Chapter 2605 full of feelings

According to Bailiyuan's estimation, as long as the resources can keep up, it only takes half a month for White Snake and Green Snake to practice "Dragon Ridge Bionic Yoga", and they will almost be able to start the Thunder Tribulation Transformation Jiao.

They will open the most suitable flood dragon bloodline according to their own characteristics.

Maybe it will be a new species of Jiaolong.

From the same source, but will take a different path.

The blood power of the white snake should be biased toward illusion, and the blood power of the green snake should be biased towards poison.

There were two more snakes in the team, but the speed of travel did not slow down.

Bailiyuan and the others still followed behind the boneless bone, keeping a distance not too close or too far.

As a result, Bailiyuan gained more materials to make gene injectors, although most of them were just functional injectors.

In order to repay Baili Yuan, White Snake and Green Snake offered to be Baili Yuan's maids along the way, the kind who could do anything to them.

It's just that Bailiyuan didn't agree.

Daoxiu said——

"Junior brother, try to keep this matter as secret as possible. If the abbot finds out, they may lose their lives. Also, I hope that junior brother will not break the precepts. The Buddhist precepts are not only restraining the disciples, but also related to many cultivation paths of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect. .”

It's not a threat, Daoxiu is just stating a fact.

"Senior brother, am I that kind of person?" Bailiyuan directly raised his hand, rejecting the two snake demons righteously, "Don't come here, I don't like to talk about maids and the like, everyone just goes their own way. Just take what you need."

Once again, I gained the favor of the two snake demons.

Perhaps because of Baili Yuan's attitude, the two snake demons were sure that Baili Yuan was not a villain, and their courage gradually grew, and they seized the opportunity to seek advice from Baili Yuan on cultivation.

The two snake demons belong to casual cultivators, and they are able to practice to their present strength, relying on their own blood and inheritance, so there are many puzzles and doubts on the path of practice. There is no big problem when the strength is weak, but when the strength is strong, these puzzles and doubts will turn into confusion, become a stumbling block hindering their practice, and even greatly increase their risk of becoming obsessed.

In fact, Baili Yuan also has only a half-knowledge about the cultivation system of the Nine Layers Immortal Realm.

Fortunately, there was Yun Xiyue who helped the two snake demons to solve their doubts. Perhaps out of sympathy for what happened to the two snake demons, Yun Xiyue also showed some kindness to the two snake demons. When she was pointing Zhou Qingqing, she would also point out the two snake demons.

Yun Xiyue was a real peak powerhouse in her previous life, and the power system of the Nine Layers Immortal Realm has not changed much, so with her guidance, Zhou Qingqing and the two snake demons have made rapid progress.

At the same time, the two snake demons also attach great importance to the "Open Dragon's Back Bionic Yoga" that can improve the blood. They are afraid that there will be problems in their practice, so they always practice in front of Baili Yuan when they practice, hoping to get Baili Yuan's correction.

As for Bailiyuan, watching the two snake monsters practicing "Kailongji Bionic Yoga" in front of him, he would feel his blood rushing up.

Some yoga moves paired with the figure and appearance of the two snake monsters can easily make people think wrong.

The two snake demons practiced seriously, and soon achieved remarkable results.

"This is because the exercise is helping you absorb the blood of the mirage dragon. After you practice this exercise after you have transformed into a dragon, there will be no such obvious effect. It can only be continuously changed through the accumulation of time." Baili Yuan explained. .

This technique is like this, it takes too long to practice, and the lifespan is not long enough to even have the capital to practice.

"However, if you get other blood in the future, you have the opportunity to use this exercise to integrate the blood into yourself and adjust the direction of blood growth. But I hope you will not do evil for the sake of blood and resources."

The White Snake and the Green Snake directly made an avenue oath, promising not to kill innocent people indiscriminately because of their blood and resources.

Only then was Bailiyuan satisfied.

Without any restraint, under the temptation of power, the white snake and the green snake are likely to walk on the path of evil.

After all, the White Snake and the Green Snake are not people who have no desires and desires in most cases like Taoist cultivators.

A downslope of desire is more terrifying than a downslope of thought.


Following behind Buhuagu, Bailiyuan and the others gradually moved away from the core area of ​​the inner circle.

And on this day, the jade plate finally recovered its effect.

When Daoxiu and Bailiyuan took out their jade plates, they found that the news from the abbot had been swiped on the screen.

Master Huiming: Daoxiu, Daoyuan, where are you? I am going to the chaotic area myself, and after seeing the news, I will now head towards the outer circle of the chaotic area, and the team of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect will pick you up.

Master Huiming: Daoxiu, Daoyuan, and the beast tide have been stopped. Now I am personally leading a team to search and rescue you, and I will return soon after seeing the news.

Master Huiming: Daoxiu, Daoyuan, where are you? I will chant scriptures and pray for you. Chanting and praying.mp3

Master Huiming: Buddha blesses you. Chanting and praying.mp3

Master Huiming: Chanting Sutras and Praying for Blessings.mp3

Master Huiming: Chanting Sutras and Praying for Blessings.mp3

Master Huiming...

Master Huiming sent messages one after another. After failing to receive any news from Bailiyuan and Daoxiu, all he could do was chant scriptures and pray for blessings.

Chanting sutras and praying for blessings in the Jiuzhong Immortal Realm really has the effect of increasing luck, although the effect is limited.

Bailiyuan clicked to play Master Huiming's chanting voice.

"Thus I heard: At one time, the Bhagavan traveled through various countries, arrived at the city of Guangyan, and lived under the tree of music..."

Every piece of voice is full of emotion, without a trace of skill. From the news, I can feel Master Huiming's deep concern for Bailiyuan and Daoxiu.

"The abbot is here?" Daoxiu was a little surprised.

"Is there any problem?" Bailiyuan looked at the surprised Daoxiu, puzzled.

Daoxiu nodded, "I'm just surprised, because I heard that the abbot has not left the sect for three hundred years, and the sudden departure of the peak powerhouse from his sect may cause various problems."


This is too homely, right?

However, it takes a lot of time for monks in the Nine Layers Immortal Realm to practice, and sometimes it takes tens or hundreds of years to retreat.

If the peak powerhouses walk around in the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm casually, it will definitely not be the peak powerhouses that have problems, and the forces that those peak powerhouses pass through the realm may not be able to sleep.

It's like a nuclear bomb appears above your head, and you don't know whether it is about to fall or just pass by.

After the communication was restored, Daoxiu held the jade plate in his hand and began to write back to Master Huiming.

"Although we came out from the inner circle, it seems that we are no longer in the East China Sea." Baili Yuan said, looking at the forest in front of him.

The density of the mountain forest ahead is gradually increasing, and the trees grow lush and lush.

It seems that they are about to enter a new area.

"When you get out of here, you can ask someone for the specific location." Yun Xiyue said.

"En." Baili Yuan nodded, "Since we're leaving, it's almost time to get rid of that indestructible bone, but... where is that indestructible bone going?"

The action of Buhuagu seems to be purposeful, but it has been so long, but Buhuagu has not reached its destination, so where is it going?

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