I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 280 Sacrifice Your Life for Righteousness (3000 words)

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui are also descending rapidly.

Unlike the above ground, there are not so many guards underground.

But Bailiyuan and the others still did not relax their vigilance.

Summoned Kentaro, Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui rode Kentaro and moved forward quickly.

Now the elves following Bailiyuan are Flame Chicken, Nine Tails, Galagala, Gyarados, Menus, Pikachu, Chenglong, Iron Rhinoceros, Rumble Stone, Giant Pincer Mantis, Xanadu, Super Neng Miao Meow, Kentaro, Big Needle Bee, and the two bug monsters are the main forces in Bailiyuan's team today.

Because there might be more dangerous things in the future, Bailiyuan took all these elves with him.

Only Miaowahua, the main combat force, led the elves of other non-main combat units to stay on top.

Only Miaowahua is suitable for leading other elves to stay on it.

Although there are guards underground, they are not densely packed, but they are stronger!

And the guards are all robots who are not afraid of death!

Kentaro knocked the guards away, and the flame chicken and Uchiha Shisui were responsible for making up the knife or defending against the attack.

Flame Chicken is good at flames, and Uchiha Shisui is also good at flames.

On the faces of several people who passed by, flames were tumbling and burning.

The strength of the flame chicken today is different from the past. The greater improvement is in the power of the attack. Whether it is fighting or the power of the flame, it has reached a new height.

Although the guards underground were stronger than those on the ground, it was still difficult to stop the attack of Bailiyuan and his party.

Moreover, the underground buildings had a smaller range of activities. Even though the guards had a numerical advantage, their combat effectiveness was greatly limited. Only a few people could deal with Bailiyuan and them at a time, and they did not pose any threat to Bailiyuan and his party.

Finally, more dense enemies appeared in front of Bailiyuan and the others, and the front door was firmly closed.

Kentaro didn't intend to stop at all, Kentaro's three tails lashed at himself frantically, Kentaro's eyes were red, but he rushed even faster, Bailiyuan had to lower his body further.

The ultimate shock!


The guard was knocked out of a hollow road by Kentaro, countless guards were slammed into the air, and they fell apart into a pair of parts before landing.

When he was about to break through all the guards' siege, Kentaro suddenly trembled, and Kentaro yelled unwillingly, then bent his forefoot and rolled on the ground.

Bailiyuan canceled the call of Kentaro's clone immediately, but he was still thrown out and rolled a short distance on the ground.

With Kentaro's current strength, it is not easy to use the ultimate impact intact, and it will put a lot of pressure on him, let alone Kentaro who is still in a clone state, so in the end Kentaro suddenly lost his strength Yes, but the effect achieved by the semi-finished ultimate impact is not simple.

The first time Bailiyuan rolled out, he summoned the armored rhinoceros.

The first time the armored rhino's avatar came out, Bailiyuan followed the armored rhino's body so that he could not continue to rush forward indefinitely. Immediately after, Bailiyuan ignored the pain in his body and used the armored rhino's body to leap into the sky .

At this time, the armored rhino also stepped on the ground severely.

All powerful earthquakes!

Standing among the guards, the Iron Armored Rhino used earthquakes to attack indiscriminately in all directions. The guards on the ground were suddenly knocked down by the shock, their legs suffered a lot of damage, and it was difficult to move.

Although the armored rhinoceros is still in its initial form, its earthquake skills are extremely powerful. Even the main elves such as the flame chicken will suffer a lot of damage. However, the embarrassing thing is that the iron armored rhinoceros seems to have a unique ability to earthquakes. His comprehension ability allowed him to be able to use just such an earthquake move, and the power and use of other skills can only be said to be mediocre.

However, the effect of the armored rhino's earthquake is surprisingly good.

And Bailiyuan also paused in the air for a short time, threw out his staff, and arrived in front of the closed door.

A magic circle appeared under the staff, and the figure of Rumble Stone appeared.

Looking at the door in front of him, Long Longshi slammed it headfirst.

big Bang!


Rumblestone's full-power big explosion is very powerful. Unlike Iron Rhino, Rumblestone is normal for other skills, but because he particularly likes the two skills of self-destruction and big bang, Rumblestone will mainly practice these two skills. And when he missed the cultivation of other skills.

Today's Rumble Stone has been able to control his explosion very well, and the harvest he got is that Rumble Stone has successfully used the explosion to move without consuming all his physical strength in an instant.

With the control of the explosion, the application of the Rumble Stone to the explosion has also been improved. It is also a big explosion with full power, but the power that the Rumble Stone can explode today is more than three times the power of the previous explosion!

After the big bang, Long Longshi disappeared. Although it was just a passing scene, Long Longshi felt very satisfied. After all, there are not many opportunities to use the full power of the big bang like this, and because it is a clone, there is no need to worry about the loss after use. and its impact on itself.

