Happy New Year's Eve, year-end summary

First of all, I wish you all a happy new year~

Then, to sum up the situation of this year, I can only say that this year was too difficult for me! ! ! After going through all kinds of things, my mentality collapsed, then recovered, collapsed again, recovered again... the cycle went on and on, and it was almost broken. The body is still not good.

I won't go into details about the specific things~

If we change the environment in the coming year, we should be able to stabilize a lot, and our mentality should also recover.

In short, thank you for your support this year, and the author will definitely make persistent efforts to write better content in the coming year.

It is estimated that this book will be finished in the next year.

The author will try his best to fill in the holes.

(In response to the strong request of the group management, I will consider rewriting the Dijia volume in the coming year, eh.)

Finally, I wish my friends, everything goes well in the new year, full of European energy, good health, and abundant wealth~! (If you have money, remember to vote, subscribe and reward, please~)



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