"Is Quanguan City ahead?" Bailiyuan stood on the top, looking at the city in the distance.

Caroline found information on Quanguan City from the Internet for Bailiyuan.

Fist City is a city located in the middle of the Galar region, and was the center of the Galar region a long time ago.

Quanguan City naturally has a gymnasium, and the trainer of the gymnasium is Qibana, a dragon attribute trainer. He is known as "the current strongest gymnasium owner in the Galar region", because almost all other gymnasium owners have lost to Qiba accept.

Among the Gym trainers who were defeated by Chibana, Magua was naturally included. When Magua was cultivating, she also went to challenge the Boxing Arena, which made Magua see the power of dragons.

But Magua is confident that now that he is also a gym trainer, he will no longer lose so completely. Plus now that he has Bailiyuan's guidance, he will only become stronger.

When he finishes his training with Bailiyuan, he might be able to kill Qibana instead. In that case, mother should recognize him.

Qibana is extremely powerful and has the title of "Dragon Storm". Although he is the master of the gymnasium, he possesses the strength of a heavenly king, which should not be underestimated.

But the curse of the Dragon Master also applies in the Galar region-every Dragon Master will encounter an Ice Master that cannot be bypassed.

When Qibana defeated the gym masters one by one, he met Magua's mother, Mei Rong, the ice master.

There is no more to the story.

Mei Rong is also the only gym master in the Galar region who has never lost to Qibana. This is also one of the important reasons why Magua did not have the confidence to face Meirong.


When Bailiyuan checked the information of Quanguan City.

Ma Li and Ma Gua didn't respond to Baili Yuan, but looked behind Bai Li Yuan, hesitating to speak and then wanting to say something, but they didn't know where to start.

Because I don't know when, behind Bailiyuan's buttocks, several little guys followed.

Those are six golden little guys.

A single little guy has a black spherical body, has two thick legs, and is covered with golden armor. It looks like an ancient Roman helmet and holds two small round shields in both hands. There is a notch on the front round shield and a golden horn on the forehead, and the helmet also protects the position of the chin.

The six little guys lined up look like a team of soldiers, and they also look like a caterpillar.

This is a kind of fighting elf in the Galar region-array soldiers!

Array soldiers, formation Pokémon, fighting attributes, generally consist of a leader and five followers. It is a Pokémon of six as one, and the orders of the boss cannot be disobeyed. It is used to team action, and will fight while changing formations.

Array soldiers are very similar to Eggs. They will try to maintain the integrity of the team. If one is missing, new members must be found, or other elves of similar size must be used to fill the missing position.

At this time, the pair of soldiers in formation was following Baili Yuan's buttocks.

Ma Li and Ma Gua looked at each other.

"If I'm not mistaken, this group of soldiers seems to regard Master Xiaoyuan as the boss." Magua said quietly.

"Although I don't know about the array soldiers, it looks like this." Mary replied in a low voice.

"I've heard that the array soldiers follow other elves, but I haven't heard that the array soldiers follow the trainer, and the number of this array is exactly six. They must have their own leader." Magua muttered.

Bailiyuan turned his head suspiciously, "What are you talking about?" When Bailiyuan turned his head, the formation of soldiers also moved their bodies, hiding in the blind spot of Bailiyuan's vision.

Ma Li wanted to talk about the formation of soldiers behind Baili Yuan, but when she looked up, she saw the six formation soldiers staring at them.

Under the watchful eyes of the soldiers in the array, Ma Li still lost the courage to tell the truth, she just reluctantly said: "No, it's nothing, we're just talking about what to eat for dinner."

"Then hurry up to Quanguan City and go to Quanguan City to have a big meal."

The array soldiers looked back.

Both Ma Li and Ma Gua breathed a sigh of relief, and they exchanged ideas with their eyes again.

The soldiers in the formation didn't seem to have any malice towards Baili Yuan, so it's better for them not to say anything.

