Chapter 2804 Ma Gammamon

The monster that appears is a two-headed monster.

It has two bird-like monster heads, with red cloth strips like clothes on its body, devil-like wings on the back, and a barbed tail like a poisonous scorpion.

Its name is—greedy monster, Magammamon!

As soon as Magamamon appeared, he was extremely arrogant, and the heads of the two monsters made a sound with an accent effect, yelling at the fake Taiga and the Dada star.

The fake Taijia and the Dada Stars were a little wary at first, but seeing how arrogant Magamma Mong was, they couldn't be more angry, looked at each other, and rushed towards Maga Mamon's direction.

The location of Magamamon is an empty no-man's land. When the fake Taijia and Dada stars came to kill him, Magamamon also acted.

Evil and dark forces emerged in his hands, and then flung them at the fake Taiga and Dada stars.

Such evil and dark power, even the fake Taijia and Dada stars are unwilling to touch it.

However, the evil and darkness struck too fast, directly hitting the Dada Stars who couldn't dodge.

The Dada star was hit by a dark and evil force, even though the damage from such an attack was not high, the Dada star fell down convulsing all over, and immediately started to foam.

Seeing this scene, the fake Taijia was scared to death. The prototypes are scared out.

The real body of the false Taiga is a golden cosmic being named Babar Starman.

There are quite a few cosmic beings with camouflage ability, but the camouflage ability of the Babar star is absolutely top-notch, it is difficult for people to see through, even Ultraman, it is difficult to directly see the real body of the Babar star.

However, most of the Babar Stars' individual combat abilities are not strong.

The same goes for what appears here.

The Babar star said that they would not accept this job.

They're just actors who come here, and they only cost tens of thousands of dollars for a scene, so what are they going to do?

However, the fake Taijia is quite loyal, and when he fled, he brought the fallen Dada star with him.

Magamma still wanted to continue to attack, but seemed to have received some instructions, so he could only put down his raised hand unhappily, watching the two cosmic beings flee in embarrassment.

The fighter planes of the Self-Defense Forces have already flown over.

Magamma looked at the fighter jets of the Self-Defense Forces with disdain.

Although the firepower on these fighters is not weak, but what kind of damage can that level of firepower cause to monsters?

Other people's Earth Defense Forces use either laser weapons or energy weapons, and black technologies emerge in endlessly. Even the earth in a certain future world where Shirakawa Junko once lived, human beings have used space-based weapons.

Poor and weak, people are not interested.

In this world of Earth, human beings not only do not have a united defense organization, but even technology is still so inadequate.

Only those big countries have strong armed defense.

In fact, Caroline has been secretly supporting human union since a long time ago, proposing to form a defense organization and develop defense weapons.

However, the progress is always moving due to various reasons.

It wasn't until the recent increase in the activities of spacemen and monsters that relevant proposals were taken seriously again.

It's true that if the knife is not on the neck, it will not be taken seriously.

But it's also really human.

Without the leadership of a macho, it is almost impossible for human beings to abandon all prejudices and unite.

Do human beings really not understand that only by being united can they become stronger?

It's not that I don't understand, it's just that it doesn't conform to the interests of some people who have the right to speak.

For example, some products have been developed enough to be used for more than ten years or even longer, but because this is not in the interests of the company, the products have to be frozen.

Even the product will be set "planned obsolescence".

The result is that limited resources are wasted in large quantities and pollute nature. More innovative research and ideas were abandoned by capital and died suddenly. In a sense, the technology that human beings come into contact with every day is standing still.

The situation of forming a joint defense organization is somewhat similar to this situation.

After all, if all countries unite for defense, who will sell the weapons produced by their own country? How do arms dealers contribute to "world peace"?

Magamma snorted coldly, turned and left, gradually disappearing.

But these have nothing to do with him, he is just a monster out for a walk, the future of mankind is in the hands of mankind.

Ontology always said that the human soul has brilliance, but it doesn't know when this brilliance will bloom.

Greedy clone walked into the chaotic crowd and disappeared into the crowd.

"Let's go shopping while you're out. I don't know how the big sisters on the street are dressed today."


When Tregchia taught Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto a lesson, and when he returned home to watch the news, he saw the news that the actor he had hired was beaten by a passing monster.

Kirisaki was silent, and the silence was Grechow tonight.

Kirisaki who was sitting on the sofa was silent.

Bailiyuan twisted and twisted behind Kirisaki, and sang and danced behind Kirisaki.

"Are you depressed?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Are you upset?"

"Are you sad?"

"Come here baby, let me give you a hug."

"You look like you've been in love for a long time."

No concern, just mockery.

Kirisaki: "Go away!"

Bailiyuan: "Okay."

After Bailiyuan left, Wusaki's side also became quiet.

Then Kirisaki freezes the picture on the TV, and the picture on the TV is the picture of Ma Gammamon.

At the same time, Kirisaki thought of the unknown monsters that had appeared before.

Kirisaki had a premonition that these monsters must be related, and there seemed to be another party behind this.

"Come out at this time, are you here for Taijia, or are you sure that Taijia is fake and come to expose it?"

"Hehe, interesting."


Kirisaki's calculation failed, but not completely.

At least this incident provoked the hostility of human beings towards the cosmic beings.

"It turned out to be a giant pretended by the aliens!"

"It's disgusting, what are the cosmic beings going to do? They make us very uneasy."

"Kick out all cosmic beings from the earth, and all cosmic beings should be eliminated!"

Regarding public opinion, Kirisaki just gave a head start.

Naturally, Kirisaki did not go to the water forum in person, but studied an intelligent system to guide public opinion.

It aroused the malice of human beings towards the cosmic people.

Among them, there is naturally the unknown of human beings about the cosmic people, and the fear caused by it has brought anger and even greater malice.

In addition, there are aliens from the universe disguised as giants protecting the earth, which caused a lot of discomfort to many people, and parades have already appeared in some areas. People hope that the government and the military will drive the aliens out of the earth.

But they forgot that giants are also cosmic beings.

The conflict between humans and aliens has gradually become acute.

Bailiyuan and Kirisaki are still attending kindergarten as usual.

Until Hiroyuki Kudo found a kindergarten.

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