Chapter 2799

As a cosmic monster, Bermuda naturally has a lot of talent and aptitude. As long as she is an adult, she will have good combat effectiveness.

But the truly powerful Bermudas all fly solo in the universe, and the domesticated Bermulas are mostly limited in strength.

Possibly strong, but not so strong that it is beyond control.

Otherwise, the mighty Bermuda might break free and escape.

Only Bermula, who was chased and killed by Ultraman at the beginning of the year, can be regarded as a powerful individual of the Bermula family. Then there are some mutants, which are also very powerful.

Under the siege of Taijia and Fengma, Bermuda soon fell into a disadvantage and was eventually wiped out.

Seeing that Bermuda was wiped out, the cosmic beings of the New World Alliance cursed or showed disappointed expressions.

"It doesn't matter, I can only say that Bermuda is not as strong as in the legend. And soon we will have stronger monsters!" I don't know if this outrageous speech is trying to appease other people, or is it building up arrogance for myself? belief.

"A stronger monster? What is it?" Someone asked suddenly.

"That's right, that's...huh?" The cosmonaut who was about to speak suddenly turned around, because he suddenly found that the voice of the question was strange.

It was the voice of a strange woman.

The cosmonauts of the New World Alliance also sensed that something was wrong. The voice of asking questions came from behind them, and they turned around one after another.

He saw a short-haired woman standing behind them with a few cosmic beings, and surrounded them at some point.

when? !

We are surrounded? !

The cosmic people of the New World Alliance were shocked, panicked and put on a vigilant gesture, huddled together, and asked loudly after gaining a sense of security: "Who are you?"

"I'm from Segur, and you can call me Aoi." The woman was the Segumer summoner captured by Shirakawa Junko, Segur from Xiaokui.

Now Xiaokui has completely lost contact with her home planet, and has become the ox and horse of Wanshiwu. She is working for Wanshiwu and atones for the mistakes she once made.

Looking at the scattered appearance of the aliens of the New World Alliance, Xiaokui showed a disdainful expression. She had been in the army of her mother planet before, so she could tell that this group of cosmic beings were nothing more than a group of wandering soldiers.

There may be a strong individual, but it is definitely not a strong team.

But Xiaokui will not be careless just because of this.

After introducing herself, Xiaokui said again: "You are from the New World Alliance, right?"

"That's right, it's us? What are you going to do?" the leading cosmic man stiffened his neck and replied.

"That's right." Xiaokui waved her hand, "Catch them!"

The Leonixes received Xiaokui's order and rushed towards the aliens of the New World Alliance.

The cosmic people of the New World Alliance saw the enemy's direct attack. Although they were panicked, they were not to be outdone, and fought with the Leonix.

It's just that the Leonixes fought against the cosmic people of the New World Alliance.

Don't think that if Leonix summons monsters to fight, the main body has no strength.

In fact, every Leonix has been transformed by the power of the Lebrondo Stars. The individual qualities are far superior to those of the same race, and they may even master some special abilities, or open special forms.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Leonix is ​​a special race wearing the skin of different cosmic beings.

And with the Leonix's aggressive character, they also have good fighting power.

With a normal body size, Leonix's fighting power is on top of that of the cosmic people, and some individuals can even fight monsters with their normal body size. It's just that Bailiyuan has never encountered such a superb Leonix.

A special Leonix, as rare as a Shimmer. Can meet but not ask for.

Leonix with the ability to become gigantic is relatively rare.

Xiaokui didn't follow suit, because she was not a cosmic being good at fighting.

Now she is only responsible for leading the team and directing on the spot.

The Leonix were all controlled by other gods and turned into puppets, able to execute any order 100%, but lacked flexibility, so Xiao Kui, a captain with military experience, was needed to lead the team.

However, in Xiaokui's view, this is also a kind of warning to her——

The mighty Leonix can be controlled, she is only a summoner of Segumegor, so don't think that she shouldn't.

Xiaokui couldn't help touching the shackles around her neck. Although this shackles could kill her at any time, at least compared to these Leonixes, she still has self-awareness and has not become a puppet.

I don't know how many times I was lucky.

The people in the universe who are under siege don't have Xiaokui's relaxed mood, and they don't have time to think about unnecessary things.

"Why are these cosmic beings so strong?" a cosmic being asked loudly, and was knocked down by a Leonix punch.

Finally someone recognized the identities of the Leonixes, "They are Leonixes, and they have fighting instruments!"

Sure enough, they found the fighting instruments on the Leonixes, and then they were puzzled. When did the Leonixes start to hug each other?

Wouldn't the Leonixes be out of their minds when they met?

How come we come to beat their brains together now?

But the important thing at this time is not to find the reason, but how to run.

After knowing that these cosmic people are Leonix, the cosmic people of the New World Alliance have no desire to fight.

Not to mention that Leonix's fighting power is top notch, they can also summon monsters to fight, no matter how they think about it, they can't beat them.

It's just that it was too late for them to run away.

Someone from the universe wanted to teleport away, but Xiaokui took out a special device and interrupted the teleportation.

The aliens who wanted to fly away were jumped up by Leonix, pulled down, and rubbed against the ground.

There are also a few powerful cosmic beings who want to become huge, and they will fight desperately.

As a result, Xiaokui took out the giantization blocking gun and interrupted the giantization of the aliens.

There were also those who saw the situation was not good and asked for mercy, but they did not get preferential treatment for the prisoners.

In the end, these cosmic beings of the New World Alliance were brought down by Leonix, and one by one they were put into the cosmic prison ball.

"The organization behind us will not let you go. Do you know that there is any cosmic force behind us?" Some cosmic beings still yelled, shouting that someone will definitely come to avenge them.

Xiao Kui kicked the cosmic man unconscious, and then put the cosmic man into the prison ball.

Xiaokui looked at the various special props she used one after another, some of which had effects she had never heard of before.

This also gave Xiaokui a better understanding of the strength of Wanshiwu.

"Hey, with such a technical organization, even if the forces behind you make a move, it's hard to get it."

She who once mastered Segumegor was able to conquer several planets one after another, and controlled so many Leonix master houses, it should be easy to conquer a galaxy.

"But what does it have to do with me? I'm just an ox and horse in the house of masters, and it's enough to concentrate on completing my own tasks. After sending off these cosmic people later, if you have nothing to do, go shopping... No, it's going to patrol the streets Let's go." Xiao Kui was in a good mood.

Even though the status is lower now, I will no longer be forced to do things I don't like, and I have a new life.

Even if it is open all year round, you can fish and relax after work.

And recently she also made a friend named Asahikawa Mirika, who, like her, would fish and go shopping during working hours.

This is probably the mutual attraction between fish touching monsters.

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