Chapter 2723 The Grandson of the Recovery Giant

The young man who released Herberos did not expect that he would be targeted by a child.

"You are also in black and white? Then can you perform that?" The child who came nearby looked at the young man expectantly, shaking his buttocks, "It's that smile...Nyohoooo!".

The young man looked down at the child, speechless for a moment.

What are you doing?

Which is that?

What are you laughing at?

In the city not far away, accompanied by light, the figure of a giant appeared.

The red figure flipped a few times and landed on the ground, causing a storm. The wind and waves extinguished the flames burning in the city, knocked Herberos down, and blew it into the distance.

The incoming wind and waves rolled the child several times on the ground, and when the child opened his eyes again, the young man had disappeared.

The child looked around.


Then the child looked in the direction of the giant.


From the shadow of the child, a pair of eyes poked out, looking outside.


The other three members of the Igis team also drove to the vicinity of the battlefield. Naturally, it was because Kudo Yuyuki was involved in the battle, and they came to save people.

It's just that before they met Kudo Yuyuki, they first met the employer who was holding little Sandrias.

When he learned that Kudo Yuyuki was still in danger, Soya Hiroshi rushed to save people.

Then, the light bloomed and the giant appeared.

"That's..." Sasaki Kana looked at the giant who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Hikaru Soya and Mirika Asahikawa also looked at the figure of the giant, with the same emotion as Kana Sasaki in their eyes - shock!

The employer responded——

"That's Ultraman Taiga, the giant of light who brought peace to the galaxy!"

Although Taiga is still very young, after years of experience, he already has a name in some areas of the universe, including the Milky Way. It's just that he has never been to Earth before.

Sasaki Kana: "Ultraman..."

Sogu Yu: "Taiga?"

Asahikawa Mirika: "You're so handsome~"

Employer: "I didn't expect him to come to Earth!"

With Ultra fighters around, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Junko Shirakawa on the tall building also recognized the identity of the giant: "Ultraman Taiga!"

Tai Luo once transmitted Tai Jia's portrait to Bailiyuan, and several people around Bailiyuan had also seen Tai Jia's appearance.

Finally, after fifteen years of waiting, Taiga recovered!

Shirakawa Junko is not in a hurry to transform, she intends to see the ability of Tai Jia, the son of Tai Luo.

Kudo Yuyuki who was in Taiga's body also yelled "Fuck".

Turned into a giant?

"Partner, let's go!" Taijia encouraged.

"Okay, buddy, let's go!"

Taiga stood up, but did not rush to attack the overturned Herberos, but turned his head first, looked at Sandrias' mother who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and then stretched out his hand.

Healing Beam.

A soft golden light fell from Taiga's left hand to Sandrias' mother, and Sandrias' mother's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The son of Taro, the grandson of the mother of Ultra, Taiga naturally also inherited the talent in healing ability.

However, Taijia is still very young, and his practice in healing methods is not profound, and he only knows some commonly used healing skills.

When Taiga stopped, although the wound on Sandrias' mother disappeared, it was still unable to move for a short period of time, and then it needed rest to fully recover.

The situation did not allow Taiga to continue treating Sandrias' mother.

He turned his head.

Herberos got up from the ground and attacked Taiga angrily.

Herberos turned around and flung out his sharp tail.

Tail of the Blade!

Herberos used this move to kill Sai Gang before.

However, if this move is used for a sneak attack, it is very threatening, but if the opponent is on guard, he can naturally avoid the straight attack with the tail.

What's more, Kudo Yuyuki and Taiga witnessed the scene where Herberos killed Saigon with his tail before, so they were naturally prepared.

Taijia turned over and opened the distance, dodging the attack of the blade tail, and also flashed out of the attack range of the blade tail.

Herberos took the opportunity to bombard Taiga with the rain of purple light bullets released from the blade on his back, accompanied by purple-red lightning.

Hull Blade Thunder!

Facing the rain of light bullets falling, Taija could not continue to dodge, because Sandrias' mother was behind him.

Taiga formed a cross with his hands, and fired a destructive light bullet from his left arm.

"Swallow-style light bomb!"

It can also be called a devouring missile. Because these light bullets can break through the enemy's body or armor, when fired in rapid succession, they can contain the enemy or interrupt the enemy's skills.

For example, at this time, use missiles to eliminate the rain of light bullets.

After eliminating the rain of light bullets, Taiga attacked first without waiting for Herberos to attack again.

Unlike the former Fuma, the now transformed Taiga has already recovered from his injuries and is able to display his strength.

The battles between Ultraman and monsters are often simple and rough, but powerful.

Although it looked like a low-level fist fight, each punch was quite violent, and high-rise buildings collapsed under the shock of their collision.

Taiga was trained by Tai Luo since he was a child, and his fighting style has many similarities with Tai Luo, which can be said to be in the same line.

