Chapter 2769 Open your eyes again

"May I ask what you want?"

Bailiyuan climbed up to the bar to order food, and heard the waiter behind the bar ask.

Looking at the beautiful big sister waiter, Bai Liyuan tossed her hair and said softly: "Please give me a piece of your love, pack it up and take it away."

"Ah?" The waiter was stunned. Although he was still smiling, he didn't know how to answer.

Kirisaki was wearing the black and white clothes as usual, with his hands behind his back. He stood behind and looked at Bailiyuan, chuckled, then took a step back, expressing that he and Bailiyuan were not on the same side.

In the end, Bailiyuan still ordered a meal, but unfortunately, she didn't get the contact information of her eldest sister.

Kirisaki couldn't bear Bailiyuan's entanglement, and finally came to take Bailiyuan to dinner.

The restaurant is still selected by Kirisaki.

In the private room of the restaurant, Bailiyuan and Kirisaki sat inside, isolated from other guests.

Ever since Baili Yuan made him feel bad at that restaurant last time, Wu Qi decided that he would never bring Baili Yuan to eat in a crowded lobby again.

He will not go to a restaurant without a private room.

Even such restaurants are generally more expensive.

Because he has to work in a kindergarten, Kirisaki has also slowed down the speed of tasting the food of the earth recently, and this time he just made up for it.

In fact, Kirisaki doesn't particularly like the food on Earth.

Kirisaki doesn't have a high demand for food.

Tasting delicious food on weekdays is just to pass the time.

"I'm starting it." Baili Yuan ate the food happily, then held his face with a happy expression, and sighed: "As expected of high-end cuisine, this taste is different."

"..." Kirisaki silently clenched his fists.

This is what he spent!

He didn't care about money, it was just because Baili Yuan's words made him feel uncomfortable.

But Kirisaki held back.

Kirisaki looked out the window, narrowing his eyes slightly.

He chose this restaurant not only because it has private rooms.

This is the best viewing position he chose.

While eating the dishes, Bailiyuan was also secretly observing Kirisaki.

Today, Bailiyuan came to see Wu Qi, not because of a whim, or simply because of Wu Qi's mentality.

It's because Bailiyuan noticed that Kirisaki's mental state is a bit wrong recently.

Kirisaki didn't hide it on purpose, Bailiyuan could tell that the smile on Kirisaki's face became brighter recently.

But the power of heart made Bailiyuan feel a kind of madness under Wuzaki's smile.

Especially today, Kudo Hiroyuki disappeared.

According to the plan, Shirakawa Junko deepened her contact with Igis in daily life, visited Igis when she had nothing to do, drank at the Igis base, and went out to eat barbecue with everyone in Igis.

Make the relationship between the two parties better.

And today, Junko Shirakawa received a call for help from Sasaki Kana. Sasaki Kana said that after Kudo Yuyuki went out in the morning, he disappeared and could not be reached by phone.

Now Uzumaki Naruto and Soya Hikaru are looking for Kudo Yuyuki outside.

After receiving the call, Junko Baichuan naturally joined the search team.

Asahikawa Mirika is also trying to use Igis' system to locate Kudo Yuyuki's position, but it is not going well.

Bailiyuan is very suspicious that Kudo Yuyuki was beaten by Kirisaki as a wild monster after going out. After all, ordinary thugs can't deal with an Ultraman's human body.

That's why we had this meal.

But Bailiyuan didn't see anything strange from Kirisaki so far.

Everyone in Igis is very anxious about Kudo Yuyuki's disappearance.

Sasaki Kana not only contacted Shirakawa Junko, she also contacted Chief Sakura to let the police find clues.

Even Naruto Uzumaki is scanning the city with Kagura Mind Eye at this time, and occasionally Naruto Uzumaki will lie on the ground and smell it, using Kyuubi's sense of smell to find the smell of Kudo Yuyuki.

After all, foxes belong to the canine family.

On the streets of the city, Naruto Uzumaki ignored the eyes of others, lying on the ground and sniffing the ground.

He smelled Kudo Yuyuki!

"Kyuubi, you are so noisy." Uzumaki Naruto complained.

Ever since Naruto Uzumaki started sniffing on the ground, Kyuubi's scolding has not stopped.

"Okay, okay, I don't mind at all." Uzumaki Naruto said indifferently, "This is all to find Brother Yuyuki."

Fengma wanted to speak but stopped, stopped and wanted to speak, wanted to speak, but finally shut up.

"For Yuki, Naruto, you sacrificed too much."

Finally, looking for the smell, Naruto Uzumaki found an alley.

He also didn't notice that a figure followed his footsteps into the alley.

In the alley, Uzumaki Naruto found a shoe of Kudo Yuyuki.


The smell of feet made Naruto Uzumaki uncontrollably nauseated.

At this moment, a figure rushed up, aiming the weapon at Uzumaki Naruto's subordinates.


"I found you a long time ago!" Uzumaki Naruto's expression instantly became serious, no longer the embarrassment just now.

With your tracking skills, want to track a seasoned ninja?

What's more, the environment in the city is not as complicated as the wild, and it is easier to be found if it is tracked.

The moment the attacking figure made a move, Naruto Uzumaki disappeared directly in place.

Before the attacker realized what happened, he heard a figure behind him.

"Konoha's secret body technique profound art, killing for a thousand years!"


A miserable cry came from the deserted alley.

Ten minutes later.

In the basement of a building.

Kudo Yuyuki, who was originally tied here, has been released, but the person who originally kidnapped Kudo Yuyuki was tied up, because this person also wanted to kidnap Uzumaki Naruto, but Uzumaki Naruto killed him instead.

Kudo Yuyuki moved his stiffly bound body, then took back his transformation device, and looked at the person who kidnapped him.

From the other party's mouth, Uzumaki Naruto and Kudo Yuyuki learned that the other party's name is Ilud, and he is a scientist.

Naruto Uzumaki stared at Ilud, but Ilud kept sucking in air.

Because the ass hurts.

"Be honest and be lenient." Uzumaki Naruto asked, "What is your purpose? To invade the earth? Or to abduct the earth people?"

Obviously Uzumaki Naruto still has memories of what he was abducted.

"I didn't come to invade the earth, and I have no hostility to the people on earth."

Illud defended with a livid face.

Naruto Uzumaki narrowed his eyes like a fox.

"Really? I don't believe it."

"I just don't want you to disturb me, and on this planet, your power is the most dangerous!"

Illud stared at Uzumaki Naruto and Kudo Yuyuki with piercing eyes, as if he had seen through their Ultraman identities.

This could not help but make Uzumaki Naruto and Kudo Yuyuki look at each other.

Kudo Yuyuki wanted to say something, but was stopped by Uzumaki Naruto.

"Leave it to me, my dad taught me to interrogate."


Uzumaki Naruto pulled out a handful of kunai, and aimed at Illud's lower body.

"Give us a reasonable explanation, or I'll open your eyes again."

Elud: (ΩДΩ)!

Kudo Yuyuki also looked at Naruto Uzumaki with wide eyes, as if he knew Naruto Uzumaki for the first day.

But Uzumaki Naruto's method is still effective.

In the end, Ilud still spoke out about his affairs and purpose.

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