Chapter 2807 Boss, Cai Cai, take it with you

"Neil Ultraman?!" Kirisaki recognized Junko Shirakawa, because Junko Shirakawa had thwarted his plan with the new generation.

"But since Neil is here, what about the mysterious Ultraman who appeared with Neil?" Kirisaki narrowed his eyes, his pupils turned around, and didn't notice anything unusual.

He was looking for Baili Yuan, but he didn't know Baili Yuan's identity.

At the same time, Kirisaki is also thinking about whether other Ultra fighters have also come to Earth.

"But it shouldn't be. This Neil may just be passing by. Otherwise, if other Ultra fighters come, based on the principles of Ultra fighters, after they learn my identity from Kudo Yuyuki, they should directly deal with me. Absolutely Not going to hide it and surprise me."

Bailiyuan was beside Kirisaki, hugging Kirisaki's leg, watching Neil and Bolei and Lightning fighting in the city.

Unlike Taiga and Fuma, Nier fought without any hesitation or hesitation.

Neil exploded at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he launched dozens of attacks against the thunder and lightning.

Even Taiga and Fuma's Otto vision can only see Neil's figure, but it is difficult for their bodies and reactions to keep up with her speed.

"So fast!" Fengma exclaimed in surprise, he was shocked that Neil's speed was even faster than him. Although Fuma knew the identity of Junko Bai Chuan for a long time, he never knew that Junko Bai Chuan was so powerful in speed.

However, there is still some difference between Neil's speed and Fengma's speed.

Although Neil has a faster speed, he is better at bursting and going straight, while Fengma is as light as the wind and has stronger skills.

"Where does this Ultra warrior come from?" Titas couldn't help but wondered, "I've never heard of her name in the universe."

Such a powerful female warrior should not be unknown.

"So strong." Taiga sighed.

Thunderbolt and Lightning was extremely angry and wanted to fight back against Neil, but Neil didn't give it this chance.

Thunderbolt and Lightning felt a pain in his stomach, and when he lowered his head, he saw that his belly button was gone.

Thunder and lightning: "???"

The location of the wound was even cooked by the high temperature of the thunder and lightning, directly sealing the damage.

Neil stopped attacking and stood in front of Baolei and Lightning, holding the special belly button of Baolei and Lightning in his hand, turned his head and said with a smile: "It's painless to remove the belly button, you're welcome."

Thunder and Lightning: "You fart, obviously it hurts!"

"No, ah, you dare to hurt me, you die for me!"

Anger made Thunderbolt and Lightning burst out with even stronger power.

A large amount of lightning was released from the body of Bolei and Lightning, turning into an extremely terrifying thunderbolt, hitting Neil.

However, Neil calmly put the navel in his hand on the ground.

The navel of thunder and lightning gradually disappeared, and the human beings in the navel escaped safely, lying on the ground and sleeping.

"Be careful!" Taijia and Fuma exclaimed at the same time.

When the lightning was about to hit Neil, two halos appeared behind Neil.

Then thunder fell like a waterfall, drowning Neil.

Taiga, Titas, Fuma, Kudo Yuyuki, and Uzumaki Naruto all stared wide-eyed, watching this scene, worried about Neil's situation.

Thunderbolt and Lightning laughed wantonly.

However, when the thunder light completely dissipated, Neil's figure was still standing there intact, and he even asked back: "You laugh so hard, are you happy too early?"

Two glowing rings were printed on the backs of Neil's fists, which were transformed by Neil's two halos.

And the thunder and lightning that just exploded seemed to be absorbed by Neil, making Neil at this time full of the explosive power of thunder and lightning.

This ability is related to Neal's two halo effects.

However, these two halos are not the halo effect of the qigong master, but the halo of the emblem of the giant of light——

Heavenly Death (Same Pole) Halo: The attack has the power of divine punishment, the skill power consumption is reduced to 200%, and the skill power is increased to 400%. With ray skill: Nir Salfa ray.

Thunder Soul Halo: The upper limit of its own energy is increased to 300%, and it has the ability to store electricity. With light skills: Nier heavy magnetic blast light.

The power storage ability of Thunder Soul Halo allows Neil to absorb the external current and turn it into his own power to fill up the increased energy limit.

Seeing his current being absorbed by others, Thunderbolt and Lightning felt insulted and became even angrier, raising the Thunderbolt stick in his hand again.

"Damn it, a megavolt!"

Neil also made a gesture of releasing the light, a standard gesture of the cross.

However, whether the left hand is erected or the right hand is erected, the skills released are different.

This time, it was Neil's right hand that stood up, and what was attached to Neil's right hand was the halo of death.

The aura of Heaven's Death burst into light, and the lightning turned into light, which shot out from Neil's hand.

"Nilsalfa Rays!"

Two terrifying lightning forces collided in the city, and the lightning was incandescent, illuminating the entire city.

Whether it is human beings or aliens watching this scene, they all had to cover their eyes.

Only Taiga and Fuma, with special eyes, can continue to watch the collision of light.

The two attacks were in a stalemate for two seconds, and then the one-megavolt voltage with insufficient stamina was gradually suppressed, and Nir Salfa's light hit the body of Bolei and Lightning with a one-megavolt voltage.

"How could I be defeated by Thunderbolt?"

With such unwillingness and doubts, Baolei and Lightning exploded and died in the city.

The battle is over.

Neil stood up straight.

The thunder light on her body has receded, but she still has a decent aura.

Taijia and Fuma hurried forward, wanting to communicate with Neil.

Boss, Cai Cai, take your lead.

However, it was Neil's two brains that greeted them.


Both Taijia and Fuma rubbed their heads, wondering why Neil suddenly taught them a lesson.

"It's too disrespectful to be so timid because of the enemy's methods. Do you want to cause more damage?" Neil asked.

Fengma laughed.

Taijia felt that Neil's voice was a little familiar, but then he became annoyed because of Neil's words, and stopped thinking about the voice, "But, we can't ignore the lives of the trapped people. Can you just throw it away?"

"Hmph." Neil snorted coldly, "You are using this as an excuse, and it's not because you are too weak."

"That's not true!" Taiga was still a little dissatisfied, "It's just that we can't use stronger power, and we are worried about hurting the trapped people." Feeling that Neil looked down on him, Taija was about to show Neil both hands on the spot.

"Is there nothing else in your mind besides these?" Neil asked back.

"Huh?" Taijia and Fuma were puzzled.

Neil turned his head, looked at the sun in the sky, and said, "Someone once told me that a truly powerful warrior never believes in violence, but in light!"

Then Nier ignored Taiga and Fuma, flew directly into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

But he left the last words for the two of them.

"Believe in the light and hold on to the light to bring about miracles."

Neil flew away.

Taijia and Fuma didn't recover for more than ten seconds.

Uzumaki Naruto looked distressed, "So, what does it mean to believe in light, and how to operate it!"

If it's ninjutsu or other skills, Uzumaki Naruto still learns it according to the method, but what is the situation of this belief? How to learn?

In fact, not only Uzumaki Naruto, but even Taiga, who was born in the Kingdom of Light, didn't understand.

However, such false and empty words are meaningless to other pragmatists. Here in Ultraman, it is really possible to bring unexpected results.

Because Ultra Warriors can really bring miracles with light.

"I think it might take a test of comprehension." Titas guessed.

"So, what is her identity?" Tai Jia put his hands on his hips, full of doubts.

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