I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 287 The Summoner's House and the Goblin

The buildings and equipment of the clubs at Yuncheng College are very advanced.

In contrast, the clubs at Yuncheng College are not the kind of place to relax!

The association of Yuncheng College has two main functions - one is for students and mentors of the same profession to communicate with each other, and the other is to improve the strength of students here!

Because Bailiyuan has many coats of arms, the strength Bailiyuan has always shown to the outside world is the level of a junior coat of arms of the summoner profession.

Although Bailiyuan's strength is invisible to ordinary people, the substantial increase in the strength of the elves is obvious.

And Bailiyuan is not isolated from the world, the changes of the elves cannot be hidden.

The scientific research team was shocked by the sudden transformation and improvement of the elves.

Then this matter was reported naturally, but, to Baili Yuan's surprise, this matter was suppressed by Andy, and it did not have any impact on Baili Yuan.

However, Bailiyuan did not see Andy. Although Bailiyuan had never communicated with Andy, he could guess some reasons.

Andy's doing so may have something to do with Iron Mewtwo.

For a child who has a relationship with a beast, some strange things that happen will be easy for people to accept.

As for whether Andy has other ideas, Bailiyuan is not sure.

Andy is very busy recently, it is very difficult for Bailiyuan to meet her.

The architectural style of the Summoner's House is very simple.

The summoner profession is one of the ancient professions, and the natural society was established relatively early.

The Summoner's House looks more like an ancient martial arts gym from the outside, both the walls and the houses are made of wood.

Before coming here, Bailiyuan also knew about the situation of the Summoner's House. The Summoner's House is one of the summoner's associations, and all the members who join are summoners and their branches.

When Bailiyuan arrived at the Summoner's Home with Nutrition Express and Muji, the Summoner's Home was not closed, and there was no one guarding it. It seemed very quiet, telling the accumulation of time and culture...


A head protruded from the wooden wall of the summoner's house.

Fortunately, the walls of the Summoner's House are made of wood. If it were a stone wall, this person should have been headshot by now, but even so, the head that passed through the other side of the wooden wall was dripping with blood. Wearing the helmet, although his face was covered with blood and passed out, his life was not in danger.


Bailiyuan was silent for a while.

Nutrition Express and Muji showed expressions of great interest.

Bailiyuan looked at the plaque on the door, and it was indeed written with the words "Summoner's Home".

After a moment of silence, Baili Yuan took out his staff.

"Come out, Goblin Huddle."

Hedell appeared aggressively from the magic circle with a mace in his hand, ready to face the coming enemies.

However, Huddle did not see the enemy.

At this moment, Bailiyuan patted Heddle on the back.

"Go ahead and explore the way."

Huddle: "..."

Hedel could only move helplessly, returned after a while, and shook his head at Bailiyuan, expressing that there was no danger.

Then Bailiyuan tentatively walked into the Summoner's House with Nutrition Express and Muji.

"Is anyone there? Come out to pick up the guests~"

Bailiyuan stood at the door and called out, but no one came to receive Bailiyuan.

And Bailiyuan also saw clearly the situation inside the Summoner's House.

Well, quite lively.

At this time, in the courtyard of the Summoner's House, there were many people.

According to the equipment and strength, it can be seen that most of them are summoners, and there are some fighters and other professionals.

At this time, all the people are surrounding an area, they don't know what they are doing, they can only see people occasionally walking into the crowd, and then they will fly out shortly after, falling to the ground without knowing whether they are alive or dead, the one whose head pierced the wooden wall Unlucky Egg is one of them.

At this time, some humanoid creatures were picking up the dead people lying on the ground.

These humanoid creatures are called goblins, a kind of sub-human race with good nature and beautiful appearance.

The relationship between goblins and humans is very good, and they are the contract partners that many summoners will choose. Yes, goblins can be contracted.

Even if they are not elves under the summoner contract, there are still many elves living in human cities, either doing their favorite jobs, or wandering around.

Goblins are representatives of freedom. No one can force goblins to lose their freedom. Even those goblins who are contracted by summoners often travel by themselves or are taken by the summoner. Only some goblins who have participated in work will last forever stay in one place, but the longest period will not exceed three years.

The power of the goblin family is also very mysterious, with strange abilities, and there is also a legend that "any creature that hurts the goblin will be cursed", but no one has verified the authenticity.

The goblins who were active seemed to be the goblins working in the summoner's house, not like the goblins who were contracted by the summoner. At this time, these goblins were playing the role of first responders.

"I didn't expect there are goblins in this world." Muji sighed.

"Why, is there a problem with the goblin?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"It's not a problem. There was a goblin among my partners back then. Once the goblin was awakened, it was very powerful. Moreover, the goblin family was blessed by the gods. They were called gods who observe the eyes of the world, so they have a high status. , and it’s not easy to provoke, the most important thing is that goblins are the natural enemies of the dragon clan.” Muji said.

Bailiyuan was taken aback by Muji's words.

"Are goblins so powerful?"

In Bailiyuan's impression, the strength of the fairies in this world is more similar to that of ordinary people in the coat of arms envoys.

Muji nodded.

"But it's not absolute. These fairies with ordinary strength can't deal with me." Muji said.

"Speaking of fairies, I think of fairy dragons in Gensokyo..." Nutrition Express said, but then closed his mouth.

"Huh? What is the Fairy Dragon in Gensokyo? Is there any question?" Bailiyuan was very curious.


However, neither Nutrition Express nor Muji responded immediately.

Nutrition Express let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't ask any more questions. Fairy dragons should not exist in this world. They are the product of a love that breaks through the shackles."

Muji nodded.

Bailiyuan scratched his head.

Speaking half of it makes people even more curious!

When Bailiyuan wanted to ask another question, Shedu appeared in Bailiyuan's field of vision and walked towards Bailiyuan head-on.

However, although Shedu was able to move freely at this time, some bandages were still wrapped around his body, which proved that his injuries were not fully healed.

"Xiaoyuan, you're here." Shedu said to Bailiyuan, but his eyes scanned Nutrition Express and Muji.

I have seen and understood these two dragons, and then...

Shedu expressed that he didn't want to talk to these two dragons, and he still can't forget the scene with those hot eyes when he saw these two dragons for the first time...

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