Chapter 2706 My goal is the child's mother!

Because of the grilled chicken before, Naruto Uzumaki probably wouldn't feel too good eating ordinary food recently.

In the words of cooking fan, this is "taste bud blockade".

It's just that Naruto Uzumaki has never eaten such a good thing.

That's why the effect is so good.

But there are more than just food on earth.

Naruto Uzumaki is deeply attracted by the bustling city and various recreational facilities.

It was something he had never experienced in Muye Village.

Bailiyuan also took Uzumaki Naruto to the playground, and the optimistic and cheerful Uzumaki Naruto soon played with the children in the playground.

There are facilities for adults to play in the playground, and there must be facilities for children to play safely.

In an indoor bubble pool, several children surrounded Uzumaki Naruto.

"Brother Naruto, why do you have blond hair? Are you a foreigner?" A child asked Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, "I don't know if it counts, but I'm genetic, my father also has blond hair, and my father said that my mother has red hair."

"That's amazing, brother Naruto is actually a foreigner, what country is brother Naruto from?" several children exclaimed.

"That... the Kingdom of Fire."

"Where is the Kingdom of Fire?"

"a place far away."

Several parents outside the bubble pool were quietly relieved when they heard the conversation of several children.

They had all seen a blond-haired child appearing next to their own child before, and thought that the child had dyed hair, but at first glance it looked like a juvenile gangster.

It turned out to be a foreigner, no wonder the hair is golden.

Now there is no need to be nervous.

While the parents relaxed, Uzumaki Naruto also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Uzumaki Naruto can perceive good and evil because of the Nine Tails in his body, but just now he felt that the parents behind him regarded him as a dangerous child.

Now after the explanation, the feeling of being on the back disappeared.

Soon, the tired children left with their families.

Most of these kids have been playing for a day.

"Goodbye, Brother Naruto."

After saying goodbye to the children, Uzumaki Naruto also planned to leave, and he found Bailiyuan who was waiting in the parents' lounge.

Although Bailiyuan looks younger than Uzumaki Naruto, sorry, Bailiyuan doesn't want to play with those little kids.

Therefore, Bailiyuan has been waiting in the parents' lounge, which is prepared for parents who bring their children to play, providing free TV and air conditioning, drinks and food pocket money.

When Uzumaki Naruto found Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan was sitting on a small round table with half a bowl of strawberry milkshake in front of him.

Sitting opposite Bailiyuan was a noble and elegant young woman. The young woman was wearing a long skirt, but the long skirt could not hide the maturity of the peach. At this time, the young woman's hand was being held by Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan gestured with her fingers on the young woman's palm, and then said something to the young woman.

The young woman smiled and covered her mouth with her other hand, looking shy.

This is my real goal of Bailiyuan!

He Bailiyuan came to the playground not for other children, but for the children's mother!

Uzumaki Naruto was not a child with eyesight, he came directly to Baili Yuan and greeted Baili Yuan, while looking suspiciously at the young woman sitting opposite Baili Yuan.


Outside, Bailiyuan asked Uzumaki Naruto to call him uncle.

At this moment Naruto Uzumaki was very curious about who this young woman who was a little close to Baili Yuan was.

Could it be the other strong men around Uncle Xiaoyuan?

Obviously Uzumaki Naruto thought too much.

But at this time, the young woman's two children also came out, the young woman hastily pulled her hand from Baili Yuan's hand, expressing that this is not for the children to see, and at the same time her eyes were a little guilty.

Then the young woman took her children and said goodbye quickly and left.

When the young woman left, she made a phone call gesture to Baili Yuan.

Then Bailiyuan saw a small note pressed on the bottom of the bowl under the crystal bowl of the strawberry milkshake, and a series of numbers were written on the small note.

is the phone number.

Baili Yuan raised his eyebrows, picked up the note, and with a wave of his hand, the note turned into pieces and disappeared.

At the same time, he also said: "You actually want to attack the child, you scum."

Want to stage a plot where a cart crushes a pony?

Don't even think about it.

Just now by showing the young woman palm reading and getting in touch with the young woman, Baili Yuan clearly sensed the young woman's hunger and thirst, as well as her desire for herself.

Bailiyuan can't help it either, since he became a god, he naturally has a special charm.

To be precise, it is the natural attraction of higher life to lower life.

In fact, the young woman was not Bailiyuan who took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but Bailiyuan who was approached by the other party. Besides that young woman, there were other people who also came to strike up a conversation with Bailiyuan.

They all regarded Baili Yuan as a lost child, and with Baili Yuan's attraction to them, they came up to ask about the situation one after another, and some wanted to take him with him temporarily, or even take him home.

"It can't be helped, it's just so charming. If charm is a sin, I have already turned into the evil of this world." Bailiyuan was narcissistic for a while, then turned to look at Uzumaki Naruto, and asked with a smile: "Naruto, how are you doing?"

Uzumaki Naruto showed a bright smile and gave a thumbs up with a smile, "Great! I've never been so happy! I really want my friends from Ninja School to come and play."

The doubts about the young woman were directly left behind by Naruto Uzumaki. He doesn't understand, he can't understand, he chooses to forget.

As for the idea of ​​going home?

What home?

Happy here, not homesick.

Because it was already night, most of the tourists in the amusement park chose to leave.

However, in the playground at night, there are still some people who have just entered, or choose to stay.

They are a couple.

The playground with dazzling lights is a good place for couples to date. If you are brave enough, you can also do some favorite things in some dark corners.

And there are many love hotels outside the playground.

Bailiyuan also planned to leave with Uzumaki Naruto, some things are not suitable for children to watch.

"I'll take you to Akihabara tomorrow, there are many good things there." Baili Yuan said.

"Good!" Uzumaki Naruto was full of energy.

With Caroline's existence and Bailiyuan's means, Bailiyuan also obtained a lot of legal money from legal means. Including the villa they lived in before is also legally obtained.

It's a pity that although the current level of technology on this earth is good, the network is not particularly developed.

The online household registration has not yet been established.

So the only thing that was illegal about Bailiyuan and the others was probably their identification.

But as long as no organization deliberately investigates their household registration, no flaws will be found.

There is no problem with user registration and identity information at ordinary times.

night comes.

Cities also become brightly lit.

The light source fell from the sky to the ground, but more darkness was born.

Especially this planet where many cosmic beings lurk.

Walking on the dark street, Baili Yuan suddenly looked in one direction.

Uzumaki Naruto also suddenly pulled Bailiyuan.

"Uncle Xiaoyuan, I feel there is malice over there, but it doesn't seem to be aimed at me."

"What do you think?" Baili Yuan asked back.

Uzumaki Naruto heard Bailiyuan's inquiry, hesitated for a moment, and asked Bailiyuan: "Uncle Xiaoyuan, will you help me?"

"If it's the right thing to do, of course I will."

Naruto Uzumaki stood firm and said, "I want to go and see!"


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