Chapter 2772 Kudo Yuyuki's Strangeness

Kanta came to Iges and wanted to issue a commission to ask Iges to help him find a pet.

No, it should be said to be friends.

Kanta finds a small animal under the bridge and becomes friends with him.

This made Kudo Yuyuki think of his childhood. He was also under the bridge and met a friend he called "Little Budian". Now he knows that "Little Budian" is a monster cub.

But Kudo Hiroyuki believes that "Little One" can understand each other with him.

It's just that Kudo Yuyuki has never seen "Little Man" since "Little Man" was taken away by the aliens.

Thinking of this, Kudo Yuyuki took a closer look at the portrait of his friend drawn by Kanta.

Found that it was a tawny ball, it looked furry, and... it didn't seem like an animal he knew.

However, Iges was not enthusiastic about Mrs. Kan's request.

Sasaki Kana directly refused.

Looking for a pet?

Their Iggis is not a detective agency!

Their main business is security, and their secondary business is information investigation. They don't have any pet business at all.

Little friend, who do you look down on?

Yijisi can cost tens of thousands of yen every minute.

How much does it cost to find a pet?

The adult world is so real.

What's more, Iggis has a lot of work now, and there is no leisure, otherwise Kudo Yuyuki would not work until he fell asleep in the base.

Even so, Kudo Yuyuki's report from last week hasn't been handed in yet.

There are also mountains of investigative missions.

Kudo Yuyuki got up directly.

"I took this task."

Others in Igis want to persuade Kudo Hiroyuki not to do this kind of non-main and useless work.

Unexpectedly, Kudo Yuyuki suddenly yelled loudly.

"It's so noisy, shut up!" Kudo Yuyuki looked very manic, sweat appeared on his face, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Kudo Yuyuki's shout made Iggis quiet, and everyone was frightened. The few people in Igis never thought that Kudo Yuyuki would actually yell.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Asahikawa Mirika said aggrievedly.

Kudo Yuyuki calmed down, realized that he was out of control, and hurriedly said: "That's it, I will complete this task."

Then Kudo Yuyuki left the base in a hurry with Kanta, and now Kudo Yuyuki needs to go out to calm down.

When he was going out, he happened to meet Naruto Uzumaki who came back with breakfast.

Kudo Yuyuki just showed a reluctant smile to Uzumaki Naruto, and then left directly without taking the breakfast in Uzumaki Naruto's hand.

"What's the situation?" Naruto Uzumaki walked into Igis, and looked at Kudo Yuyuki who was leaving, a little confused.

Junko Shirakawa put down the book, stood up and said, "It happens that I have nothing to do, so let's go and have a look. We have done a lot of jobs like looking for pets."

"After all, it's the house of everything." Zong Guyu sighed.

The business scope of Master House is much wider than that of Yijisi. If Jisi can take on the tasks, Master House can also take up the missions.

In short, everything is acceptable, and strength allows.

What Hiroshi Soya and Mirika Asahikawa couldn't understand was why Junko Shirakawa, the president of Manshiya with such a wide range of businesses, always seemed to be idle, and instead came to Igis to eat and drink , I started working today.

Sasaki Kana withdrew her worried gaze. She was more keenly aware of Kudo Yuyuki's strangeness. When she heard that Shirakawa Junko was going to help, Sasaki Kana said, "Then please trouble President Shirakawa."

"Naruto, you should go and see too. If there are many people, you can find them sooner and come back to work sooner."


After Shirakawa Junko and Uzumaki Naruto left, the remaining three people in Igis sat on chairs, and all looked serious in thought.

They were all a little worried about Kudo Hiroyuki.

You don't have to do the task, but your teammates can't have accidents.

"What's wrong with him?" Zong Guyu said in a deep voice.

"I've never seen Xiaoyu look like that. Is it because the work pressure is too great recently, which made Yuyu feel a little bit stressed?" Asahikawa Mirika said.

"Maybe it's because Yuyuki has reached the age of rebellion?" Sasaki Kana felt that this guess was reasonable.

Zong Guyu blinked his eyes, and then guessed: "I think it may be because of too little training at ordinary times, which is why this happens."

It's just that Soya Hikaru's words didn't elicit any response from Asahikawa Mirika and Sasaki Kana. The two just glanced at Soya Hiroshi, then looked away, ended the topic, and fell into silence.

This reaction made Zong Guyu's hands tremble.

Give me some feedback, why is it like this every time, as soon as I answer the conversation, you suddenly stop talking. Are my words so boring? This is cold violence, it must be cold violence!

Just when Soya Hikaru wanted to forcibly bring up the topic of Kudo Yuyuki again, Asahikawa Mirika suddenly said, "The Department of Foreign Affairs Unknown has posted something again."

The Foreign Affairs Unknown Section is an official organization that specializes in dealing with various events related to aliens and unknown existence.

In the past, Kana Sasaki worked in the unknown foreign affairs department. Even though Kana Sasaki has retired now, the two parties still have contact.

Like the police, the Foreign Affairs Unknown Section will release some tasks to Iggis to handle.

"I'm so busy now, what's going on over there?" Sasaki Kana complained, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"Someone has witnessed an alien creature, and the Foreign Affairs Unknown Section wants us to help investigate." Asahikawa Miri clicked the keyboard, "I released the video."

Several people looked up, and a video appeared on the big screen.

A furry creature was bouncing and running on the street, as if being chased by some creature.

Seeing this creature, several people in Igis couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Because it looks familiar.

Before Kanta showed his hand-painted portrait of a friend, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with this alien creature, it can only be said that it is very similar.

"Yu Xing!" Sogu Yu immediately stood up.

The commission that Kudo Hiroyuki took over might involve alien creatures, which made Igis pay attention to it.

Soya Hiroshi launched an investigation directly and went to track down Kudo Yuyuki.

Mirika Asahikawa is in charge of remote technical support.

Sasaki Kana began to think about it, and then asked how much compensation from Kanta who didn't explain the seriousness of the situation.

"We must definitely teach that child who doesn't understand the situation a lesson!" Sasaki Kana secretly thought.


It's afternoon.


There is a music class today, and today's class is chorus.

The children of Bailiyuan's class all stood on the chorus stage.

The music teacher is in charge of playing.

Kirisaki stood in the command position, holding the baton in his hand, smiling.

Kirisaki is in a very happy mood today.

"Play the music, get up~"

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