I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2864 the weight of the rock

Ninety is the level of a champion elf.

Level 80 is the level of the Heavenly King Spirit.

Level 70 is the level of gym spirits.

Two elves appeared in the field, and the audience cheered.

They didn't expect to see the appearance of the main elves of Magua in the first game.

Giant Charcoal Mountain is well known as the main elf of the Magua.

For a gym trainer, an elf at the level of Jutan Mountain is enough to support a gym, allowing the trainer to secure his position as a gym trainer.

But for some veteran gym trainers, Jutanshan's strength can only be regarded as up to standard, and the veteran gym trainers are embarrassed to go out unless they have a few heavenly king-level elves hidden in their hands.

That's why Magua doesn't have the confidence to face Mei Rong now.

Because Mei Rong was really capable of using a Heavenly King-level elf to beat him violently.

In the cheering fan area, the woman sitting on the No. 1 throne frowned and didn't cheer along.

The woman's eyes fell on Bangira.

After Bangira appeared, he roared as usual, with a carefree look. This kind of situation is very common in elves who are fledgling trainers. Generally, such elves are not very strong.

But the woman felt the danger from Bangira.

"That Bangira is definitely not an ordinary elf. This battle is dangerous for Magua."

Magua also sensed the danger of Bangira.

After all, Magua also raised a Benjila, so she has a better understanding of Bangira's situation.

Ordinary banjiras are generally two meters in size, the banjira cultivated by Magua has a body size of 2.3 meters, and the body size of this banjira on the opposite side has reached 2.7 meters.

Don't pretend, I've seen through you!

"How could it be so big?" Magua was puzzled, "Could it be a special individual like the Overlord."

But the Bailiyuan who can subdue such a Benjira can already be called "good hand" in Magua's heart, and Magua is also enthusiastic.

"Bangira, Rockfall."

Rockfall: Pick up small rocks and throw them at the opponent to attack.

Since I want to point out your rock attribute, then use rock attribute elves and moves to hit you.

Bangira used the power of the rock attribute to condense the rock in his hand, and then smashed it towards the giant charcoal mountain.

This move can pick up rocks on the ground, or condense rocks out of thin air, but the method of condensing rocks out of thin air is undoubtedly more advanced.

"Big Charcoal Mountain, don't dodge, use asphalt to shoot!"

Pitch Shot: Shoots sticky pitch that slows down opponents and turns opponents' weak points on fire.

For the giant charcoal mountain with the fire attribute, this move is extremely useful as a starting move.

As long as the attack hits the opponent, the next is the barbecue time of Jutan Mountain.

Moreover, the power of the falling stone skill is not particularly high, and Jutan Mountain can withstand it.

The rock thrown by Bangira hit Jutanshan on the body, knocking Jutanshan's thick body back again and again.

This scene made Magua's eyes sink.

"So powerful!"

A skill that is not particularly strong can cause such an obvious effect, which shows that there is a huge gap in strength between the elf who uses the skill and the elf who is hit.

But the asphalt ejected from Jutan Mountain was blocked by something and fell to the ground before it could hit Bangira.

"That is the invisibility rock defense? When!" Magua's eyes widened.

Invisible rock is to suspend countless rocks with invisible effect around the opponent, thus inflicting damage on the opponent who is replaced.

However, some trainers have developed this move, which allows the invisible rock to float around their elves and use it as a defense.

Just like now.

The problem is, Magua didn't see when Bangira used the invisible rock.

Even as a gym trainer, his elves couldn't use the invisible rock so covertly.

The corner of Bailiyuan's mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

What Invisible Rock pursues is that it is impossible to defend against, but can you still see it?

"Hey, Magua, let's see the weight of the rock."

Bailiyuan's voice reached Magua's ears.

Magua looked into the field.

Above the field, a huge black shadow enveloped the field at some point.

Countless people looked up, and then stood up in shock.

Mary and Morubek, who were sitting in the auditorium, stared wide-eyed.

"Rock collapse!" Baili Yuan said softly.

The huge rock was quickly condensed in the air by Bangira, and then waved and smashed towards the giant charcoal mountain.

Magua's eyes were heavy, but she didn't panic. Instead, she took the elf ball back to the giant charcoal mountain.

Then, the energy in the wristband on Magua's wrist was injected into the poke ball, and the poke ball swelled and expanded in Magua's hands.

The space above the arena began to distort.

This is—gigantization!

In Galar's characteristic battle, extreme maximization is an important part of it.

"Come on, Super Giant Charcoal Mountain!" Magua shouted.

The changed giant charcoal mountain appeared in the battle field.

The super giant charcoal mountain is huge, and the amount of coal on its body has become more and more, and it has gradually merged with the body. There are signs of rock cracking in the abdomen of the body, and a burning flame can be seen inside.

The appearance of the super giant charcoal mountain pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

And the super-extremely giant Charcoal Mountain with a huge size just waved his hand and knocked away the huge rock condensed by Bangira.

With extremely fast reaction and speed, Magua activated Jutanshan to become extremely giant and resolved the crisis.

But it's just flying.

Magua looked at the flying rock, "The condensed rock is so strong."

"Gigamax?" Bailiyuan also took back Bangira, also wearing a wristband on her wrist, and the power in the wristband made Bangira's elf ball start to expand.

"Come on, giant Bangira!"

The giant battle begins!

The super giant giant charcoal mountain took the lead in attacking.

"Extremely huge!"

Gigantic elves use ground attributes to attack, which can additionally improve the effect of their own special defense.

The specially made floor of the arena began to shake like a landslide.

However, the extremely giant Bangira stood firmly in place, unmoved.

"Extremely huge rock!" Baili Yuan said.

As Bangira launched a rock-type attack, a sandstorm set off in the arena.

At this moment, the power of the desert tyrant was unreservedly displayed.

"Fighting against me, Jiju, was your biggest mistake!" Bailiyuan said.

If it's a normal match, Bangira can still play the point game, but if it's a super giant match, then the super giant Ju Tanshan will have no chance.

Moreover, Bailiyuan dared to say that no one understood Gigantach better than him.

In the face of the absolute power gap, there is only one ending for the super giant giant Tanshan.

That is to be killed in seconds!


Huge rocks fell from the sky like meteorites under the influence of sandstorms.

An ear-shattering sound echoed in the arena, and then the huge body of the ultra-giant giant Charcoal Mountain collapsed.

Gigamax, Tanshan exits Gigamax, and faints in the field.

Magua froze in place, staring ahead.

A sandstorm was blowing in the field, and in the sandstorm, the figure like a hill was looming, with scarlet eyes like the pupils of a devil, watching everything under its feet.

Magua suddenly realized.

It's not that he is too weak, but that the opponent is too strong.

You told him that this is the strength of the gym master?

Now tell him that this is the champion and he will believe it!

The woman sitting on the No. 1 throne in the fan stand also stood up, and after looking at Magua for a while, she turned her head to look at the figure standing behind the tyrant demon.

"Insta-kill with one hit, where did Magua find her opponent?"

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