Sure enough, this kind of full power explosion is the best!

Bailiyuan's body fell, and the armored rhinoceros saw the timing, crossed from the original position to Bailiyuan's landing point, and caught the falling Bailiyuan.

At the same time, the Iron Armored Rhino also stepped on two guards who had fallen to the ground and hadn't completely lost their ability to fight.


With a heavy stomp on the guard's body, the trampled guard and the surrounding guards completely lost their fighting ability.

Baili Yuan ignored the Iron Armored Rhino's movements, but looked at the closed door.

But to Bailiyuan's surprise, the door that received the full-power explosion of Longlong Stone turned out to be only cracked and not completely broken!

Bailiyuan frowned, if the door was really so strong, it would be a problem to enter the door.

And behind the door is the location of colorful eggs!

"Do you really think that a door can stop me?"

Several magic circles appeared beside Bailiyuan, and figures walked out of the magic circles.

At the same time, a group of guards who were chasing after him also surrounded them.



At this time, the earth has fallen into a moment of crisis.

There is devastation everywhere, and the people are devastated.

Facing the attack of the eight disc creatures, even if the earthlings and MAC fought hard, they were helpless.

MAC suffered heavy casualties, and Feng Yuan couldn't sit idly by. At the critical moment of the battle, regardless of concealment, he transformed into Leo in full view and began to fight.

A man like a lion can't back down!

But even if Leo's strength made a breakthrough, facing the siege of the eight disk creatures, Leo still quickly fell into a precarious situation.

At the critical moment, Leo's younger brother Astra suddenly arrived and joined the battle. The brothers worked together, but they still did not change the disadvantages, but only delayed the time of defeat.

The star clusters and MAC members stood on the ground. At this time, the fighter planes had been destroyed, and only Leo was left who could face the disk creature!

But in the face of the disc creature's attack, none of them backed down, even with pistols, they had to face the disc creature! Even the correspondents who were originally at the base rushed to the battlefield to do their part.

Junko Bai Chuan held the relief engraved with Baili Yuan's head in one hand, and attacked the disc creature with a pistol in the other, her eyes full of stubbornness.

And those human beings who can't fight also let go of all prejudices, silently blessing MAC and Leo.

"Captain, Leo won't last long." A team member said disheartened.

"I know." Zhu Xingtuan nodded solemnly.

"Captain!" The other team members also gathered around Zhuxingtuan, Zhuxingtuan is the pillar in the hearts of everyone in their MAC!

Zhu Xingtuan looked at the faces of each member.

"This is the last time I will fight with you all. After today, I, Zhu Xing Tuan, will no longer be the captain of MAC." Zhu Xing Tuan said suddenly.

"Captain!" The others turned pale with shock, not knowing what the star clusters meant.

"The days of fighting with you are memorable, but the future of the earth is in your hands. I believe that even if I am gone, the earth will move towards a brighter future." Zhu Xingtuan said sincerely.

The other team members did not understand the meaning of the star clusters.

"Captain, let's die together!" Some team members gritted their teeth and said.

"You still have the earth and human beings to protect, so let me, my broken body, do the final struggle for you."

Zhu Xingtuan smiled, then suddenly threw away his crutches, pushed the other team members away, and limped to the periphery of the battlefield. At this time, Leo was struggling to resist, and the timer on his chest had already started to flash.

Zhu Xingtuan looked back at all the players for the last time. At this time, the members of MAC were looking at Zhu Xingtuan in puzzlement.

"Please pass on your trust to me. Human beings can only create a brighter future if they trust each other!"

Zhu Xingtuan suddenly turned his head, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and then crossed his arms.

Ultra mind is the ultimate means of the Ultra family, and it also has magical power. In addition to affecting the enemy, it can also be used... to stimulate transformation!

Transformation of ideas!

Bright rays of light bloomed from the bodies of the star clusters, and the team members watched this scene in disbelief.

"Feng Jun is Ultraman Leo, and the captain is..."

A familiar red figure stood on the ground.

"Severn... Ultraman!"

The team members said a name dryly.

They never thought that their captain and a colleague are Ultra warriors fighting to protect the earth!

Junko Shirakawa protected the relief of Bailiyuan's head on her chest. She knew that apart from them, "Ezreal" was also an Ultraman warrior, but...

"Captain Yize, where are you..."

The sudden appearance of Ultraman Seven attracted everyone's attention, including the disc creature and Ultraman Leo.

Ultraman Leo looked incredible.

But Ultraman Seven was not in perfect condition, not only limping one leg, but also the indicator light on his forehead flashed rapidly, indicating that Seven was not in a good condition at this time.

But even so, Ultraman Seven still dragged his body and rushed forward bravely.

Give up your life! Take righteousness!

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