Chapter 2739 Kirisaki: This kind of plot makes me happy physically and mentally

"Where did the bomb go?!"

in a warehouse.

Several figures were angry and accused each other.

After all, the most important monster bomb is gone, and all their plans will be aborted.

What's more, this time they took the risk of betraying Zuo Lin to snatch the monster bomb. Not only can they fail to achieve their goals now, but they will also face the pursuit of other cosmic beings after they have no power.

Zuo Lin, a Jeton star, was their original leader and the real leader of the Association of Villains. Not only has this powerful force, but it is also ruthless.

These figures are members of the wicked associations who posted the video.

To be precise, they are former members, and now they have betrayed Zuo Lin and the Wicked People's Association. This time, they are only doing it in the name of the Wicked People's Association.

Blackmailing humans with the help of monster bombs this time is their first big move, and it will also be their first step.

After that, they will no longer be afraid of the Wicked People's Association, and will form a powerful force that surpasses the Wicked People's Association!

However, the first step has not yet been taken, and the time to go out to buy a takeaway, the monster bomb disappeared.

Why did the monster bomb disappear?

Walker, the leader of this group of cosmic people, pulled the member in charge of guarding the monster bomb, held up his collar, and questioned him.

"Where's the monster bomb? Explain to me, where did the monster bomb go?"

"I, I..." The voice of the member who knew that he had made a mistake was trembling, but he still stiffened his neck and explained: "I just followed the agreement, patrolling nearby, it's a normal patrol, I just left for two minutes, the monster The bomb is gone."

"I can't blame me at all. It's not like you are all gone. How can I watch the monster bomb all the time and guard against the arrival of other people."

"You!" Walker raised his hand and knocked the member away, then rolled his eyes and forced himself to calm down.

The other members frowned when they saw this scene. Although Walker is leading them now, Walker is not enough to convince them absolutely, otherwise the members just now would not open their mouths just to justify and evade.

It's just that the loss of the monster bomb is indeed a major event, they don't need to plead for that member, and let that member bear all the consequences.

What's more, now they still need to let Walker make an idea.

What to do next.

Walker finally spoke and asked, "Did the people staring at Zuo Lin find anything?"

Soon there was an answer, "For the time being, Zuo Lin hasn't changed anything, he's still acting as a human being and serving as the president of the town."

The town association is equivalent to the neighborhood committee, which is a grassroots autonomous organization under the city, town and village. It does not belong to the scope of administrative agencies and is governed by residents.

Zuo Lin, a Jeton alien, lives on Earth disguised as a human being, and now serves as the president of a certain town club.

It is not difficult to follow him.

"Zuo Lin has been chasing us, and his men must be about to find us. Now that there is no monster bomb to rely on, we are not suitable to fight against Zuo Lin. Now, give up all plans, let's leave Japan first, and then find a way to leave the earth .”

If you lose your support and cannot move forward, you can only retreat.

"No matter any planet, it is a place where the weak are preyed on by the strong. We will be eaten to the bone by Zuo Lin or other cosmic beings. We must stay silent and sharpen our claws and fangs, so that we can become the top of the food chain in the future!" Walker's words were recognized by other cosmic people.

They just wanted to stand at the top of the food chain, so they did this thing.

Without the Wicked People's Association to rely on, and the Wicked People's Association to chase after them, they could only flee unwillingly.

As for going back to the Wicked People's Association to confess to Zuo Lin, they didn't even think about it, because going back would mean death.

However, just as they were about to take action, a figure appeared at the door of the warehouse, watching the situation in the warehouse, his gaze fell on Walker, and he said, "Walker, it really is you!"

Hearing the sound, several cosmonauts were startled, and immediately took out their weapons. The same was true for Walker. He looked at the person coming at the door, and his eyes changed.

"Brother Yu, is that you?!" Walker pushed aside the others and stood up.

The person who came was Zong Guyu who was looking for.

Moreover, Sogu Yuki and Walker still know each other.

In the past, Sogu Yu also participated in the violent conflicts between the cosmic people. At that time, he helped the weak Walker. It's just that Hiroshi Soya was rescued by Sasaki Kana, successfully landed, and joined Igis, but Walker was unwilling to leave the circle of violent gangs.

Sogu Yu just recognized Walker in the video, so he hurried to find him, and didn't even tell anyone else about it.

Because Soya wants Walker to end it all.

Threatening human beings with monster bombs is a wrong path, and Walker will never turn back.

Although Zong Guyu never said it, he always wanted to let his friend leave the whirlpool, but he couldn't do it.

All he can do now is stop Walker.

"Walker, who planned this incident!" Sogu Yuki asked directly.

"What do you mean?"

"Because you alone don't have the ability to betray that old fox Zuo Lin." Zong Guyu said unceremoniously, and at the same time he was scanning the other people, looking for the person who proposed this idea.

Zong Guyu knew the horror of the violent gangs of the aliens, and Zuo Lin was not simple. Although the aliens lived on the dark side of the earth, they were never simple, and the things involved were quite complicated.

The water is very deep and I can't hold it.

However, this sentence ignited Walker's anger.

"You look down on me too, don't you!"


Zong Guyu was a little speechless, he didn't look down on Walker, he was just seeking truth from facts.

Previously, Sogu Yu learned about the monster bomb from the intelligence merchant, and knew that Walker robbed Zuo Lin's things.

In Zong Guyu's cognition, with Walker's ability, even if he had the guts to betray Zuo Lin, he would still be unable to steal the monster bomb. Someone must have planned for him behind this.

In other words, someone bewitched Walker, and Walker was probably used by someone.

It's just that Walker doesn't appreciate it.

In the distance, Kirisaki, dressed in black and white, watched the scene with a smile while holding the jerky in his mouth.

In fact, Zong Guyu's ability to find this place has something to do with him.

He likes to watch this kind of drama.

Watching this kind of drama makes him happy physically and mentally.

"Walker, stop." Zong Guyu persuaded, "Violence cannot solve the problem."

"Shut up!" Walker yelled. "What do you know? Do you know what I've been living? Do you know what I've suffered? Because I have no power!"

"Do you know that as long as you say a word, countless people will follow you!" Walker looked at Zong Guyu with an expectant expression, as if expecting Zong Gu Yu to join them.

Zong Guyu clenched his fists, "That's not the right way, stop talking about it!"

Walker's expression gradually became indifferent, even a little crazy, "You don't want to talk about it! I just want to catch up to the strongest step by step, step by step. I want to be the strongest!"

"I don't want people to bully me anymore. No matter which planet I am on, the weak will prey on the strong. Only when I become strong can I have everything. I want to be the strongest, the strongest among ten thousand people! I want to King of the Universe!"

After speaking, Walker drew out his gun first, and the other cosmonauts around him also drew out their weapons, pointing at Soya Hiroshi.

Zong Guyu's pupils shrank sharply.

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