves are more willing to choose a favorite side.

A pitch-black shadow merged into Baili Yuan's shadow along the ground.

In Bailiyuan's shadow, Shazi looked at Geng Gui who came back, just nodded in greeting, and continued to eat breakfast.

Under the slope behind Bailiyuan, everyone in the live broadcast team watched this scene with strange expressions.

Because this location is actually next to where they were stationed last night

The host was very surprised, but the scholar laughed and said, "Perhaps, as the master Xiaoyuan said, he really has been paying attention to his apprentice."

"Is this also a superpower? It's amazing!"

Magua folded her hands and smiled.

Cai Dou looked at Ma Li curiously. She was also a little curious about Ma Li, a disciple of Bailiyuan, especially when she knew that Ma Li majored in evil.

"Could it be said that Master Xiaoyuan is a trainer who is proficient in all departments, rather than a pure ghost trainer?"

There are two main paths for trainers in this world, one is to specialize in a certain department or a certain characteristic, and the other is to be proficient in all departments.

The trainers who are proficient in the whole series are more extreme, either because of distraction, coupled with limited talent, they can't be high enough to be low, and basically end up with elite trainers, or they are extremely powerful, with almost no weaknesses and shortcomings, and can easily You can have the strength of a champion.

Being a trainer also requires talent.

A powerful full-line trainer is more than enough to be a ghost-type gym master.

But Caidou knows that no matter what kind of trainer Bailiyuan is, she only needs to know that learning from Bailiyuan will make her stronger.

Just now, Bailiyuan punched another stone wall in front of her.

But compared to the previous few punches that knocked down the stick-tailed scale armored dragon, this punch seems ordinary, not very surprising.

"We will work harder in the future!"

Caidou also knew that it was impossible for Bailiyuan to stay and teach her all the time, so she had to study hard with Bailiyuan within a limited time, trying to learn as much as possible.

"Perhaps." Cai Dou looked at the formation soldiers lined up beside him, "I should also subdue a formation formation."

Warriors attach great importance to inheritance and orthodoxy. Compared with Mali and Magua, Bailiyuan's weight as a "master" is more important in Caidou's heart.

Now that Caidou recognizes Bailiyuan as his master, he must have the self-consciousness to be Bailiyuan's disciple, and at least tame one elf who is the same as his master.

And Caidou also made a decision.

That is, when there is an opportunity in the future, we must go to Chengdu to visit the dojo inherited by Bailiyuan.


Ma Li didn't sleep all night. After seeing Baili Yuan, she felt relaxed, and after venting, she fell into a deep sleep at some point.

Seeing this, the others didn't come up to bother.

However, the live broadcast team planned to bid farewell to Bailiyuan and the others.

"We still have a shooting task, and the owner of Xiaoyuan has also found his disciples, so we will not go forward with you." The scholar laughed.

Bailiyuan and the others did not stay.

Because the purpose of the two sides is different.

Next, the live broadcast team was going to carry out their own tasks. Before, they only chose to help Bailiyuan find disciples before choosing to act with Bailiyuan.

Now that Ma Li is back, Bailiyuan will guide his disciples, some things are not suitable for live broadcasting.

It is also impossible for the live broadcast team to follow the practice of Bailiyuan and others.

The parties bid farewell.

Each embarked on their own journey.

Meeting some people and parting with others, this is the way of a trainer, and it is also life.


Mary slept through the day.

When Mary woke up, she was still a little dazed.

Mary was sure she was safe when she found herself sleeping in a tent.

She remembered that before she lost consciousness, she saw Master Xiaoyuan.

"Master Xiaoyuan..." Ma Li sat up, only to find that her clothes had been changed.


"Could it be that Master Xiaoyuan and Magua changed my clothes?!" Ma Li's eyes widened, her cheeks instantly turned red, and her heart beat faster.

What a shame!

Why did Master Xiaoyuan and Magua change my clothes?

Don't they know that she is a girl?

How should I meet people in the future!

It's over, it's over, I've been seen by boys, I'm not clean, and I won't be able to marry in the future...

Mary, who had just escaped from trouble, lost her eyes again.

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