Chapter 2575 Can ride during the day and at night

Countless vine-like fibers were woven together and turned into a huge hand, and then grabbed the fierce beast blocking the way.

"Sleight of hand!"

With a big hand, it directly grabbed the fragile abdomen of the beast.


The ferocious beast was caught in the air and screamed miserably. It struggled to get away. However, what made the ferocious beast desperate was that it was grasped by this giant vine hand, and its power was constantly losing, and the shackles of the giant hand became tighter and tighter, making its resistance more and more powerless.

In the end, the ferocious beast was sucked out of its strength and stamina, and lost its ability to fight in pain and humiliation.

Although the beast was not dead, it no longer had the ability and desire to continue fighting. Its body was smashed to the ground, and it twitched from time to time, unable to get up.

The ferocious beast of the third rank just fell down, lying on the ground, weeping silently.

Baili Yuan hiccupped, his face flushed, and the battle suit on his body gradually returned to its original shape, turning into a battle suit made of vines.

After absorbing the gene of the spirit-eating evil vine, Bailiyuan obtained a new gene injector—the evil vine injector.

As Bailiyuan expected, the evil vine syringe was a strengthening syringe, not a functional syringe, which made Bailiyuan truly feel that he was strengthened by the battle suit.

But it's a pity that the enhancement brought by the Evil Vine Syringe to Bailiyuan was limited, and it didn't allow Bailiyuan's strength to break through the seven-color level.

The ability brought by the evil vine syringe was named by Bailiyuan as the skillful hand of stealing the law. It can absorb the energy and physical strength of the target, and then convert the absorbed energy and physical strength into the strength of the battle suit, and strengthen the combat effectiveness of the battle suit. It belongs to the ability of absorption and strengthening.

It is not absorption recovery.

At this time, Baili Yuan's face turned red because he had been strengthened and felt the power, but he hadn't used it yet. This power is obtained temporarily by the battle suit and cannot be absorbed by Baili Yuan. If it is not used for a long time, the power will gradually dissipate.

In addition, the evil vine syringe can also make the battle suit have wood attribute power, as well as a strong binding ability, and it can also make the fibers of the battle suit more resilient.

That is to say, once the target is bound by the battle suit, it is difficult to break free, and its physical strength and energy will be absorbed by the battle suit, and then these absorbed physical strength and energy can be transformed into strengthened power, making the battle suit more restrained ability.

Baili Yuan's transformation of the battle suit into a giant hand is just a way to use it.

The power of the Evil Vine Syringe may not have a strong explosive power, but it is a power that gets stronger with each battle.

Moreover, the enhanced gene injector can also be used in combination with the functional gene injector, which can make up for the lack of ability.

Having dealt with a third-rank ferocious beast, Baili Yuan raised his head, and another third-rank ferocious beast came with the sound of fighting. As soon as this ferocious beast came, he saw another ferocious beast that was weeping at Baili Yuan's feet.

Although the ferocious beast does not have particularly high intelligence, the ferocious beast is not mentally retarded. This ferocious beast sensed danger and turned around to run away.

It's just that the moment it looked at Bailiyuan, it would be too late for it to run away.

A large number of fibers turned into vines struck from behind, entangled the beast, the beast struggled, the fibers were tightly bundled, and it was pulled into the air.

In the distance, Bailiyuan inserted the ghost fish syringe into the suit calmly.

Gene Burning - Quick Draw!


Two powerful water bombs were fired in succession, directly shattering the waist disc of the restrained beast in mid-air, making it unable to fight any longer.

The power of other gene injectors can also be strengthened, which is why these two water bombs are so powerful.

However, these two water bombs also vented the strengthening power held in the battle suit, and Baili Yuan's face returned to normal, and his body felt comfortable for a while, neither happy nor sad.

Throwing the incapacitated beast on the ground, Baili Yuan turned around gracefully, raised the battle suit that turned into a gun on his arm, and smiled slightly.

Precise and elegant.

Two third-rank ferocious beasts, one was captured alive, the other was seriously injured and dying.

The fighting process is extremely easy.

