Chapter 2594 join the glorious evolution

Undead plane.

The great undead emperor, Lich Al, is sitting in his palace, but he is actually checking the development of his territory.

It is different from the undead plane in that its palace and throne are full of metal and technology.

Suddenly, Lich Al raised his head slightly.

"Oh? Is there another partner?"

Ever since he got the special ability named [High Energy], Lich Al clearly sensed that it has been controlled by some unspeakable existence. At the same time, it can also sense the existence of the same kind that is also controlled. Counting it, there is a third controlled person.

After knowing that he was controlled by a certain existence, Lich Al was afraid and anxious at first, but now, Lich Al has gotten used to it, and even has a lot of sense of identity.

Identity is based on interests.

Although I have never met that existence, I can exchange some resources from that existence through the altar.

For example, the items that the Lich Al is using to manage the territory at this time.

A light screen appeared in front of Lich Al, which displayed various data in its territory, as well as the activities of the undead. Lich Al only needs to sit on his high chair, raise his finger and tap at will, and he can plan the development of the territory for a period of time, or easily dispatch troops, which greatly speeds up the development of the territory.

Now it has become the undead emperor with the largest territory, the most subordinates, and the richest resources in this area.

The light screen is only a part, which belongs to the "territory construction system". The whole system includes artificial intelligence, mechanical nest, resource mining camp, mechanical evolution room, research and development center, spiritual energy defense tower...etc.

Resource mining, technology research, upgrade evolution, and territorial defense are all available.

And it works pretty well.

Today, the main combat units under Lich Al's command are almost all half mechanical and half undead. Not only has the combat effectiveness been improved, but it is also easier to command.

The Lich Al even entered the evolution room and carried out a special upgrade evolution for his Lich body. Because in some respects, the machine is much easier to use than the body of the undead. For example, although it is a legal lich, it has the confidence to fight melee.

The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars!

The price for obtaining all of this is to pass through the altar regularly to deliver a batch of resources needed by that existence, and at the same time, no more evil things can be done.

But so what?

As long as it can become stronger and evolve continuously, there is no reason to refuse even if it is hypocrisy.

It still has a long way to go, and its territory has not yet been fully mechanized.

For example, some special crops can only be cultivated by ordinary undead.

Lich Al looked at the vegetable fields in the territory, and then commanded a group of black skeletons to pick dead cotton.

As for the situation just sensed, so what if there is one more companion? Whether it can become stronger or not depends on the meaning of that existence.

At this time, a prompt box popped up on the light screen in front of Lich Al.

【Discover the calling channel】

"Someone is summoning the undead again. The summoning channel that appeared in the territory this time is very large, it seems to be a natural disaster-level summoning channel for the undead."

It's not the first time Lich Al has encountered a summoning channel, it already has its own way of dealing with it.

That is to send suitable undead to the past. If the summoner is on the righteous side, help; if it is on the evil side, kill the summoner and return with the summoner's property. That is, most of the necromancers in the plane are from the evil camp.

Of course, occasionally they will explore the plane where the summoner is located, looking for resources that can please that existence, in order to get more benefits from that existence.

It is this time that the undead natural disaster-level summoning channel appeared, which is relatively rare.

[Psychic fluctuations detected, start telepathic translation]

[Zizi... I am Kasas, the general of the Morimich Empire, and I am fighting against the tide of monsters at the border of the empire. The border town will be destroyed, I will sacrifice my life, and activate the ultimate mystery of the undead system! Army of the undead, please kill the tide of monsters, protect my country, and protect the tens of millions of imperial people behind the border towns, please! 】

"Oh? It turned out to be a call for protection. If you accept this contract, you must act according to the will of the caller. Dedicate yourself to protect ordinary people. Is this the glorious person that existence speaks of? Jie Jie... My territory needs such talents!"

If there is such a brilliant person who helps me communicate with that existence, then I will definitely get more love from that existence.

This contract, it accepted!

Lich Al let out a laugh with a mechanical sound, and with a wave of his hand, a special staff with technological brilliance and undead magic fluctuations appeared in its hand.

Lich Al got up from his seat.

"The war has begun, my soldiers! The war brood lifts off!"

The huge war brood transforms into a mobile form, breaks off the ground, and rises into the sky. It has multiple functions of attacking, defending, repairing and building positions.

With the launch of the war brood, all the half-mechanical, half-undead creatures stopped their tasks one after another, assembled and lined up, turning into a vast and magnificent army.

Mechanical Skeleton Group, Self-Explosive Corpse Worm Group, Gear Lord Group, Mechanical Ancient Dragon Group, Ghost Observer Group...

Headed by Al the Lich.

In a certain plane, the summoner Kasas was kneeling in front of the summoning passage covered in blood, and not far away was the tide of monsters rushing over, and despair shrouded the battlefield.

In order to prevent the people of the empire from suffering, Casas sacrificed himself. His lieutenants and personal guards fought with tears in their eyes, fighting for the time for his general to be summoned.

Finally, half-mechanical, half-undead creatures walked out of the passage, and then rushed towards the tide of monsters without hesitation.

Casas had a strange expression. He noticed that these undead creatures seemed to be different from the undead creatures that had been summoned before. Why do these undead creatures have metal on their bodies? And why is it so powerful?

At this time, Casas met a pair of gloomy eyes, and he felt that his life was frozen.

That is the gaze of the undead emperor!

The undead emperor stretched out his hand to him, and the words mixed with the sound of electricity rang in his ears.

"Join the glorious evolution!"


Nine Layers of Immortal Realm.

Bailiyuan didn't know that the Lich Al was fighting in another world to recruit talents in order to please him.

After solving the problem of the female corpse, Bailiyuan and others planned to leave the secret realm.

It can be said that this exploration of the secret realm has gained a lot.

As for why Baili Yuan didn't die, although the others were curious, they didn't ask much.

The relationship between Bailiyuan and Yun Xiyue is not enough for Bailiyuan to give an explanation.

Daoxiu doesn't care about that, he just needs to know that Bailiyuan is fine.

But before leaving, several people decided to completely destroy the corpse refining formation.

After obtaining Bailiyuan's consent, Yun Xiyue put away the bones of her previous life with complicated emotions.

As for the bones of the remaining strong men, they were dug up by Baili Yuan.

The bones of these strong men are dead but not melted, they cannot be destroyed by ordinary means, they can only be taken away, and then find a way to dispose of them.

In fact, the bones of these strong men are also resources, and they may be able to perceive special skills and supernatural powers from the bones of the strong. It is also possible to refine the bones of the strong into zombies for fighting.

Of course, Bailiyuan had no idea of ​​turning the bones of these strong men into undead. Leaving aside consumption, even if they could be transformed into undead, there was no way to preserve their strength. Even if it is a peak powerhouse, after so many years, after being absorbed by Goddess Taohua and transformed into an undead, it is not easy to have a level of combat power.

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