Chapter 2763 death from plague and disease

The gluttonous monster, Magbal.

Magabal was tall and slender, and seemed to have an elegant and noble temperament, but he had a ferocious face, with a tail like a ram and wings like a fly.

As soon as Magabal scared away the surrounding humans, he attracted Taijia and Fengma.

Taiga and Fuma arrive together.

Altman usually fights one against two, and it is rare for Taija and Fuma to play two against one. In particular, Taiga can turn into Titas at any time, change his number to continue his life, and Fuma can even change to Kyuubi to come out for a wave of blessings.

When Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto saw the news of the monster on the news, they transformed together. Then Taiga and Fuma rushed over, but found that the monster that appeared this time did not damage the surrounding area.

This made Taijia and Fengma suspicious, and they didn't attack Magabal rashly, they just surrounded Magabar.

Surrounded by two Ultraman, one on the left and one on the right, Magabal didn't feel nervous.

"Troublesome, but since this is the case, it's time to test your abilities."

After noticing that there were no humans around, Magabal shook his body, and countless invisible viruses began to spread around.

This is the ability of the gluttony clone - [Death from plague and disease].

Gluttony Clone and Magabal can release special viruses to the surroundings, causing large-scale epidemic disasters and killing creatures.

Then he can also absorb the viruses cultivated on other creatures to strengthen himself.

This is a very terrifying ability, because theoretically, as long as a creature can be infected by a virus, it may be killed by the virus.

And the weakness of this ability is probably virus resistance.

If it is a virus, it may be killed.

But viruses can also evolve.

To amplify the effect of this ability to the strongest, the best way is to secretly release viruses from multiple places, let these viruses grow and evolve slowly, and guide their cultivation. Sooner or later, an ultimate virus that can kill any creature and is difficult to destroy can be cultivated.

However, if this is done, in order to cultivate a sufficiently powerful ultimate virus, it will be difficult to count the biological hotbeds that need to be consumed, and even the number of lives needs to be calculated with planets.

Naturally, Bailiyuan would not allow the Gluttonous Clone to do this, so when the Gluttonous Clone uses this ability, it can only do the most basic application at best—poison the enemy.

The spreading virus contaminated the vegetation, and the surrounding vegetation withered.

Taiga and Fuma, who were still wondering about Magbar's purpose, noticed this scene and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

This monster came with no kindness!

"It's an invisible attack!"

Taiga backed away hastily.

While pulling away the distance, Fengma raised her hand and blew out a cool breeze.

Although I don't know what kind of attack method the monster used, but there is definitely something in the air.

The virus was naturally blown back by the whirlwind of Fengma.

Seeing that the range of vegetation affected has not spread, Taijia and Fuma looked at each other and determined the way to fight.

Taija charged at Magbar, attacking in melee.

Fengma remote support.

Seeing Fengma clapping his hands, the whirlwind wrapped around Taijia, protecting Taijia.

"Let you see the combo technique we developed!" Fengma shouted, "Whirlwind Guardian!"

Taija, who was wrapped in a whirlwind guard, approached Magabal, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

So he became braver.

Eat my little fist!

Taiga punches!

The whirlwind wrapped around Taiga's body also gave Taiga's fists the power of wind.

Magabal did not dodge, but stood where he was, bearing Taiga's attack.

The wind horse also attacked Magabal with the wind blade in the distance.

Successive successes made Taijia and Fuma gradually vigilant, and their hearts became more and more heavy.

They are not fledgling fighters anymore, the enemy does not fight back, let them attack, no matter how you think about it, it is wrong.

Kirisaki, who appeared not far away at some time, watched everything, as if he saw something, he couldn't help but smiled.


Just when Taijia wanted to distance himself first, he suddenly felt unwell, his muscles trembled, and the power in his body was disordered.

This situation is also synchronized to Kudo Yuyuki who is a human body. Kudo Yuyuki clutches his chest and feels difficult to breathe.

Seeing Taiga's distressed look, Fuuma hurriedly asked, "Taijia, what's wrong with you?"

"It's so painful!" Taijia staggered and made a painful sound.

And Magabal laughed at this moment.

If you don't let you get close to me and attack me, how can the virus invade your body?

Just when Magbar was about to raise his hand to attack Taijia, a gust of wind blew, causing Magabal to close his eyes. By the time Magbar opened his eyes again, the wind had stopped, and Taija Nowhere to be seen.

Turning his head to look to the other side, he saw Fuma supporting Taiga.

It was Fuma who saved Taiga just now.

It's just that Taijia's condition didn't improve, on the contrary, the situation became more and more serious. He was unable to get up, and could only lean against Fuma's arms, and the indicator light on his chest began to flicker.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong...

"Taijia, what's wrong with you?!" Fuma asked eagerly.

Titas was also calling Taiga, "Taiga, what's wrong? Hiroyuki, are you okay?"

Kudo Yuyuki: "It's so hard to breathe, uh."

In fact, Titas wanted to transform and replace Taiga, but he was worried that he would change rashly, and he was also recruited. At that time, Kudo Yuyuki would suffer double damage.

Even with the power blessing of two Ultraman, Kudo Hiroyuki will feel great pain.

After a while, Kudo Yuyuki began to vomit blood from the corner of his mouth.

"What kind of power is this? It's terrifying!" Titas was shocked. You must know that Ultra warriors would not feel such pain even in the face of radiation.

This is the scary part of the virus. If it is difficult to detect, it is the unknown. Under the unknown, there is fear.

"Brother Fuma." Naruto Uzumaki called Fuma, "Let's use medical ninjutsu to check Taiga's situation."

"Okay, let's do that."

Uzumaki Naruto, whose physique has been developed by the Uzumaki clan, naturally has a good talent in medical ninjutsu, especially with the discipline of his parents, he was forced to not only learn many ninjutsu, but also dabble in medical ninjutsu and other abilities to improve means of survivability.

And Fuma needs the power of Uzumaki Naruto to use medical ninjutsu.

Fuma clasped his hands together, and then stuck them on Taiga's body. Uzumaki Naruto passed through Fuma to check Taiga's situation.

At this time, Taijia had fallen to the ground, and the indicator light on his chest was flickering as if it was about to explode.

Taiga knew that he must persevere, and he must not cancel the transformation, otherwise Kudo Yuyuki might not be able to persevere.

Soon Naruto Uzumaki's examination had the results, and then Naruto Uzumaki exclaimed: "It's a virus, a special virus has invaded the bodies of Brother Taiga and Brother Yuyuki!"

"What?!" Feng Ma was startled.

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