Chapter 2744 Cicada: Can't let female cosmonauts fall into your hands

Inside the Iggy base.

Asahikawa Mirika treated the wound on Kudo Yuyuki's arm.

"Why did you run out suddenly just now, and why did your arm get hurt?" Asahikawa Mirika asked suspiciously.

"Ahem, I suddenly thought of something. I accidentally fell when I ran out." Kudo Yuyuki hurriedly explained, "It's a crab."

As Taiga's human body, Taiga's injuries will also be synchronized to Kudo Yuyuki's body.

Fortunately, this time it was just poisoning.

Taiga and Titas used their own strength to help Kudo Yuyuki expel the toxin, and the injury on Kudo Yuyuki's arm was just a scratch, just rub the potion on it.

Sasaki Kana and Soya Hikaru are discussing the battle that occurred today.

"A new Ultraman has appeared."

"It's great that the monsters have also been wiped out."

"Yes, yes, this fruit is really delicious." A little yellow hair was eating something from the fruit plate.

Suddenly a voice came from behind everyone.

"The monster hasn't disappeared!"

Everyone was shocked.

When he turned around, he saw a bald head.

Soya almost jumped onto the table.

The strange strange bald head came forward and said seriously: "Please, please stop them from invading the earth!"

Everyone blinked and asked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm from Damara Star!" The bald head replied.

"Then... who are you?"

Everyone in the Yiji base looked at the little yellow hair who was binge eating fruit.

Naruto Uzumaki held the apple in his hand and blinked.

"Didn't I introduce myself?"

"No, you've been eating fruit bowls since you came here. Didn't you come to announce the commission?" Sasaki Kana asked, tilting her head.

"...Hahaha, I am Uzumaki Naruto, a ninja." Uzumaki Naruto said with a smile, without any embarrassment, and he jumped onto the table while talking.


is this a monkey

Just looking at the beard on Uzumaki Naruto's face, several people in Igis suspected that Uzumaki Naruto was not human.

After confirming their identities, several members of Igis received the Damara Stars.

The Damara star asked Iggis to call up the previous battle scene and introduce Segumegor.

"My home planet, Damara, was destroyed by that monster."

"To be more specific, what's going on?" Sasaki Kana asked seriously. This matter made Sasaki Kana take it seriously. Who made this bald man invade the earth as soon as he opened his mouth? As a person on earth, how could he ignore this topic? .

The Damara star explained.

"The Segur Stars are constantly invading the planets where they can survive to expand their territory. The summoner summons Segumegor to destroy the target planet. As long as the summoner is still there, the monster will continue to appear. "

Hearing this, Kudo Yuyuki couldn't believe it, "How could this be?"

Naruto Uzumaki scratched his head, communicating with Fuma in a low voice.

"Didn't that monster be eliminated by us?" Uzumaki Naruto asked.

Fengma said seriously: "We just destroyed the body of that monster. There are some special means in the universe to revive the monster."

"Can it still be like this?" Naruto Uzumaki scratched his head.

The resurrection of dead creatures seems to be an unusual method in any world, but it feels like it is very common in this world.

I met it right away.

"The other way around, as long as you catch the summoner, you can stop the monsters from destroying everywhere?" Sogu Yu said.

Asahikawa Merika analyzed, "The place where the monster appeared at that time was surrounded by a lot of people. If you don't know the characteristics of the Segur star, it may be difficult to find it."

Sasaki Kana knew that no time should be wasted, because the monster could return at any time.

"It's not too late, I'll contact Mr. Sakura for help." Before leaving, Sasaki Kana still didn't forget to say to the Damara star: "We'll talk about the remuneration later."

The Damara star was dumbfounded.

"Huh? Pay?"

Didn't he come to tip off the news?

It is to remind the earth people to be prepared, why do the earth people ask him for reward?

The reason why I found Iges was the recommendation of other cosmonauts.

And for Sasaki Kana.

They're just a company, and it's not their business to protect the planet. The Damara Stars came to the door and said that if they want to prevent the Segur Stars from invading, then they will charge a fee.

But they can't deal with the monsters, but they can help investigate the traces of the Segur star, and pass the news to the police by the way.

Can charge a little less.

It's very conscientious.

Even if the earth is going to be destroyed in the next second, they have to earn money first in this second.

After all, that's what they live on.

"I understand that it's a good job, so I'll help out too, let's find the enemy together!"

Kudo Yuyuki looked at Uzumaki Naruto and planned to go out too.

According to Taiga, this Uzumaki Naruto is the human body of Ultraman Fuma, and both are human bodies. Kudo Yuyuki is very interested in Uzumaki Naruto, but they haven't had a chance to communicate.

"Yuyuki, is your arm okay?"

"Don't worry, senior!"

"That's good."

Kudo Yuyuki, Asahikawa Mirika and Uzumaki Naruto are in charge of going out to investigate, and Soya Hiroshi is in charge of receiving the Damara Stars and supporting them at the company.

Sasaki Kana went to contact Police Officer Sakura, and the police will follow suit.

When the Damara star got the toll table that Sogu Yu typed out, he almost cried.

"If I knew this earlier, I would go to the people in Wanshiwu for help. I heard that there is also a place that can help people from the universe."

Zong Guyu smiled slightly.

"I have seen the fee list of Master House before, but unfortunately, Master House charges more expensive."


The earth has deep routines, and he wants to return to his home planet.

Oh, his home planet has been invaded.

That's fine.


house of everything.

When Bailiyuan came back with the toy in his arms, he saw a woman tied to a chair, and Chanzi was standing beside her with a whip, which slapped loudly.

Junko Shirakawa was not there.

"Who is she?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

Did Cicada open a new XP, or a guest with strange XP came.

The business scope of Master House is indeed very wide, but it seems that it is the first time for customers to help deal with XP.

Chanzi didn't know what Bailiyuan was thinking, she explained: "This is the Segul star that Chunzi caught at the battle scene, and the appearance of the monster this time has something to do with her."

"Sister Junzi asked me to interrogate her, and then lock her up so that she can be used as a tool...temporary worker in the master house."

"Sister Junzi, she is chasing the signal source of the Segur star to prevent the Segur star from invading the earth."

Junko Shirakawa wants to find the aliens in the crowd, which is much easier than Ultraman seeing through the disguise, because she can sense bioelectricity.

Even if hundreds of thousands of people stand together, she can still feel the individuals with different bioelectricity in the crowd.

Most cosmic beings can only disguise their appearance, but cannot change their physiological activities at all.

Baili Yuan nodded, "I see." Then he showed a strange expression.

"Cicada has worked hard, let me torture her, I like the plot of torture the most, hehehehe... Chiliu~"

Chanzi didn't hand over the whip, but said, "Sister Junzi told me before leaving that you can't let the female cosmonaut fall into your hands."


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