Besides, Master Xiaoyuan may have discovered this formation long ago.


Naturally, Bailiyuan had already discovered this formation of soldiers.

This line of soldiers are wild elves, they saw Bailiyuan passing by by chance, were attracted by Bailiyuan, and chose to follow Bailiyuan.

The formations do have a leader, but don't mind having a stronger leader.

what is this?

Bailiyuan felt that he could completely change his name to the big head of the array soldier.

The elves like the array soldiers are many in one, and there are fetters and connections between them, and the improvement of strength is also affected by this.

Now the formation of soldiers chose to follow Baili Yuan, and this ability was naturally synchronized with Baili Yuan.

Baili Yuan could clearly feel that the formation behind him was being influenced by him and getting stronger little by little.

The speed of this kind of strengthening is not fast, but the victory is long-lasting. Perhaps if this lineup of soldiers is allowed to follow Baili Yuan for a few years, they will be able to grow to the strength of a heavenly king.

Now, they have just reached level 20.

It can be said that this is a group of very immature array soldiers. It is also because of this that they are more likely to be attracted by Bailiyuan and choose to follow Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan didn't chase them away either, a group of soldiers in formation was rather cute, and following behind them didn't have any effect, instead, they could gain the attention of the big sisters on the side of the road.

Sensing the gaze of the Galar sisters, Baili Yuan held his head high and walked forward with arrogant steps. The array soldiers followed behind Bailiyuan and began to learn Bailiyuan's way of walking.

Mary and Magua followed behind, silent.


The architecture of Quanguan City combines the ruins of the medieval city wall with a strong historical atmosphere. But it doesn't look old, but a blend of modern and ancient.

The main purpose of going to Quanguan City is to go north by car and go to the wilderness.

The wilderness area is a very good practice area, and there are many elves and trainers there, and there are many attractions nearby. It is a good place for practice and travel.

As for challenging the gymnasium in Quanguan City, neither Ma Li nor Magua had the idea. They planned to use the gymnasium in Quanguan City as the last goal on the road of practice.

Bailiyuan could only give up the idea of ​​subduing Qibana. However, Qibana is already strong enough, and at most he will discuss with Bailiyuan how to cultivate the dragon attribute. It is absolutely impossible for him to be called Master Bailiyuan like Mali and Magua.

Several people were visiting Quanguan City, but Bailiyuan's eyes always fell on a building in the distance from time to time.

That's the Fist Arena, where gym fights and other competitions take place.

At this time, in the boxing arena, the space is distorted, because there is a huge battle going on there.

It was heard that Chibana was fighting against the challenger, and the cheers on the scene could be heard far away.

Every gym master in the Galar area is extremely popular, not to mention the so-called strongest Qibana.

However, Baili Yuan's eyes penetrated the ground and saw the space under the boxing arena.

Below the Arena of Fist is an underground energy factory.

There, a terrifying presence is reviving.

And Bailiyuan was very familiar with that existence.

Because he fought.

That is the source of extreme giantization - Wuji Taina!

However, the Wuji Taina of this period is just a fragment and has not yet been revived.

The Wuji Taina that Bailiyuan met in the Pokémon Descending World before was the Wuji Taina who was sealed again after resurrection.

"It turns out that Wujitai was resurrected here, but it seems that it will take a long time for Wujitai to be revived now, otherwise I can use Wujitai again now, let my poisonous algae dragon and Wujitai touch each other, see Let's see who is the King of Dynamization."

In the home space, in a lake, the figure at the bottom of the lake seemed to have sensed the breath of Wuji Taina, and swam a few times with a little commotion, and then fell silent again.


After spending a day in Quanguan City, they took the train to the wilderness.

"What? Why buy an elf ticket?"

"Because you are followed by array soldiers, if they are not regarded as an elf, you still need to buy six elf tickets."

"We are one, so all I need is one ticket!"

Conductor: →_→

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