Chapter 2716 Is it strange that frogs can talk

The wind is absorbed by the Inert Slime, like a storm inhaled, which makes the Inert Slime increase the power of the wind attribute.

Dirt and grass are digested by the inert slime, and the power of earth and wood is added to the inert slime.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the inert slime is increasing rapidly, and it already possesses the five attribute powers of electricity, fire, wind, earth, and wood.

Then, as the inert slime continued to expand, the power and attacks of various attributes were also constantly displayed, making it impossible for people to get close.

"We can't let it continue to swell, or the monster ranch will be destroyed, and Caroline will be angry at that time." Baili Yuan looked at the frog seed and said.

The reason why the inert slime follows the Bulbasaur is naturally because the Bulbasaur has the means to restrain the inert slime from being active.

However, Bailiyuan did not receive a response from Frog Seed Miao, because Frog Miao Seed was lying on the ground at this time, squinting his eyes, in a lazy state.

As if everything had nothing to do with him.

put up~

"Wonderful Frog Seed, what's wrong with you?"


Frog Seed hiccupped, some black spots appeared on his body, and finally moved one of his vines.

Then Bailiyuan followed the vine and saw the frightened lazy monster cub, which was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bailiyuan could feel that a special radiation was being released from the body of the lazy monster cub, which also reminded Bailiyuan of the introduction of the lazy monster.

"No way, it's just a cub, and it can master this level of ability? This talent is too good!" Baili Yuan's eyes widened.

During this period of time, not only the Miao Frog Seed, but other people were also sitting on the ground, posing together. They were all belching, and countless black dots appeared on their bodies.

"It's so ugly, hiccup~" Shirakawa Junko leaned against a tree and sighed.

"But I don't want to move, hiccup, whatever, hiccup~" Shirley lay flat on the lawn, with her hands folded on her abdomen, showing a peaceful expression.

Shazi was also paralyzed on the lawn with a leaky appearance.

The same goes for everyone else.

Even the spirit body Fuma was affected, and even the nine tails in Uzumaki Naruto's body showed its belly, and its tongue crooked out of its mouth.

The little monsters in the monster ranch hide far away.

The two Red Kings stopped talking about love, and saw an accident in the monster ranch, so they couldn't help coming over.

Then they all fell on the lawn.


None of them can be counted on.

The reason why Bailiyuan was not affected was because he possessed the ability of [Rebel], so he didn't want to be controlled.

Lazy monster Ametanlas can radiate strange radiation from the whole body. Those infected by the radiation will hiccup continuously, and many black spots will appear on the face, and finally become very lazy and slack, lose motivation for everything, lose the will to work and die. nothing to do.

This radioactivity is so contagious that even Ultra warriors are not immune.

But lazy monsters can absorb the "lazy energy" released by living things to grow rapidly and even become gigantic.

However, if you encounter a particularly lazy existence, the radiation of the lazy monster can actually make it "hardworking".

For example - inert slime becomes active.

"The question is, does a cub have such abilities? You call this a cub?" Baili Yuan felt that he was still ignorant, but he didn't expect that the lazy monster's growth was not a routine at all.

In such a short period of time, the lazy monster has completed the growth process from a cub to a grown-up stage. It no longer looks like a broken tomato, but has the appearance of an adult.

When it grows to this point, the sloth monster can move freely, and then it becomes gigantic.

The effect of its radiation will also become stronger.

In that case, Bailiyuan didn't know how long he could last.

Because in the world outside the heraldry, the effect of [Rebel] will be weakened, and Bailiyuan can't guarantee that he can always ignore the radiation that is becoming stronger.

What's more, there is an inert slime that is active and uncontrollable.

All attacks that fall on the inert slime will be absorbed by the inert slime, making the inert slime stronger and gaining the corresponding power.

Suddenly, a group of figures appeared.

It turned out that Xanadu had sensed the situation and teleported over with the elves around him to help.

"No, let's go!" Baili Yuan raised his hand and shouted.

But it was too late.

The menacing Xanadu took the lead and lay down on the lawn in an elegant posture, and patted Bailiyuan's side, as if calling Bailiyuan to lie down with her.

The big needle bee jumped directly into Baili Yuan's arms and rested in a comfortable posture.

Bailiyuan: "..."

Xanadu: (# ̄~ ̄#)

"Anyway, let's deal with the chaos here first."

Frightened, the lazy monster that wanted to escape was pointed at by Bailiyuan, and two drones flew in to capture the lazy monster to no man's land.

Fortunately, the ability of the lazy monster is not abnormal enough to affect the machine.

Without the influence of the lazy monster, the surrounding people and elves are gradually recovering, but the activity of the lazy slime has not stopped. On the contrary, during this time, it has swelled to a height of more than 30 meters, and gained water and water. The two attributes of spirit.

It can actually absorb the super power left by Xanadu's teleportation, and then acquire spiritual attributes.

The teleportation of elves mainly relies on spiritual power.

Fortunately, the inert slime didn't absorb the space attribute, otherwise, when it went berserk, it would produce two space blades, and even elves above level 95 might be injured if they didn't check for a while.

It can be said that inert slime is a kind of beast that is difficult to use but extremely powerful.

When the Frog Seed gradually recovered, he got up seriously and planned to deal with the problem of the lazy slime.

"Stop making trouble, and calm down," said Frog Seed.

Then the two vine whips shot directly at the inert slime, and attacks of various attributes appeared around the inert slime, hitting the two vine whips.

However, the two rattan whips are directly attached with a layer of special power, which looks like they are coated with a layer of black crystals, which slightly affects the flexibility of the rattan whips, but makes the rattan whips more tenacious, even ignoring Fire, electricity and other attribute attacks.

It is the crystallization ability obtained by the frog seed.

It incorporates the principle of armed domineering, and uses the grass-type power of the frog seed as the source, turning it into crystal armor, which can block the damage of restraint attributes and high physical damage.

However, even if the way to use this power is told to other elves, it is difficult for other elves to grasp. At most, it is like a tiger and a cat, and learn a degraded version.

Because this is the frog seed who has gone through many trials, his grass-type power has already made a qualitative leap, and is even different from some grass-type mythical beasts and phantom beasts.

Finally, two vine whips were inserted into the body of the inert slime.

The ultimate draw!

Seeing the gradually shrinking inert slime, Frogseed was slightly relieved, then he felt the gaze, and couldn't help turning his head, just in time to see Naruto Uzumaki looking at him.

Uzumaki Naruto: "It turns out that you can talk, just like Ninja Beast! My father's toad can also talk."

Wonderful Frog Seed: "I am a frog, not a toad."

Fuma: "Is this the point? However, whether it's a toad or a frog, this is the first time I've seen one that can talk."

Indeed, elves can still learn to speak if they just think about it.

And unlike the Rockets' Meow, the elves of Bailiyuan have a longer lifespan, more resources, and deeper potential. They only need to spend some time learning to learn to speak.

But just like speaking a foreign language, it is easier to speak your mother tongue if others can understand you.

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