It's just that Taiga's combat effectiveness is more immature than Tairo's.

After a lot of punches and punches, he failed to kill Herberos directly.

If Tai Luo's random fist is "boom boom boom boom", then Taiga's random fist is "da da da da".

There is damage, but not much.

And the target was Herberos with armor.

Herberos found an opportunity and released his skills to fight back.

Taija opened his shield to defend, then attacked again.

Only at this moment, Taijia's indicator light suddenly flickered.

Ultraman can only fight for three minutes on Earth!

After Taiga cut open the fireball spewed by Herberos with his hand knife, Taiga didn't intend to continue to test.

After some fighting, Taiga also had an understanding of Herberos' combat power, and Taiga also figured out how to destroy Herberos.

He is not the young master, but a warrior of light who has been tempered!

"Taiga cut!"

Taiga fired several cutting light bullets from his hand, hitting the same position on Herberos one after another, breaking the armor on Herberos. He also beat Herberos back steadily.

"It's now!"

Before Herberos could stand still, Taiga began to gather energy, and the surface of his body lit up with a dazzling iridescent light.

The energy converges on the arms, and the arms form a "T" shape.

"Streem explodes!"

Blue and white light poured out, hitting the gap on Herberis' armor with precision.

The energy penetrated into Herberis's body, and then penetrated out, and Herberis also exploded to death in the destruction of energy.

The battle is over.

However, in the flames of the explosion, something was attracted by Ultraman's breath, floated towards Taiga, and was sucked into Taiga's body.

Kudo Yuyuki, who was inside Taiga's body, grabbed the object that appeared and found it to be a ring-shaped prop.

"this is?"

"I feel the power of Ultra warriors." Taiga also said doubtfully.

On the ring-shaped props, Herberis's appearance was impressively depicted, proving the origin of the ring.

No matter what, let's accept it first, Taijia thinks this equipment should be usable by himself.

But why would the monster explode its equipment?

At the end of the battle, Taiga also flew away directly.

The employer left quietly without greeting the others.

Even if Taiga left, several people in Igis were still discussing the shock Taiga brought to them.

They have seen a lot of cosmic people, but they have never seen Taiga so big. After all, both men and women like big ones.

What's more, from the employer's explanation, Taijia's body was covered with a layer of mystery.

"I really want him to be the image spokesperson of our company." Sasaki Kana thought about it, feeling very strong and safe.

"That's a good idea." Asahikawa Mirika was also moved, and couldn't help but agree. Then Asahikawa Mirika found out that her employer had disappeared, "Where's the person?"

"Maybe he left. I don't know if he has caught up with the spaceship?" Sasaki Kana said casually, stretching her waist.

Asahikawa Mirika was surprised.

What spaceship?

Did the captain know that his employer was a cosmic man before?

Zong Guyu looked at the time and couldn't help laughing: "The president must have known it a long time ago."

"What?" Sasaki Kana pretended to be stupid.

"I know what is being transported, right?" Without listening to Sasaki Kana's answer, Soya Hiroshi turned directly to look for Kudo Yuyuki, because he had already confirmed the matter.

Since Sasaki Kana knew that the employer was a cosmonaut, Soya Hiroshi couldn't believe that Sasaki Kana didn't know the details of the mission.

The reason why everyone gave up the mission before was probably because she found that the mission was dangerous. In order to prevent the team members from being in danger, she said that they did not care about things outside the contract.

After all, Iggis is just a non-governmental organization and has no obligation or responsibility to help others.

But in fact, Sasaki Kana likes to help others more than others, no matter whether the opponent is a human or a cosmonaut, he just cares more about the safety of the team members. Otherwise, Sasaki Kana would not accept the task because of money.

She is willing to help others, but she is unwilling to put the team members in danger.

Zong Guyu didn't dislike such a captain.

Otherwise, Sogu Yu would not stay in Igis, because he was also the one who was helped by the captain.

Not selfless, but worthy of respect.

Perhaps it is because of the same kind of people that Sasaki Kana agreed to recruit people like Kudo Yuyuki into the team.

Speaking of Kudo Yuyuki, I hope Kudo Yuyuki is okay.

Sasaki Kana looked at Soya Hiroshi's back and smiled, "Who knows."

"In this city, anything can happen... By the way, Yuyuki, go find Yuyuki!"

It was only then that Kana Sasaki remembered that there was another team member near the battlefield, and they had forgotten about it because of the shock brought by Taiga.

Asahikawa Mirika also reacted.

Then they hurriedly chased in the direction of Zong Guyu.

In some matters, Soya Hiroshi is more reliable.


On another high platform, a young man in black and white clothes bathed in the sun, witnessed the whole battle, and smiled... Then he sensed his surroundings.

After making sure there was no one, he continued to laugh.

The shadow behind him was dragged very long, revealing Tregear's appearance.


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