I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2880 gems on the relief

Mary was shocked to find that this place turned out to be an underground ruins.

The scale of the ruins is not large.

It looks like an altar, and there are two huge statues standing in front of the altar, which seem to be the guards of the altar. There seems to be something on the altar on the third floor. Behind the altar, there is a huge hollow relief.

It's just that for a moment Mary couldn't see what was carved on the relief.

While Ma Li was looking at the ruins, Morubek chased them down and jumped into the ruins.

Mary hurriedly leaned towards the altar with the elves, and turned around to watch out for Morubek.

Behind Morubek is the Huayan Monster following.

Mary didn't run away this time.

"There are no other elves here, and it's open enough to try to deal with Morubek and the Flower Rock Monster."

However, just as Mary finished speaking, she heard some strange voices behind her.


As if something was breaking.

No, something is breaking!

As soon as Mary turned her head, she saw that the statue of the guard standing in front of the altar was shattering, revealing what was inside the statue.

This relic, which was buried deep in the ground and had been silent for an unknown amount of time, was finally awakened by outsiders!

A soft light glowed around the ruins space.

Mary looked and found that the light sources were gems inlaid around the ruins one after another.

These gemstones have been treated somehow, and they can still be lit after all these years, giving off a soft glow.

The soft light dispelled the darkness in the ruins, illuminating most of the corners in the ruins.

A purple figure avoided the light and hid behind the altar.

However, Mary and the elves, as well as Morubek and the Flower Rock Monster, did not find that there were other elves here.

Because their attention was attracted by the two broken statues.

Two giants emerged from the shattered statue.

"What is this? A robot? A clay puppet? Or an elf?"

Mary really didn't recognize these two huge figures.

The two giants have the appearance of huge clay giants with many unexplained spiral patterns on their bodies, and the middle pattern looks like a crack, with button-shaped body parts.

These two figures are indeed elves.

Golem Golem, Golem Pokémon, Ground+Ghost. It is said that it was created by people in ancient times to protect Pokémon and humans. It uses enigmatic energy to act. As the labor force of ancient people, it is very loyal to the master's orders.

These two giant clay puppets were sealed here, and were disturbed by outsiders at this time, and now they want to carry out the master's order - guard and test!

Guard the ruins and test outsiders!

But from Mary's point of view, the two giant clay puppets directly launched a powerful attack on them.


Four huge palms slapped Mary and the elves.

The long-haired troll hurriedly pulled Ma Li to dodge, and the other elves stood in front of Ma Li and attacked the clay giant.

Suddenly, the two clay giants made a loud noise, which startled Marie's elves.

The ultimate trick of the ghost department - scare!

The elves were just taken aback.

"What are you doing so loudly?"

The hairy troll yelled.

Trapped here, running all the way, and being so scared by you, do you really think they are made of mud?

Marie felt the hairy troll's emotions, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore.

Who doesn't have a little emotion?

She has been frustrated one after another during this period, and she is still trapped here, but she is also full of resentment!

"Hairy troll, come on, wave of evil!"

Whatever the hell those two gigantic dolls are, give them a wave of evil first!

Hairy trolls and elves attack two golem giants.

Morubek took the opportunity to attack Mary.

However, when Moru Beco approached Ma Li, Ma Li suddenly turned her head and stared at Mo Ru Beco's eyes.

The expressionless Mary, with her gloomy expression and condescending gaze, frightened Morubek for a moment.

Even Morube could instinctively bow and shrink back.

It seems that, as Magua said, Ma Li has mastered a general move called "Ghost Face", which can also be called "Fear Face".

But Mary didn't realize it.

"Morubek, wake me up!" Ma Li shouted loudly, and still punched her directly.

This punch condensed all her unhappiness during this time!


Molu Beike's chubby little face was imprinted with a fist, and he flew upside down, almost hitting the Huayan monster.

The Huayan Monster looked at Molubeke who was knocked upside down and flew away, and then at Mali who was still maintaining her punching posture, and also floated backwards.

This human is kind of scary.

However, Mary, who vented out, was a little embarrassed. Although she was still expressionless, she was in a panic.

She just hit her head hot and hit her best friend Molu Beike?

When Morube can get rid of the control, will Morube have this memory? She shouldn't be angry.

The most important thing is that now she is facing Morubeco and Huayan Monster alone, isn't she a little impulsive?

Although she frightened the two elves now, wouldn't she be beaten like this when the two elves reacted?

Hey, come and save me!

Mary's embarrassment was clearly seen by the figure hiding behind the altar, which made the figure behind the altar laugh strangely.

But Mary's elves are fighting more and more bravely. It can be said that the battle is in full swing.

Because in this battle, Mary's elves learned a new evil move—siege!

Siege: Attack the target to cause damage. Except for Pokémon with abnormal status or dying, all Pokémon in the same party will attack the opponent.

The power of the move will change according to the attack type of the companion Pokémon.

Fortunately, although Marie's elves were somewhat upbeat, they quickly remembered that there was another trainer to protect.

The bad frog withdrew from the battle group and stood guard beside Ma Li, helping Ma Li out of the crisis.

The Bad Frog was given to Mary by the residents of Spike Town.

Before the bad frog became Mary's elf, the residents of Spike Town told the bad frog to protect Mary.

Even when the bad frog is sleeping, someone will whisper in the bad frog's ear that "you are the only one who can protect little Mary".

For a long time, the bad frog has been working hard to become stronger and protect Mary.

He rushed up just now, and was completely coerced by the effect of the siege move.

The Bad Frog thinks this move is a bit evil, so the Bad Frog takes Mary to distance himself from the elves

With bad frog protection around her, Mary breathed a sigh of relief.

The elves fought with two golems.

Evil moves are very effective against clay giants with ghost attributes.

However, these two clay puppet giants are not weak.

Although the two clay puppet giants have been sleeping, they both have the strength of the owner of the hall.

And if they are not completely defeated, strength will continuously appear in their bodies.

This level of fighting, they can continue to fight.

By the way, because of the fact that power is constantly emerging from the body of the giant clay puppet, it was once suspected that there was a perpetual motion machine hidden in the giant clay puppet.

But no one wants to experience it for themselves.

After all, are you sure you really want to feel the internal environment of ghost elves?

Mary also discovered this situation.

There are tigers in the front and wolves in the back. They cannot go to the sky or enter the earth. Mali can only think of other ways to save herself.

Looking around, Mary's eyes finally fell on the three-story altar and the relief behind the altar.

At this moment, the entire ruins were illuminated by the soft gemstone light, allowing Mary to see the whole picture of the relief more clearly.

What caught the eye was a huge hexagonal red gemstone inlaid on the relief.

Tomorrow is the holiday, let me tell you in advance, everyone will look at me, I will ask for a day off tomorrow

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