Chapter 2834 Brother Kotaro, you don't want Taiga to be bullied on earth, do you?

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki's words, not only Kudo Hiroyuki was moved, but also Taiga, Titas and Fuma were also excited.

Taiga: "Naruto, there is light in your heart!"

Titus: "Pure will deserves respect!"

Fuma: "As expected of my human body!"

"Then continue to practice hard, for the sake of the earth, and for those people who are in danger!" Uzumaki Naruto shouted.

"Okay! For the earth, for the light, for justice!" Kudo Yuyuki also shouted loudly.

Shirley's thoughts fell through.

Bailiyuan did not expect this to happen.

Kudo Yuyuki is accompanied by a hot-blooded man. Any negative emotions that Kudo Yuyuki has will be crushed by Uzumaki Naruto's mouth, and then he will become high-spirited.

Cutting off the waterfall is difficult for Uzumaki Naruto who has mastered ninjutsu and some other means of world power, but it is not impossible.

The difficulty is to do this only with body skills, not with the power of Chakra and wind.

As for Kudo Yuyuki, if you look at him alone as an ordinary earthling, it is almost impossible to cut off the waterfall.

But don't forget that he is the human body of two Ultramans, Taiga and Titas.

Kudo Hiroyuki, Taiga and Titas began to cooperate with each other with the help of Uzumaki Naruto, Fuma and Kyuubi's experience.

Just like Uzumaki Naruto turned on the Nine-Tails mode, they intend to try to let Kudo Yuyuki better grasp the power of Taiga and Titas.

The unity of man and Austria.

The effect is also gratifying, Kudo Hiroyuki, Taiga and Titas can feel that they are getting stronger, and the light is getting brighter and hotter.

Uzumaki Naruto and Fuma, who are stronger and have a better understanding, cut the waterfall first.

Then they continue their special training to strengthen the moves they have mastered.

Finally, in the evening.

With Kudo Hiroyuki, Taiga and Titas shouting together, the flowing waterfall finally broke in the middle.

Although it was only disconnected for a short moment, it also represented Kudo Yuyuki and the others finally crossed the threshold.

The hardest part is the step from zero to one.

"We succeeded!" Kudo Yuyuki was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

Taiga and Titas also cheered.

But then, perhaps because of the exhaustion of many days of training, and the exhaustion of the move just now, after being surprised, Kudo Yuyuki finally rolled his eyes and passed out.

Along with Taiga and Titas also lost consciousness.

On the one hand, they also exhausted their carelessness, and on the other hand, because they had a closer connection with Kudo Yuyuki's consciousness, Kudo Yuyuki fainted, and they were also affected.

Uzumaki Naruto hurriedly wanted to support Kudo Yuyuki.

Shirley was faster than him, she came to Kudo Yuyuki from the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye, and grabbed Kudo Yuyuki.

"So fast!" Uzumaki Naruto and Fuma couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's nothing, it's just the application of some space power." Xue Li maintained her usual expression and said coldly.

"Space power? Simple application?" Uzumaki Naruto and Fuma were a little speechless.

No matter which world it is in, space power is not that simple.

The application of space power in the ninja world is quite limited, and adaptation talents are needed.

There are also many creatures in the Ultra universe that can use space power, but most of them are powerful beings, and sometimes it requires huge consumption to exert space power.

For example, Ultraman's ultra-long-distance teleportation consumes energy, physical strength and even lifespan according to the distance.

As for Shirley, it is really not particularly difficult for her to master the power of space.

She does have a talent for space, but also because she has someone who is good at this aspect of strength to teach.

Of course, Shirley is a pragmatic person with a limited lifespan and energy. She is majoring in ice-type strength. As for space-type strength, she only mainly learns some abilities that can help her improve her combat effectiveness, and she doesn't learn other fancy things, or abilities that take a long time.

However, now that she has gained a long life because of her evolution into an Ultraman, she will be able to allocate a lot of time and energy to learn things that she could not dabble in before.

A long life is not to be wasted, but to be able to handle with ease when faced with choices and growth.

After holding Kudo Yuyuki, Shirley said to Uzumaki Naruto and Fuma: "You guys come here today, I will take him for treatment, you can have a holiday tonight, that's it, disband."

Saying that, Shirley took Kudo Yuyuki and left.

Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head.

"I don't know what I can do if I take a break. Let's go back to Iggis."

And after Shirley took Kudo Yuyuki away, Taiga's transformation device was in the hands of Tokotaro that night. After Kudo Yuyuki and Taiga woke up the next day, the transformation device had returned to them, and they didn't notice it. to any abnormality.


In the days that followed, the earth seemed a little peaceful.

Although Bailiyuan said that he would not contact Toko Taro anymore, he still sent a message to Toko Taro.

The purpose is naturally to discuss how to deal with Tregear's matter afterwards.

Hearing Bailiyuan's plan, Tokotaro hesitated.

"That's not good."

"Brother Kotaro, you don't want Taiga to be bullied on Earth, do you?"

Then Tokotaro had to agree with Bailiyuan's plan and was willing to cooperate with Bailiyuan.

There is no way to deal with philosophers, villains, and gatekeepers like Tregchia with ordinary methods.

The physical body is destroyed, but Tregear can continue to be resurrected.

Only the confrontation of spiritual concepts and wills can completely defeat Tregchia.

But the confrontation cannot be reasonable.

If he could explain the truth to Tregchia, Tregchia would not make Taro helpless. I feel that everything Taro says is fart.

Then there is only one way.

That was a blow to Tregear's faith.

If it is possible to recreate a wave of "light の miracle", gather the light of humans and cosmic beings from all over the earth, and put it on Taro or Taiga, making them shine.

It was definitely a fatal blow to Tregchia.

For this reason, Linyuan Technology has begun to contact various countries, launched a public opinion offensive, and guided the light in human hearts to favor Ultra fighters.

Whether the plan can be successful depends on the performance of Taro and Taiga in the future.

Grimud was blown so well by Kirisaki, and Tokotaro was also quite afraid. The pressure it brought must have surpassed that of Gatanjae.

The terrifying darkness has appeared, and the light has appeared. Isn't it a matter of minutes for Taro and Taiga to turn on the shining form?

"The special training of Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto has also successfully entered the next stage, the seal is beginning to become weak, and Grimud is about to escape."

"Brother Kirisaki, Tregear, I hope you can bear what is about to happen."

Bailiyuan looked at Kirisaki on the opposite side of the dining table, and couldn't help but add two more chopstick dishes to Kirisaki, making him confused.

"Is it tasty?"

"The taste is not bad."

"Then eat more."

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