Chapter 2827 Ice Crown Valkyrie, Ultraman Shirley


Taro called Taiga, but his tone was extraordinarily complicated.

There is the joy of reunion after a long absence, the expectation of a child becoming a dragon, and the unbelievable doubts of not being able to understand the situation at this time.

Has the battle on Earth become so "basic" now?

Although he also experienced some special battles back then, he never had such a wonderful battle.

The most important thing is, if you exchange the body of Ultra with the body of the machine, is your opponent really strong?

Hearing Taro's call, Taiga also woke up. Taiga didn't realize what he had just done, he cheered Taro's name, "Father!"

Just when Taro wanted to ask Taiga what happened, Tregear couldn't wait to appear.

"Taro, it's been a long time." Tregear said with a soft smile.

"Tregear!" Taro's head sank slightly, and he said solemnly, "Tregear, come back with me now, it's not too late."

As a friend, Taro will not let Tregear harm the universe, he will prevent Tregear from threatening the universe and invading the Kingdom of Light, but Taro wants to bring Tregear back to the Kingdom of Light himself, so that Tregear can Rekia is back on track.

If the arm is broken, use the foot; if the limb is broken, use the teeth; if the neck is broken, use the eyes; if the eyes are gone, use the last light; Tregear brings back the Land of Light!

"Hahaha..." Tregear laughed, walked to Galatron E-type, held down the Galatron E-type who was about to go up and attack, and replied to Taro: "Taro, you It’s still the same, nothing has changed.”

Taylor, you are still so stupid, you never know what I want, but you face me according to the thinking of the Kingdom of Light.

In this case, you will be at a disadvantage.

The "greetings" between Tregchia and Taro was short, and then Tregchia suddenly changed his tone and said, "But this time, your opponent is not me."

Taylor was a little puzzled, and then became vigilant.

This is the instinct of a warrior.

"Tregear, your opponent is me!" Taiga shouted loudly, about to attack Tregear. However, suddenly, Taijia felt his feet sinking, thinking something was wrong in his heart, and his body reacted quickly, tapping his feet was a front flip, avoiding the attack from under his feet.

When Taiga and Taro looked over, they saw a bottomless pit appearing where Taiga had just stepped on.

"Oh, it's really dangerous. Kindergarten children know how to be careful when walking." Tregchia said sarcastic remarks on the side.

Compared with Taro, Taiga is still too immature.

"Damn it, are you playing tricks again?" Taiga questioned Tregear.

Tregear spread his hands innocently, and at the same time hooked one of his legs to the Galatron E-type that was still about to rush out.

Tai Luo came to Tai Jia, helped Tai Jia up, and said seriously: "Don't be careless, be careful, there are still enemies."

Tai Luo's voice fell, and the ground collapsed again where they were.

Taro and Taiga hurriedly rolled over to dodge.

This time, a huge figure emerged from the ground.

This is a hideous figure, the whole body seems to have no skin, and it is pink like flesh and blood. Using two thick lower limbs to fight, the upper limbs are twisted and short, which looks particularly terrifying.

It is the cosmic erosion monster Ula.

Ula has fully awakened and entered the city, attracted by the battle that broke out in the city.

Because the two sides that broke out in the battle are existences with a lot of energy, for Ula, they are all "delicious" that can attract it.

"Gluttony, Ulla!" Taro exclaimed in surprise.

"Father, do you know it?" Taija asked hastily.

Taro nodded seriously, "I've heard of it." Then Taro briefly explained Ulla's horror, "It's just the first time I've really seen it. Taiga, don't be careless!"

After speaking, Taro threw off the cloak behind him, ready for the real battle.

Seeing the battle in the city and the loss of attributes, Asahikawa Mirika bit her lip and left without looking back.

She is going to do what she has to do.


Ula appeared and became the enemy Taro and Taiga had to deal with.

"Taija, if Ula cannot be defeated, then this planet will be in danger."

"I know." Taiga looked at Tregear again.

Now the enemy he most wanted to defeat was in front of him, but for the sake of the earth, he could only turn to deal with Ula.

Moreover, Xiaoyuan is still in the hands of Tregia, and he must find a way to save Xiaoyuan.

Just when Tai Jia wanted to talk to Tai Luo about Bailiyuan, in the universe, a ray of cold air penetrated the atmosphere again, fell into the city, and accurately hit Ula.

Obviously Ulla didn't react, there would be a sudden blow from the universe.

Ula, who was hit by the cold light, was frozen into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye and stopped moving.


Both Taro and Tregear pulled the people around them back, wary of anyone who appeared suddenly.

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up in Galateron's E-type body.

"Maintaining the peace of the universe is my task now!"

A cold female voice came from the universe.

What landed at the same time as the sound was an ice blue figure.

It was cold.

Taiga raised his hand to catch something falling in the air, and was shocked to find that it was snow.

The figure that appeared in the city was filled with cold air.

This is a female form.

Forty-eight meters tall.

The slender body, the wrists, knees, elbow joints, shoulders, and important parts of the chest are covered with transparent ice crystal armor, and on both legs, there are a pair of ice boots attached to the lower legs. On the forehead are three diamond-shaped ice crystal decorations, which look like a crown.

whose name is—

"Ice Crown Valkyrie, Ultraman Shirley!" Taylor revealed the identity of the comer.

"Ah~ Shirley~~"

Of course, this sentence was said by Baili Yuan in his heart.

The figure that appeared was the returning Shirley.

Shirley successfully challenged the warrior peak, gained the power of light, and transformed into Shirley Ultraman.

She chose to still use her own name for her transformation.

Then Shirley began to complete the task issued by the ring of light to maintain the peace of the universe non-stop.

With the help of her assistant, Shirley's task was completed extremely quickly.

Finally, she received the last task - to stop the action of the cosmic erosion monster Ula!

Then Shirley followed the guidance of the ring of light and chased all the way to the earth.

Kung Fu before and after with Ula, came to Earth.

Oh, and Tyro arrives in the middle.

Surprisingly, Taylor knew Shirley.

You know, Shirley has only been fighting in the universe for more than ten years. For the universe, ten years is very short, and it is difficult for a person to be famous enough to be known by everyone.

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