Chapter 2727 Assault on NASA officials

A few days passed.

Iges suddenly received a job from the government department.

"Mr. Sakura?" Sasaki Kana looked at the person with helplessness in his eyes.

"Kana-chan~" A man in a suit and leather shoes made a coquettish look at Sasaki Kana.

Police officer Sakura from the Unknown Section of the Police Department—the NPC of Igis, who is said to have an unusual relationship with the president of Igis, Kana Sasaki.

Well, it can be seen from the way the two communicate.

Police officer Sakura belongs to the police position, and his department is dedicated to the cases of aliens in the universe.

However, some cases require the "enthusiastic help" of people in the society, such as this time.

The two people who were about to run for four were chatting and laughing at the side.

The three of Kudo Yuyuki were on the other side, gossiping.

After a while, Kana Sasaki nodded, and police officer Sakura also smiled, and then they called the three people in the team, and police officer Sakura began to explain the situation.

Police officer Sakura played an official surveillance video. In the video, several figures with white upper body and black lower body were moving in a dark corner. After finding the camera, they smashed the camera and disappeared.

"These are..." Kudo Yuyuki wondered.

"Maybe it's a cosmic being." Officer Sakura said.

"Is there any problem with them?" Zong Guyu was a little puzzled, just a few passing cosmonauts, is there anything strange?

Even if they all look the same, can't they organize a group to go shopping on Earth?

Officer Sakura narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "The problem is that the officials of the space agency were attacked on the nearby road they passed by. If there were no other vehicles passing by, the officials might not be spared."

Kudo Yuyuki and the others couldn't help but widen their eyes, and even Sasaki Kana, who was originally calm, couldn't help but show surprise.

There are occasional incidents of space people hurting people, but attacking officials... well done, bah, is there such a thing? !

This is a huge disgusting case. If it is not handled properly, it may intensify the conflict between humans and aliens. However, there are many official officials who are hostile to alien aliens.

"A space agency official?"

"Is this a coincidence?" Zong Guyu was still a little confused.

"I don't know, but I hope you can help us find these aliens and understand the situation." Officer Sakura looked at them.

Snakes have snake ways, rats have rat ways.

The cosmic beings that the police couldn't find didn't mean that Iggis couldn't find them.

Police officer Sakura, who has worked with Iges many times, knows the power of Iges.

Sasaki Kana felt a little helpless, "However, we are not outsourced by your police station, and we are a serious security company. We usually take jobs of protecting people and transporting goods."

The task this time is to investigate prisoners, which is beyond their business scope. What's more, this mission also involves the case of attacking officials, which sounds very dangerous.

"But isn't it suitable for a group of weird people like you? And you are also very free." Police officer Sakura said.

The people in Iggis were immediately unhappy.

Sasaki Kana: "This task is not accepted!"

Sogu Yu: "Who do you call a weirdo?"

Asahikawa Miri Flower: "We are not."

Kudo Yuyuki: "We are not idle!"

Surrounded by four people, Police Officer Sakura hurriedly said, "Alright then!"

Then police officer Sakura looked at the youngest Kudo Yuyuki, walked over and patted Kudo Yuyuki's arm, with a good-looking Kudo Yuyuki, closing his eyes with an amiable smile.

"Next time I invite you guys to have a barbecue."

Kudo Yuyuki, who was still a little upset at first, heard this, and immediately stopped thinking about other things, showing a naive smile.


other people:"……"

Hearing Kudo Yuyuki agreed, the others were also helpless. And looking at the relationship between the two parties, Sasaki Kana did not continue to refuse this mission.

"Okay, we're just helping out. If something goes wrong, we'll terminate the mission at any time." Sasaki Kana finally said.

"It's natural." Hearing that Sasaki Kana agreed, Police Officer Sakura smiled like a chrysanthemum.

The barbecue was the reward for Iggis this time, and it was paid by Police Officer Sakura.

It is impossible for the police department to pay Iggis. Who made Iggis a "social enthusiast".

How can enthusiastic people ask for compensation?

Every mission sent by the police is like this, which is where Sasaki Kana is helpless.

If other customers don't pay for the task, Sasaki Kana will definitely kick the other party out. I don't know if she hasn't paid off the car loan yet?

Fortunately, the police can facilitate Iggis in other ways.

For example, sharing information, clearing the criminal record, opening up a side of the net, and so on.

Iggis's tasks are not always smooth sailing, and occasionally encounter unexpected situations, such as speeding a car on the street, running a red light, and going against the road. If there is no special accident, Sasaki Kana can ask police officer Sakura to help her finish it with a phone call.

There is no need for Kana Sasaki to go to the police station to find people, and the three of them don't have to worry about having a criminal record.

It is also mutually beneficial.

It's just that this mission is different from previous missions, it is to let them investigate the aliens.

And Sasaki Kana knew that, if there was no accident, Officer Sakura would leave other troublesome cases to them in the future.

Fortunately, they still have the right to terminate the mission.

As for Officer Sakura himself...he pays, and credit goes to him.


At the same time that Igis started to act, Caroline also sent Igis' actions to Shirakawa Junko.

Then Shirakawa Junko also acted.

Shirakawa Junko planned to communicate with Iges, but because Tregear was on the earth, she was worried that Tregear would also find Kudo Yuyuki, so she was aware of her purpose and identity, so Shirakawa Junko didn't come to visit directly .

Instead, he intends to gradually establish a connection with Iggis through some events.

In this way, the contact with Kudo Yuyuki seemed to go with the flow.

Usually Shirakawa Junko also uses props to hide her own power. If Shirakawa Junko doesn't take the initiative to expose it, or encounters a particularly powerful existence, it is almost difficult for others to detect Shirakawa Junko's identity.

At the same time, Junko Shirakawa knew about the mission that Igis took over.

"The space agency officials were attacked? Caroline, do you know anything?" Junko Shirakawa asked.

"The cameras near the incident site were all destroyed, and there is no information on the Internet, so I don't know, but I recognize those soldiers." Caroline replied, her voice was transmitted in Shirakawa Junko's mobile phone out.

Junko Shirakawa noticed Caroline's words and couldn't help asking, "Soldier?"

If it is a soldier, then the matter may not be as simple as a spaceman attack.

"That appearance is unmistakable. It is a robot soldier, Barris Knight. In the world of Zeta, he once attacked the armory and Xiaolu. His combat power exceeds that of ordinary humans. He has special abilities and is equipped with weapons and equipment. "Caroline explained.

"According to the information brought by Xiaolu, these soldiers are soldiers made by the ultimate judge Gilbaris to rob Red Steel. After Gilbaris was defeated, the remaining Barris knights were scattered in the universe."

"Now it may be obtained by some people and used for evil."

Shirakawa Junko nodded, couldn't help showing a smile, and then stepped on her motorcycle, "I don't know if these soldiers are enough for me, Caroline, tell Xiaoyuan about this... well, you should also I've already informed him. Let's go to have an 'encounter' with the people of Igis first, and you guide me."

A voice came from the phone——

"Caroline Navigator, I will serve you wholeheartedly."

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