Chapter 2666 Master Huikong: Ruthless, so cruel

Moxiu's vanguard was killed by Peach Blossom Goddess just like that.

There is no more magic repair in the channel.

But the atmosphere became more and more oppressive.

Because everyone knows that there may be a strong man in the demon cultivator next, and the invasion of the demon cultivator will definitely not stop there!

Even in such a serious atmosphere, there were two figures who seemed a bit out of place.

Bailiyuan and Jiang Yang were bargaining to share the corpses of the demon cultivators on the ground.

Bailiyuan needs to save some of the corpses of the demon cultivator for Caroline to study. Jiang Yang is interested in the demon cultivator and wants to buy a few bodies for research in preparation for going to the demon world.

"This price~" Baili Yuan stretched out a few fingers.

"It's cheap, little boss. Besides, there will be magic cultivators in the future. I can kill it myself. Now I buy it from you, it depends on our relationship." Jiang Yang bargained.

"You make it difficult for me to do this, so let's give it a 20% discount, no less."

"It's been a while, isn't it, how about a 50% discount?"

"I don't think so, at least 10% off."

"55% off."

"15% off."


Seeing how Bailiyuan and Jiangyang were bargaining, Goddess Taohua opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know where to start.

Are you so strong?

It is really annoying that the person who caught himself with "despicable" means showed such a philistine expression.

Priestess Taohua didn't say what she wanted to remind the two of them.

Do you really think that Moxiu's corpse is so easy to dispose of?

Some things left on Moxiu's body are indeed beneficial to monks, and can even be used to refine special magic weapons.

However, if the method of handling is wrong, it will be eroded by the demonic energy left on the corpse of the demon cultivator, and eventually become demonic.

Master Huiming also learned about related things in ancient books, but he didn't speak.

Because Master Huiming thinks that Bailiyuan should have "previous life" memories, so Bailiyuan should not do anything he is not sure about.

At worst, go back and talk to Bailiyuan.

The important thing now is to be ready to fight.

The aura of the peak powerhouse revived on Master Huiming's body.

By the way, there is also the matter of the goddess Momoka.

Master Huiming was very curious about where Bailiyuan took out this zombie, and it seemed that this zombie was not simple.

But Buddhist cultivators must stay away from female sex, even female corpses!

After all, some monks in the fairy world are not taboo about meat and vegetables, and it is not uncommon for monks to have something to do with corpses, such as the group of monks who refined corpses.

Master Huiming also planned to discuss this with Bailiyuan later.

At least for the time being, Goddess Taohua is a strong support.

The transaction between Bailiyuan and Jiang Yang proceeded quickly.

Both parties were satisfied with the disposal of the corpses of the demon cultivators.

"Is the magic cultivator of the peak power next?" Jiang Yang said with a smile, as if he was not very worried.

"The peak powerhouse among demon cultivators is called Heavenly Demon!" Master Huiming said in a deep voice, "According to ancient books, there is an essential difference between Heavenly Demon and ordinary first-rank demon cultivators. , Every time the Heavenly Demon arrives at the Immortal Realm, it means that the Demon Heaven has invaded the Immortal Realm a little deeper."

Jiang Yang restrained his smile slightly, and said, "Is the devil sky the heavenly way of the devil world?"

"That's right."

"That is to say, the demons are the representatives of the demons. The demons cannot enter the fairy world at will. Only when the demons invade the fairy world more, can more demons enter the fairy world? Now the demons are invading the heavens of the fairy world, so that the demons come? "

"Probably so." Master Huiming nodded and said.

"Has Tiandao responded at all?"

Master Huiming said: "We are in the secret realm, and we can't know the external situation for the time being, but according to records, after the invasion of the demons, the peak powerhouses in the fairy world will also be blessed by the way of heaven, which is enough to compete with the demons."

