Chapter 2693 Altman Neil Blast Form

"Who the hell are you?" Dark Lukiel exclaimed in Neil's direction.

That's what Galaxy and Victory want to ask.

Neil tilted his head and looked at the dark Lukiel.

"You can call me Neil Altman!"

Neil Ultraman is the flower name Shirakawa Junko took for his transformed form, which was inspired by Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer.

Mjolnir is known as the strongest weapon in Norse mythology.

As an Ultraman, Shirakawa Junko doesn't have any ambitions, she just wants to be the strongest.

In Shirakawa Junko's view, she can not fight, but she can't be ambitious, otherwise people will become lazy because of slack, and finally lose the motivation to move forward completely.

Once a person cannot move forward, he will be eliminated.

Practice is not to become the strongest, so why practice?

Especially now that she already has a life that is long enough that there is no end in sight.

That's right, Shirakawa Junko is no longer an ordinary human being, and she has finally become a light!

It's different from using the sublimator and transforming with the help of Bailiyuan's light.

When she was in Jiuzhong Immortal Realm, Shirakawa Junko came into contact with the power of heaven and scourge, and obtained some of the world's original power. This power allows Shirakawa Junko to transform herself—to shine her own light!

This time Shirakawa Junko transformed herself.

"Is this what you hoped for?" Junko Baichuan thought of the existence that sent her on the path of pursuing the light. She understood the intention of that existence, and couldn't help touching her own indicator light.

The light in the indicator light on Neil's chest has the feeling of thunder and lightning, but it is also warm.

In the past, Junko Shirakawa was just an ordinary correspondent in the MAC team. Although she had a certain quality, she was not a combatant. The only thing she could do was her good looks.

At that time, Shirakawa Junko didn't know that her captain and two teammates turned out to be Ultraman, and even had a crush on Ezreal who was disguised by Bailiyuan.

When the MAC team's base was in danger of extinction, she finally mustered up the courage to express her feelings for Bailiyuan at the last moment.

Unexpectedly, Bailiyuan transformed into Ultraman directly and saved her.

Bailiyuan's identity as a cosmic person did not make Shirakawa Junko feel alienated from Bailiyuan, because Baichuan Junko felt the light of Bailiyuan.

Shirakawa Junko doesn't hate that kind of warm and righteous light.

After Bailiyuan, Fengyuan and Zhuxingcluster left, Junko Baichuan still missed Bailiyuan and his light, so she officially started her journey of seeking light.

Until he encountered the existence shrouded in brilliance.

Bailiyuan said that that existence might be the legendary Ultraman, the king of Ultraman.

The King of Ultra gave Junko Shirakawa the light of Seven and Leo, and sent Junko Shirakawa to another time, allowing Junko to grow continuously, and finally reunited with Bailiyuan.

To be honest, when she found out that Bailiyuan was just a child, Junko Bai Chuan was really shocked, thinking that her love was over before it even started.

But with the continuous contact with Bailiyuan, Junko Baichuan realized that Bailiyuan is not a child - Bailiyuan has lived for more than two thousand years and has a mature mind.

Even if Shirakawa Junko has lived in another world for more than 50 years, she is still not a fraction of Bailiyuan's age.

When Junko Bai Chuan followed Baili Yuan to the world of heraldry envoys, a world with countless extraordinary powers, Junko Bai Chuan realized that for longevity species, age doesn't mean much.

The most important thing is that Bailiyuan also has an ability called [Life Control], which can completely change the state of childhood, adulthood and even old age freely.

Now Junko Shirakawa has experienced all kinds of things, and she has lived a life of seven or eighty years. She has finally become light, and she now realizes the reason why the King of Ultra chose her.

Not because of Bailiyuan.

It was the Ultra King who responded to her search for the light.

The memory is over.

Neil raised his head and looked at the dark Lukiel and the lingering Atalga.

"To deal with you, try this form."

Light emerged from Neil's body.

Because of returning to the world of heraldry, Junko Shirakawa also obtained a new coat of arms, the same as Baili Yuan's coat of arms of the giant of light, and Junko Shirakawa has been promoted to the level of junior heraldry by Shirakawa Junko .

Light Giant Emblem · Junior Emblem:

natural ability -

Heart of Justice: Huge increase in damage to creatures of the evil alignment.

Branch skills——

Ultra Thunder Piercing: Gather the light of thunder on the arm, causing piercing damage to the enemy.

The innate ability is the same as Bailiyuan, and it is also the "heart of justice". The innate ability of the Heart of Justice allows Neil to go up and down when facing enemies from the evil camp.

For the time being, only one branch skill is solidified, but it is different from Bailiyuan's shape change. It is the one used before - Ultra Thunder Piercing.

Ultra Thunder Piercing is a very good skill. In Shirakawa Junko's vision, in the future, skills with other effects can be developed like the Ultra Light Wheel skill.

Junko Shirakawa's first coat of arms was a qigong master, and Junko Shirakawa has now promoted her to the level of a first-level guardian.

