I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 293: Metaphysical Danger

At this time, Bailiyuan's own strength configuration can be roughly divided into the technological side and the mysterious side.

The technology side is very simple, it is the growth of Caroline's armor, and it does not require too much attention and energy from Bailiyuan. Bailiyuan only needs to increase Caroline's knowledge reserve and provide materials. Carlo Lin upgrades herself.

Moreover, the research on the technology side can also assist the growth of the mysterious side.

As for the situation on the mysterious side, it is much more complicated.

First of all, it needs to be emphasized that Bailiyuan's strength is basically his own race - Ultraman!

In other words, the starting point of Bailiyuan's strength should be himself.

Therefore, Bailiyuan's strength needs to be integrated around this aspect.

Bailiyuan's strength mainly comes from four aspects - heraldry, body, mental power, and other aspects.

Now that Bailiyuan is the envoy of the three coats of arms, Bailiyuan feels that he must not add any more coats of arms!

Because I can't make it through cultivation!

The two summoning emblems are okay, they have something in common, and they can cooperate with each other, allowing Bailiyuan to practice new operations, but if he awakens another occupational emblem, will Bailiyuan practice or not? What about practicing?

If you don't practice, it's a waste, and if you practice, you don't have energy for a while.

Therefore, Bailiyuan made a decision. If there were no accidents, he couldn't easily throw Easter eggs for the time being.

Because apart from the Giant of Light emblem on Bailiyuan's chest, the other two emblems all come from Easter eggs!

Easter eggs should be touched or touched, but for the time being, put them aside instead of smashing them.

As for the giant of light's coat of arms, it is related to Baili Yuan's own growth, and Baili Yuan must cultivate. Fortunately, the coat of arms of the giant of light is a coat of arms that matches Baili Yuan's race. Li Yuan didn't need to spend too much thought, as long as he had enough radiance to be able to transform in the first place when he was in danger.

In addition, when Baili Yuan left the world of Ultraman Leo, he also received some gifts from Fengyuan and the star clusters, which are the basic training methods for the growth of the Ultraman family and the cultivation of some basic skills. As for the future Bailiyuan's growth needs to be explored by Bailiyuan himself, after all, everyone's growth path is different.

The two summoner crests are now the main source of Bailiyuan's strength, but they are not the root of Bailiyuan.

The cultivation of the elves allows them to attend classes, and Baili Yuan doesn't need to bother too much. Baili Yuan and the elves practice together and occasionally feed them, which improves the intimacy between him and the elves.

As for the coat of arms awakened from the summoner's inheritance, Bailiyuan needs to comprehend and practice it himself, and it is also the most energy-consuming part, but Bailiyuan only intends to practice magic to the point of proficiency, because Bailiyuan does not He does not intend to develop this aspect as his mainstream strength. Magic is not suitable for the Otto family, even if the current coat of arms is the strongest coat of arms of Bailiyuan.

Carrying forward strengths, making up for weaknesses, and filling loopholes is the correct way to grow!

Therefore, in terms of the coat of arms, the growth of the giant of light is the main focus, and the two summoner coat of arms are supplemented.

Physically, Baili Yuan is about to practice martial arts.

You need to be strong to strike iron. Even with Caroline's armor, the armor is also used as an auxiliary. Ultraman's battle mainly relies on fists to hand-to-hand combat!

Fortunately, in the three years in the world of Ultraman Leo, Bailiyuan's fighting has basically taken shape, and he has also cultivated a lot of useful skills, and he has even practiced a good double-handed sword technique.

In fact, to be honest, without changing your body, even the flame chicken, it is difficult to win Bailiyuan in a short time by relying on fighting skills and not using skills.

In terms of body, Bailiyuan needs to increase his physical strength and strength, learn more fighting skills and increase his actual combat experience.

Fortunately, Yuncheng College has the conditions for Bailiyuan to grow up.

In terms of mental power, it is linked to superpowers and Ott's thoughts, and can even affect the use of magic.

This aspect cannot become Bailiyuan's normal ability, but it has to be practiced, because it is a hole card, and superpowers also have many applications in life.

The final other aspects include internal and external parts.

Inner is Bailiyuan's own abilities, such as the unawakened power of wind and power of sand.

These two abilities are now Bailiyuan's talent, and they can also help Bailiyuan's own growth, so they cannot be left behind.

If the two abilities are developed by Bailiyuan and applied in battle, then Bailiyuan will become the first Ultraman to walk with wind and sand!

The cultivation of chakra and spiritual power can be tasted and stopped as an auxiliary small means to make up for the gap, and the growth of Bailiyuan itself will also affect the growth of these two powers.

The external part is the guardian spirit Yu Zhibo Zhishui, Nutrition Express and Muji two dragons.

It can be regarded as external help, so Bailiyuan doesn't need to worry too much.

The only problem for the three is how to make the two dragons, Nutrition Express and Mu Ji, like wearing clothes!

Finally, Bailiyuan still has a big problem, and that is the genetic defect caused by forced degeneration!

In order to solve this problem, Bailiyuan continued to find a place that could instantly inject a lot of light energy into him.

However, Bailiyuan searched at Yuncheng College for a while, asked Shedu and Andy, but did not get an accurate answer.

In the world of heraldry, the two powers of light and darkness belong to that kind of rare power.

However, this does not mean that Bailiyuan has no chance to understand.


Bailiyuan left the academy again, and it was still Shedu and Mary who took him away, but this time they were going to the upper city of Cloud City—one of the top cities—the city of knowledge, Akamoy!

Andy once promised Bailiyuan to take Bailiyuan to Akamoy for a month and let Bailiyuan use the library card he got.

But recently Andy was very busy, and Bailiyuan seldom saw her, so it was Shedu and Mary who brought Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan didn't have any opinion on who took him to Akamoy, because what Bailiyuan cared about was whether he could find what he was looking for in Akamoy's library, which could inject a lot of light into him. Means of clues!

This time, Bailiyuan brought the elves with him, along with Shisui Uchiha, Nutrition Express and Muji.

Brother Pingtou was handed over by Bailiyuan to the scientific research team to take care of him. I hope Brother Pingtou will not cause any trouble, otherwise, I should study with Nutrition Express how to cook honey badgers.

There are two balls floating beside Bailiyuan - a white ball and a blue ball.

The white ball is a floating intelligent robot, and it has become Caroline's avatar at this time. Caroline understands the surrounding situation through this method.

And that blue ball is Akamoy's reward for the calm heart last time. Recently, Bailiyuan has been using the calm heart, because in this way, Bailiyuan's restless heart can be calmed down, and then he can You can read the book with peace of mind, and at the same time, it can keep Bailiyuan's mind clear and strengthen your memory. It is a must-have equipment for surprise review of the final exam.

"It's good to read more books, and it can also relieve the pressure of cultivation." Shedu said while sitting on the seat of the train.

Bailiyuan nodded, and then looked out of the window, a crow flew by outside the window, Bailiyuan felt that the crow seemed to look at him, then the crow flew away, leaving a feather that drifted away with the wind ...

"I want to get off!" Baili Yuan shouted suddenly.

"Xiao Yuan, what's the matter?" Mary asked suspiciously, and the others also looked at Baili Yuan.

Baili Yuan's face became serious.

"A crow flew by outside the window, and even glared at me!"

"Any questions?"

"This is a bad omen!"


Everyone: MDZZ!

The coat of arms makes the main line of the world about to start, and the first boss is on the way...

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