Seeing that Jiang Yang didn't seem to understand anything, Master Huiming continued: "The more demons entering the fairy world, the more demons have eroded the way of heaven. According to records, the number of demons who have entered the fairy world has reached seventeen at most. In the final decisive battle, fourteen of them were beheaded by the strong in the fairy world, and only three heavenly demons were allowed to escape back to the demon world."

Goddess Taohua suddenly interjected: "Hmph, but nineteen peak powerhouses of the same level died in that battle in the fairy world. During the invasion of the demon world, as many as twenty-five peak powerhouses died. Since then, the fairy world has There are only a handful of peak powerhouses left over a long period of time."

The peak powerhouses in the Immortal Realm died more. It can be said that the Immortal Realm was a tragic victory.

Hearing that Goddess Taohua knew so much about the previous battle, Master Huiming couldn't help looking at Goddess Taohua a few more times, but he still argued: "After all, it is recorded that demon energy restrains spiritual energy."

"Fart." Goddess Taohua was merciless, and then sneered: "What kind of magic energy restrains spiritual energy? Peak powers who have been blessed by the heavens are not particularly afraid of magic energy. The reason why the fairy world has lost so much is entirely because of the peak of the fairy world. The powerhouses have their own schemes and cannot unite. In the end, they saw that the invasion of the demon world was unstoppable, so they had to unite together to deal with the enemy together."

"Furthermore, after that great battle, the forces of the remaining peak powerhouses have expanded wantonly for a long time, regardless of the friendship of comrades-in-arms."

"It's just that I don't want the strong in this era to be so unwise, and the devil invades but still thinks about internal fighting."

Because of the stupidity of one's own forces, the situation became critical, and the fairyland was invaded wantonly. Goddess Taohua is quite dissatisfied with this period of history.

Master Huiming thought about it, but he couldn't think of anything to justify.

Because this is indeed the case in the records of the Wanfo Sect, and it is even more harsh. It was also because of the massive expansion of those forces that the Buddhist sects that were forced to form an alliance formed the predecessor of the Wanfo sect.

Therefore, the records of this period of history in the ancient books of Wanfo Sect are quite harsh, and there is nothing good about the descriptions of those forces.

It is also recorded in the history books of the Wanfo Sect that after tens of thousands of years of cultivation in the fairy world, the number of strong people in the fairy world increased again, and there were even a lot of peak powerhouses. Those big forces gathered a lot of resources and talents, and cultivated more peak powerhouses.

Then, due to unknown reasons, a battle broke out in the fairy world, and even the peak powerhouses were damaged in it. The more forces of those peak powerhouses, without exception, all perished in the war, and only a small part of the inheritance remained. down.

When the war was over, the seniors of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect gradually came to their senses and suspected that there might be a reckoning by the Dao of Heaven behind this.

Because when the war started, the strong people invaded the fairyland wantonly because of their private camping, and now the Heavenly Dao wants to wipe out the inheritance of the strong people and make the most terrible punishment.

It's just because these guesses involve the Dao of Heaven, the guesses are just a passing mention, and I dare not go into details.

Recalling this incident, Master Huiming was also startled into a cold sweat, and then secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he chose to stay because of Baili Yuan. If he escaped at this time, he and Wanfozong would not be punished by the Dao of Heaven afterwards. The Dao of Heaven is terrible!

God, ruthless, so cruel.

It is also recorded in history books. In the Buddha Sect Alliance, the predecessor of their Wanfo Sect, there was a peak powerhouse who was beheaded by a sword cultivator in the East China Sea in the early stage of the war. Even the inheritance was lost, which is a pity.

Master Huiming also explored the depths of the East China Sea when he was young, but found nothing. If the inheritance still exists, it is most likely hidden by the Dragon Clan occupying the East China Sea.

Damn monsters.

Just thinking about it makes me angry.

I don't know if the inheritance of the strong sword repairman survives.

(Yun Xiyue, who had just escaped from the secret realm, sneezed.)

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