I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2617 Bailiyuan: These are just ordinary gunpowder creations

In fact, the big rooster will be thrown into the pot by Baili Yuan.

However, the fighting spirit in the big rooster's eyes moved Bailiyuan.

By that time the rooster had shaken off his influence and was himself again, but his simple intelligence made him want to fight.

It's a natural fighting cock!

So Bailiyuan gave the big rooster a "chicken meeting".

The big rooster didn't disappoint Bailiyuan either. When facing the bastard, he acted as a "chicken" decisively, and then threw the "chicken" to overturn the bastard.

The balance of victory has been tilted in favor of the big cock.

Although the performance of the big rooster was not bad, the bastard's master didn't intend to just admit defeat. He also quietly gave a gesture to the man in black beside him.

Some of the people who came to see the beast fight did not want others to identify themselves. They were either wearing masks or black robes, so it would not be surprising.

That's right, the bastard's master is about to cheat too!

Others can cheat, but they can't?

The art of controlling spirits!

Wang Ba, get up!

Barbs popped out of the tortoise shell behind the flipping bastard, which not only made bastard stand up again, but also turned into a set of thorn armor, which became bastard's defense.

Wang Ba's transformation is not limited to what he can see from the outside, but also has parts similar to puppet organs.

In fact, if it wasn't for preventing the beast from absorbing the spirit into the body, the cultivators would not only stay at the level of the puppet mechanism in the transformation of the beast, but would definitely add formations and other means.

After knowing that the bastard has weaknesses, it is natural to join agencies that can make up for the weaknesses.

If it is simply to put a thorn armor on Wang Ba, it is naturally not allowed, because the use of armor is not allowed.

Anti-armor is also armor!

But if the barbs are hidden in the bastard's body and a mechanism that can be ejected is designed, this thorn-thorn armor can be turned into a needle attack, which can be regarded as a loophole in the rules since the concept was secretly changed. Not only for defense, but also to solve the predicament at this time.

As long as it can be justified and spirit stones are used as "sincerity", some rules of fighting beasts are still very flexible.

However, it is often difficult for beasts to successfully trigger the mechanism when needed, so monks need to cheat outside the field and secretly use the imperial spirit to control the beast to trigger the mechanism.

The moment is just right!

Under the control of Yu Ling, the bastard who stood up was more than a step faster. The sharp blade on the edge of the turtle shell spun, and the barbs on the shell gleamed coldly, and then rushed towards the big rooster.

"That chicken has no wings, let's see how it flies! Replacing chicken wings with mechanical arms is your biggest failure!" the bastard's owner shouted, with the same expression as the big-name pretty boy.

The onlookers exclaimed, as if they saw a picture of a big rooster about to be strangled to a pulp.

Those gamblers who were originally scolded because the bastard fell into a disadvantage, were so angry just now, and now they are so pleasantly surprised.

The gamblers who bought the big cock and won came in the opposite direction.

At this time, someone noticed that Baili Yuan, the owner of the big rooster, was only slightly surprised, but didn't show any panic. Instead, he was still eating...chicken wings leisurely?

At the moment when bastard was about to push the big rooster into a corner, the two mechanical arms of the big rooster suddenly aimed at the ground, and then it seemed to turn into a shovel, digging a deep hole enough to accommodate the big rooster in the blink of an eye.

The big rooster dived directly into the deep pit and successfully avoided the bastard who rushed over.

Because some beasts have the means of digging the ground, the ground of the site can be holed, but the depth of the hole is limited like the height of the flight.

Big cock used to dig.

No one thought that the big cock had such means.

"How is it possible?!" Wang Ba's master exclaimed in shock.

But at this time, it was too late to turn Wang Ba around.

Due to inertia, Wang Ba couldn't stop, and directly hit the iron cage in front of him.

The rotating sharp blade collided with the iron cage, making a piercing sound.

The iron cage was strengthened by the formation, and it was not able to be cut by the rotating sharp blade. On the contrary, it was the force of the impact of the sharp blade and the iron cage, which reacted on Wang Ba's body, causing Wang Ba to lose his balance and stability, and was bounced to one side. confusion.

When everyone looked at the big rooster, they found that the big rooster had disappeared into the pit, leaving a hole in the ground.

The big rooster did not choose to rely on its ability to dig holes and attack the bastard from the ground.

Because who can guarantee that there is no way to fight back under the bastard?

Besides, there is no need for melee combat anymore.

Big cock poking out from afar.

"Even if it can dig a hole to escape, how many times can that chicken escape?" The bastard's owner stabilized his mind and expressed that he was not in a panic.

The big deal is a tug-of-war, even if there are repeated battles, the bastard's physical strength is definitely more than that of the big rooster!

But the big rooster that showed its head again raised its arms and aimed at bastard.

Then see the fingertips of the arms of the big cock open.


Ten sharp spikes shot out in turn.

Ten finger metal piercing bullets!

Throwing weapons?

"It's a hidden weapon!" Someone exclaimed.

Hidden weapons are relatively rare among fighting beasts. On the one hand, because the use of hidden weapons mostly requires skill, there are not many fighting beasts who can master hidden weapons well. As far as beasts are concerned, the threat level is not enough.

Not to mention bastards who are good at defense.

"Can the hidden weapon kill my bastard? If it can kill my bastard, I'll eat this cage on the spot!" The bastard's owner was excited to see that he even ignored his own beast's name, and directly called his own beast. bastard.

Then, the sound of an explosion came from the cage.

That is not an ordinary hidden metal weapon, but a miniature bomb!

The people who were closer to the cage were directly deafened by the explosion, and the crowd near the cage also fell into an eerie silence. Their brains were all blanked by the explosion, and they forgot what happened just now.

After hearing the sound, the people in the distance were also attracted by the sound of the explosion, and then kept asking around.

"what happened?"

"Has a monk made a move?"

"What's the situation? Scare your grandpa."

in the cage.

When the sound of the explosion and the smoke subsided, Wang Ba had been blown to pieces, and the sharp blades and spikes on Wang Ba's body were also turned into scrap iron.

The bastard's master opened his mouth wide, as if he was going to eat the cage in the next second.

Bailiyuan still ate the chicken wings calmly.

In fact, if the bomb flew out of the cage, many people would definitely be cheated to death. Who would let most of the crowd be ordinary people? The density of monks in the Dayan Immortal Dynasty was too low, and in that explosion, even ninth-rank monks would was seriously injured.

However, Caroline is reliable in her work. These miniature bombs have limited power, and they all have the function of tracking enemies, so there is no need to worry about flying off.

"What's that?" The people near the cage finally came to their senses, and someone asked stupidly.

Unexpectedly, Bailiyuan really introduced his "secret weapon".

"Those are just ordinary gunpowder creations." Baili Yuan said confidently.

Gunpowder Creation?

Doubts emerged in the minds of countless people.

Aren't gunpowder creations just fireworks? Can it still have such power?

Explosive weapons appear for the first time in Brawl.

As for why such a weapon could be brought into the cage...it was as if no one would send "sincerity" to the host.

Before the game, Bailiyuan also made a fortune on the big cock.

Thanks to the previous bastard's record, Bailiyuan's big cock odds are very high. After this battle, Bailiyuan can not only recover the cost of "sincerity", but also make a lot of money.

In terms of conversion, it seems that even the money for building robotic arms and miniature bombs can be almost earned back.

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