Chapter 2681 Monsterization of Evil

in mind space.

The main body of Bailiyuan outside is facing a crisis, but the avatar consciousnesses here are all doing their own things.

In the spiritual space, the avatar consciousness can "come what you want", and whatever you want, as long as it is within the understanding range of Bailiyuan's body, it can be manifested.

Happy here, don't think outside.

Of course, as the main body, Bailiyuan has the highest authority in the spiritual space, and he has locked some things to not allow the avatars to manifest.

Such as the beautiful big sister.

It can't be astringent.

And just as Bailiyuan obtained the true form of the devil, and at the same time that the true form of the devil merged with Bailiyuan, a foreign object descended in the spiritual space.

A pitch-black chaotic ball appeared in the mind space, and then divided into seven parts, seven of which fell into the bodies of the six clones of greed, desire, jealousy, gluttony, anger, and laziness.

The last part was integrated into the spiritual space, to be precise, it was the "arrogance" fusion with Baili Yuan's body.

Seeing this scene, the other avatars were all surprised.

"what's the situation?"

"Quickly synchronize the memory of the main body."

"Is this related to the true nature of the demon obtained by the main body?"


Even the clone of mourning, who can only lie flat, couldn't help but look up at the lazy clone that had changed.

Fortunately, the clone of Fear ran over in time and pulled the clone of Sorrow away from the huge soft bed.

The reason for this is that the soft bed of the sad clone and the bed of the lazy clone are side by side.

Who knows what will happen to the lazy avatar, but don't hurt the avatar of sorrow, after all, the avatar of sorrow has only been revived for a short time.

While being dragged away by the clone of Fear, the clone of Sorrow also grabbed a body-sized pillow on the soft bed, with the pattern of the big sister on the pillow.

If you can't embody a big sister, or a similar doll, you can only use a pillow instead.

The six clones with fused power were covered in evil black air, and they roared, as if they were undergoing some kind of transformation.

Finally, the black light lit up.

The six avatars actually started to transform in the spiritual space.

The evil avatar has transformed?

They all turned into Baili Yuan's normal form, but their bodies were mainly black and gray in color, and the shape of their eyes became more monstrous, and the light in their eyes was red.

It seems to be a dark version of the normal form of the main body——

Evil Ultraman!

At the positions of the six indicators on Ultraman's chest, there are different patterns, corresponding to the evil symbols they represent.

The evil black energy turned the evil clones into evil Ultraman, but the changes did not end there.

The six dark Ultramans are shrouded in evil black air, and the evil black mud still emerges from their bodies. The evil black mud changes the appearance of the evil Ultraman, and they are turning into monsters!

Jealousy Clone has the biggest monster shape, looks like a fish, with scales appearing on its body, turning into hard scales, sharp teeth in the mouth, and spikes under the abdomen, which is intimidating.

Then the jealous avatar raised its hand and grabbed an item from the void.

Surprisingly, the Evil Space-Time Spear preserved in his ability [Endless Black Sea], in this form, he can actually control the power of the Evil Space-Time Spear? No, it is the jealous avatar that erodes and pollutes the time-space spear of evil with the black mud of evil that it releases at this time.

The time-space spear of evil is in the hands of the jealous avatar, transformed by the evil black mud released by the jealous avatar, and the powerful space-time power that could have broken the barriers of the world has subsided.

In the end, the appearance of the evil space-time spear also changed, becoming a huge anchor, carried on the shoulder by the jealous clone.

It also has a new name.

The jealous avatar named it—the Spear of Leviathan!

The body of the furious avatar has grown stronger, with a pair of monster horns growing on its head, a pair of dragon wings appearing behind it, a devil-like spiked tail growing out of the tailbone, and sharp claws on its hands and feet , Breathing flames, it is extremely dangerous at first sight.

The lazy avatar looks the smallest after turning into a monster, with two upward long horns growing on his forehead, as if trying to heighten his height forcibly. He doesn't look like a powerful monster either. It has a big flexible and fluffy tail, which shakes constantly.

The strongest greedy clone among the six clones turned into a double-headed monster, with two bird-like monster heads growing out, and red cloth strips similar to clothes appeared on its body, and the two dark devil tigers remained behind. Attached to the soul bone - dark wings and evil hook.

After turning into a monster, the gluttony avatar has an elegant and noble temperament, but it is still a ferocious monster with a tail like a ram and wings like a fly.

The last clone of desire is the slenderest after turning into a monster, with four horns on its head, two appearing horizontally in front of the forehead, and two appearing vertically upwards, with extraordinarily slender fingers.

The black mud of evil disappeared completely, the evil black energy was completely absorbed by the clones, and the clones also completely regained their control over themselves.

"Unexpectedly, the true face of the devil turned the main body into a monster. Without the help of sublimators and monster capsules, we can directly transform into monsters. In addition to the original ability, we seem to have gained some other powers. And we villains The avatar turns into a monster at the same time, which makes up for our weakness when we don't use our abilities." The jealous avatar couldn't help but said.

Monsterization did not make the clones of evil lose their minds. After all, they were born from evil themselves and have a strong ability to adapt to the power of evil.

However, the jealous avatar suddenly discovered that the other evil avatars did not respond to him.

As soon as the jealous avatar turned around, he saw five other avatars surrounding him, staring at him, to be precise, staring at the Leviathan spear held on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" the jealous avatar couldn't help asking.

"Why are you the only one with a weapon?!" the furious avatar asked.

This question was confused by the jealous avatar, who didn't know how to answer it.

Good guy.

Are you jealous or am I jealous?

Jealous of my jealous avatar?

"You can go to the main body." The jealous avatar skillfully dumped the blame.

The other avatars felt reasonable.

After that, let the ontology get them all a weapon, no, two!

But at this time, only the monsters of the six evil clones are here, and the arrogant monster of the main body has not appeared.

Then the clones of evil looked at the clones of power, showing eagerness to try.

"Would you like to try whether Ultraman's transformation is stronger, or monster transformation?" The jealous avatar suggested.

Why didn't they think of becoming bigger and hammering people?

Hearing the proposal of the jealous avatar, the powerful avatars were also very interested.

"Just to help you get acquainted with the power of monsterization."

The monsterization of the evil avatars will also consume Bailiyuan's power, but the monsterization of the evil avatars is not synchronized with Bailiyuan's combat power, nor is it limited by Bailiyuan's strength.

As long as the evil avatars continue to practice, they may one day be stronger than Bailiyuan in the future.

However, the combat power of the evil clones is only diamond level.

Naturally, they are not the opponents of the avatars.

That's why it is said to help the evil avatars get familiar with power.

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