I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2859 Teacher, I want to learn moves!

A terrifying wave of evil erupted, which directly caused the effect of clearing the field.

Mary and her friends were stunned.

You tell me this is the wave of evil?

You told me this is Morubek?

Don't make trouble, there must be some evil beast disguised as Morubek, that's right, it must be like this...

Then Ma Li saw her own Morubeke rushing towards Bailiyuan's Morubeke, laying on the ground, looking like she wanted to learn from her teacher.

Wait, didn't this Xiaoyuan say that he is a ghost trainer? Why is there such a strong Morubek?

Mary's expression was a little tense.

It's not that Ma Li has no expression, it's just that the external stimulation has never been so great.

This trick cleared the field very well. When the power of the wave of evil dissipated, both Super Bad Star and Squid King had completely rushed to the street, and they couldn't get up again.

Bailiyuan came to the head of the squid king, and used his mental power to briefly communicate with the squid king.

The cuttlefish king who lost the ability to fight was not stubborn either.

It was easy for Bailiyuan to understand the reason for the emergence of this small gang.

It turned out that there were occasional human beings who came here to explore, and when encountering wild elves, some people would take out energy cubes and feed them.

It's just that these people left simply. Among the wild elves who were fed energy cubes, some fell in love with the taste of energy cubes, and they never forgot about energy cubes.

However, not all human beings will feed energy cubes when they pass by.

So headed by this squid king, some elves who liked the taste of energy cubes gathered together and formed a small gang to block the way and rob passing trainers and snatch energy cubes.

So it makes sense that there are signs of "no feeding" in some wild places.

The strength of this small group is very strong. The toxin of Superbad Star and the hypnosis of Squid King make them work together without any disadvantages, and they have robbed many trainers passing by.

However, they were more measured and didn't hurt anyone. They just hypnotized the trainers and their elves and left with energy cubes.

"You can't let elf gangs like you attack people in the wild. If you want to eat energy cubes, then find a few trainers to be your partners."

"In view of your previous behavior, I will capture and imprison you as a gym trainer and hand them over to the alliance."

"Don't worry, the alliance will find a suitable trainer for you."

The strength of these elves is not bad. Although they grew up freely in the wild and lack perfect training, they definitely have a lot of combat experience.

As long as you train well, you can officially put into work.

It is impossible for them to be accepted as partners by powerful trainers, but they can join the alliance. There are still many departments in the alliance that need the assistance of elves.

Especially the squid king has a special elf with powerful hypnotic means, and the interrogation department can't have too many.

Super bad stars can also join the front line of the police officers' battle by virtue of their own toxicity.

When they eat public meals, there will be absolutely no shortage of energy cubes.

After Bailiyuan finished dealing with the elves, he took out the elf ball and began to subdue the elves.

When the elves heard Baili Yuan's words, they felt a little grateful and a little guilty, but they didn't resist and let Baili Yuan subdue them.

And Ma Li couldn't help but blinked her eyes when she saw Baili Yuan's appearance, and said in her heart, "This aura is so strong!"

Bailiyuan became serious, and Ma Li felt that Bailiyuan looked very tall.

No, that is an illusion brought about by aura, and that is the aura that only the truly strong can have. It's like a powerful elf with an aura.

With such an aura, it seems that he is really a gym trainer.

Wait, he can't really be a gym trainer! ?

While Ma Li was thinking wildly, Bailiyuan had subdued a few elves, returned to Ma Li, and rubbed his hands together.

"Darling, pay the fee, there is a fee for helping to deal with the danger."

Mary: "?"

Didn't you take the initiative to help?

And Bailiyuan then pointed in the direction of the two Moru Bekes, and said with a smile: "Of course, if Moru Bekes are to be taught and trained in evil-attributed moves, that would be a different price."

When Mary looked over, she saw that the two Morubeks were already playing together. Morubeco of Bailiyuan accepted Mali's Morubeco.

When Mary thought of Bailiyuan's Morubek's move of evil wave, her depressed heart suddenly became hot.

"If my Morubek can also do that kind of attack, then maybe I can really become the champion!"

Thinking of this, Ma Li didn't argue with Baili Yuan any more, but directly took out her passbook, handed over all the savings, and bowed to Bai Liyuan and said, "Teacher, I want to learn moves!"

As for Bailiyuan's identity and purpose, Ma Li doesn't care about it now, she only knows that Bailiyuan can help her become stronger!

What bullshit conspiracy and calculations, she only wants to gain strength now!

Baili Yuan showed a sunny smile, then raised his hand to take Ma Li's passbook, and pulled it several times before taking it from Ma Li.

Seeing the moody and angry Ma Li making such a gesture, Bailiyuan suddenly felt that Ma Li was very cute.

But here at Bailiyuan, cuteness is nothing compared to sexy.

"You are my student now. As a teacher and a gym owner, how could I ask for your money? Actually, this is your wish! The student's wish is taken by the teacher."

"You don't need to be distressed, you have to think about the future, money will not leave you, it will only turn into the strength of your elves, and stay by your side."

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, Ma Li's mood improved a lot, but... the money she had saved for many years was gone!

Caroline couldn't help but said, "Are you having a bad taste?"

"It's not, it's just that I know that free ones are the most expensive, and free ones won't be cherished."


Caroline said she almost believed it.


After receiving Ma Li's money, Bailiyuan also used the money to do things, and immediately began to guide Ma Li and Morubek.

Because the trainer and the elves are inseparable, Bailiyuan's teachings will naturally not miss the trainer.

And after teaching Ma Li, Ma Li can cultivate other elves with evil attributes by herself in the future.

The strength of Morubek is naturally not simply due to Morubek's own efforts, but also the cultivation of other world forces and resources.

That's the part that Mary and her Morube can't do.

But even with the resources of the Pokémon world, Baili Yuan can help Ma Li, and the knowledge of other worlds is not completely impossible to teach Ma Li.

And don't forget, Angela is also a master of evil attributes, and her strength is not weaker than that of many heavenly kings.

Angela also has good connections with masters of evil attributes in various regions, such as pear blossoms in Chengdu, Kagetsu in Hoenen, lingonberry in the river, etc.

They also share their thoughts on a regular basis.

They all have the breeding methods of most popular evil elves in the Pokémon world.

This knowledge alone is enough to save Mary a lot of detours.

Therefore, the money spent by Ma Li is no longer worth the money, it is simply a waste of money.

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