Contacting the power of the Dao gave Shirakawa Junko a huge benefit, and the effect was even stronger than the secret room of enlightenment that Bailiyuan had used.

And Junko Shirakawa's change of form is due to the power of the qigong master's coat of arms.

A pair of purple gloves appeared on Neil's hands.

The color of Neil's body has changed to red and purple as the main colors, making his tall figure look a bit enchanting, his legs seem to have become longer, and there is violent power in his slender body.

Standing next to him can feel the pressure.

"Altman Neil, explosive gas form, come on!"

"Sa, come and accept Thunder's trial."

Neil's speed became even faster.

This time, it is not only fast, but also powerful in the speed.

The target is still Altargar.

Aitarga, who was seriously injured, turned pale with fright, and exclaimed, "Don't come here!"

While dragging his broken body to escape, Aitarga released his power at Neil in an attempt to stop him.

Atal is over!

Countless energy light bullets hit Neil's direction.

No matter what this time, Altargar didn't dare to get close to Neil.

Facing the oncoming energy light bullet, Neil still did not dodge.

"Branch skill: Spirit Coil."

The purple air flow wrapped around Neil's body. These are the Qigong master's Nianqi power. The Nianqi power was wrapped around Neil's body and flowed quickly in a special trajectory.

Then all the energy light bullets that hit Neil were blocked by the entangled layer of thought energy, and they were directed around, so that the light bullets fell on the ground beside Neil, and even the aftermath of the explosion did not reach neil.

Neil's speed was not affected in any way, she just rushed in front of Aitarga.

Full blast.

Oppression halo, open!

Elemental winding halo, open!

Domain - Flurry Nianqi field!

"Branch skill · Mind energy release · Ultra Thunder piercing!"

The hand knife stabbed out.

The Righteous Heart talent ability works.

"This blow destroys the evil!"

Aitargar hastily raised his defense.

Galaxy and Victory on the ground only saw the lightning flash past where Aitargar was.

Then countless lightning lights emerged, and the trajectory seemed to form a blooming lotus, causing damage to Etargar six times again.

A set of skills is dazzling.

Aitargar's defense has long been broken, and his body is full of wounds.

The thunder did not stop, and the surrounding thunder turned into a huge lightning dragon hundreds of meters long. The thunder dragon descended from the sky and bit Aitarga's body, causing the final blow to Aitarga.



Aitargar's broken body exploded in mid-air, turning into countless dark and negative forces, and gradually blending into this planet full of darkness and negative forces.

Neil landed on the ground, lightly, and the brontosaurus also shrunk, wrapping around her body.

Of course, it wasn't easy for Neil either, she felt that her strength was exhausted a lot.

Dark Lugiel was shocked when he saw his companion being killed just like that, and was about to retreat.

However, as soon as it turned around, it saw the Milky Way and Victory blocking its way.

And Neil also turned to look at its location.

Now, it is surrounded.

"I don't agree, Yinhe, I want to fight you one-on-one!" Dark Lukiel shouted.

Galaxy is a little moved.

Do you want to continue the fateful duel?

"One-on-one what? Come to a righteous gang fight!" Neil shouted, and rushed to the dark Lukiel first.

Victory felt reasonable and followed closely behind.

Yinhe hesitated for a moment, and rushed forward with the Galaxy spark gun.

"Dark Lugiel, shoot me!"


(The introduction of Junko Shirakawa's coat of arms is in the writer's words)

Shirakawa Junko——

Light Giant Emblem · Junior Emblem:

natural ability -

Heart of Justice: Huge increase in damage to creatures of the evil alignment.

Branch skills——

Ultra Thunder Pierce: Ultra Thunder Pierce: Gather the light of thunder on the arm, causing piercing damage to the enemy.

Qigong Master·Level 1 Guardian (explosive form):

natural ability -

Nian Qi Affinity (Thunder): It can condense Nian Qi, and the attribute of Nian Qi is Thunder.

Branch skills——

Nian Qi Entangling: Wrap body parts with Nian Qi, and the entangled parts gain defense.

Concealed Breath of Thought: Calm down the fluctuation of one's own mind, can hide one's own breath, and make one's own sense of existence weaker.

Nian Qi release: release the Nian Qi and turn it into a stronger substantive attack with armor-piercing effect.

halo -

Oppressive Aura: Releases an oppressive aura within the range, slows down the enemy's action speed and attack speed, and can make the enemy fall into a cowering state.

Elemental Entangling Halo: When the aura is turned on, all attacks have their own attribute effects, and the effect of their own attribute attacks is doubled. Self attribute: Thunder.


Flurry of Nianqi Field: Concentrate Nianqi to generate Nianqi Field within the range, causing enemies within the range to receive the effect of own Nianqi attribute; when attacking oneself, it will cause the lotus flower bloom effect on the enemy in the Nianqi Field, causing the enemy to receive an additional six times harm. When the Nian Qi field is activated, the Nian Beast Thunder Dragon is produced, controlled by the master, and can attack the same target enemy as the master.

Unactivated effect: can summon the beast Brontosaurus to attack.

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