When Baili Yuan looked towards Dao Xiu's direction, Dao Xiu was fighting a fourth-rank little beast, and that fourth-rank little beast was of the same species as the big beast captured by Baili Yuan, because They are mother and daughter.

As Bailiyuan and Daoxiu went deeper into the chaotic area, to Daoxiu's surprise, perhaps because of the impact of the beast tide, the deeper the chaotic area went, the smaller the density of ferocious and monstrous beasts.

But the problem is that most of the remaining ferocious beasts and monsters that did not participate in the beast tide are in the third-rank realm.

Moreover, the number of monsters here began to decrease sharply, and most of the activities were more brutal beasts, and these beasts hardly lived in groups, and they were all very powerful individuals.

Daoxiu has indeed gained a lot of knowledge, that is, when he wants to practice hands-on, he must have Bailiyuan to clear the field for him.

Because Daoxiu can only attack little beasts, he needs Bailiyuan to stop his parents.

Not far away, after some fighting, Daoxiu finally captured the seriously injured little beast.

Now the mother and daughter are complete.

In fact, Daoxiu noticed Bailiyuan's battle before, he hesitated for a moment, and asked Bailiyuan, "Junior brother, why is your battle uniform so exaggerated?"

"I don't know, I'm just a kid."

"I see." Daoxiu seemed to understand.

Greatness can reincarnate, I can understand.

Then Daoxiu started to clean up the two fierce beasts, one big and one small, that had been captured alive.

The reason for catching these two fierce beasts is because the blood of these two fierce beasts is good, they are a mixture of fierce beasts and monsters. Daoxiu intends to take these two fierce beasts back to see if they can be cultivated, enlighten them, and domesticate them into spirit beasts.

Just cultivating requires Taoism to come by itself, and it has to be carried out secretly.

Because according to common sense, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect does not accept female disciples, not even female creatures.

Don't say radical, who made this world have the means to turn people into animals. Some monks not only ride mounts during the day, but also occasionally ride at night.

Have to guard against.

Of course, if it is well hidden, as long as it does not break the rules, it is also possible to cultivate it secretly. After all, no one can guarantee that the mounts and spirit beasts with good aptitude must be male.

But at least it can't violate the rules on the surface.

For example, the earth ear spirit elephant is male.

Pikachu was able to follow Baili Yuan into the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect because Pikachu is male.

Bailiyuan didn't know why Daoxiu started looking for new spirit beasts. He guessed that it might be because the earth ear spirit elephants were not fighting spirit beasts, so the help to Daoxiu was limited.

As we all know, pets are an important part of strength alongside equipment and mounts.

Feed the two ferocious beasts with medicine, and then put them in the spirit beast bag.

As for the ferocious beast that came to the door, it belonged to Baili Yuan and was sent to the home space by Baili Yuan as dinner for the elves. Fear's avatar didn't have the courage to come out to fight, but he had the courage to cook the beasts, and his skills were very good.

After the beast meat has been processed, eating it can strengthen the body.

Bailiyuan doesn't plan to make other gene injectors for the time being, unless it encounters a very special ability.

Next, Bailiyuan intends to look for a top-notch seven-color or supreme-level ferocious beast or monster, and make it into a gene injector, that is, a ferocious beast or monster whose strength is between the peak of the second-rank realm and the first-rank realm. monster.

Such ferocious beasts or monsters are not particularly rare here. If you search carefully on the way to the secret realm, you can find them.

However, things are not that simple.

The difficulty that hinders the progress is not all kinds of fierce beasts and monsters, but the dangerous environment in the inner circle of this chaotic area.

Many plants and even rocks and soil are dangerous here, and there are many dangerous natural environments.

As for flying over, don't think too much about it.

Flying in the sky is usually dangerous, let alone this time.

The ferocious beasts and monsters that didn't rush out didn't have a good temper, but because they haven't seen anything that attracts them, their tempers are also grumpy.

The ferocious beasts and monsters in the inner circle are more territorial. When they see a target flying over their territory, they will easily catch up and fight, and even the target in the sky may be attacked by a group.

At this time, even the local flying beasts and monsters would hardly leave their territory.

The ferocious beasts and monsters running on the ground are not unable to fly when they are excited.

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