Chapter 2572 the courier has arrived

The earth ear spirit elephant walked a thousand meters, and soon encountered the attacking fierce beasts and monsters, and easily avoided them.

But the fierce beasts and monsters rushing in front are not too dense, there are still a large army of fierce beasts and monsters behind.

Even if the Earth Ear Spirit Elephant steps a thousand meters, it cannot completely avoid it, and every time the Earth Ear Spirit Elephant takes a step, there is a short stagnation time.

Daoxiu's spirit is quite tense. Bailiyuan is much more relaxed, and can guide the earth ear spirit elephant to the direction with fewer eggs from time to time.

"Suddenly I want to taste the taste of mulberry fruit, but I don't know if it will taste good as a dish." Baili Yuan muttered.

Daoxiu thought for a while when he heard Baili Yuan's words, and then said: "There seems to be no records in the sect to record the taste of mulberry fruit."

However, in fact, most of the classics do not record the taste of Tiancaidibao, at most record the effect and usage of Tiancaidibao.


When the local ear spirit elephant stepped forward again and appeared in a ravine, both Bailiyuan and Daoxiu raised their heads.

There are no ferocious beasts or monsters in this ravine, only some plants. Such a scene is a bit abrupt in the tide of ferocious beasts and monsters.

It also means that this ravine is not simple!

The real situation is that the easter egg detector shows that a colorful egg is coincident with the position of the earth ear spirit elephant!

The enemy is underground!

This direction was pointed by Baili Yuan, a direction with fewer easter eggs, but he didn't expect the earth ear spirit elephant to reach the easter eggs in one step.

What can Bailiyuan do?

He chose to hug the pillars of the attic tightly, so as not to throw him out later when the fight started.


The ground cracked, and several vines rushed out of the ground and wrapped around the limbs of the earth ear spirit elephant, restricting the movement of the earth ear spirit elephant.

The Earth Ear Spirit Elephant was frightened, and instinctively wanted to break free, but its struggle seemed so weak in front of these vines, even with a burst of spiritual power, it could not break free from the shackles of the vines.

On the contrary, it seemed to have angered the existence of the ground, and more vines stretched out from the ground, rolling towards the earth ear spirit elephant, as if to wrap the earth ear spirit elephant.

"No, these vines are absorbing the spiritual power of the earth ear elephant!" Dao Xiu's expression changed slightly.

A murderous predator lurks beneath this ravine!

After realizing the situation, Daoxiu stopped watching and rushed out of the pavilion on the back of the earth ear spirit elephant, with spiritual energy surging on his body, and the Buddha's light suddenly appeared.

"The tactic of urging fire."

Daoxiu shot out a large area of ​​flames and wanted to burn all the vines. However, these vines extending from the ground actually have the ability to ward off fire. They will not be burned by the flames at all, but are still absorbing the spiritual power in the flames.

Daoxiu's face became serious.

Surrounded by beast hordes, we cannot fight here for a long time, we must fight quickly.

Regardless of the consumption, Daoxiu directly activated the supernatural power, and it was the supernatural power of Anan Ancient Temple.

"Anan Ancient Temple - Palace of Heavenly Kings!"

A Buddhist hall with red walls and green tiles and painted bucket arches rises in the golden light. On the door is a plaque of "Tianwang Hall", with gold characters on a red background, and the characters are majestic.

Bailiyuan watched Daoxiu's use of supernatural powers. Bailiyuan also understood the supernatural powers of Anan Ancient Temple, but it would take a period of practice to exert enough power. Unlike Daoxiu, who has fully mastered this supernatural power.

The fully expanded Anan Ancient Temple is a large-scale supernatural power. You can also choose to expand the entire part of the Anan Ancient Temple. Each part also has the effect of the Anan Ancient Temple. At the same time, each part of the Anan Ancient Temple also has its special power.

The Palace of Heavenly Kings shrouds those ferocious plants and traps underground predators in magical powers.

Daoxiu pinches his fingerprints.

"Feng, Tiao, Yu, Shun! The four heavenly kings, kill!"

Bailiyuan, who was also in the midst of supernatural powers, noticed that there were statues of King Kong on the left and right in front of the screen inside the gate of the Temple of Heavenly Kings. There are two big king vajras on the outside, and four statues of heavenly kings on the inside, which are mighty and majestic.

After Daoxiu drank lightly, the eyes of the four heavenly king statues inside lit up one after another, and they all came alive in an instant. The four heavenly kings held weapons and rushed towards the vines.

Cut off the vines wrapped around the earth ear spirit elephant, rescue the earth ear spirit elephant, and then the four heavenly kings burst out of power regardless of being entangled by the vines.


The ground was broken open by the four heavenly kings, revealing the real body of the predator hiding underground.

It was a huge ball of vines tangled in disorder.

System scan.

"Spirit Devouring Evil Vine: Special Earth Treasure..."

This is a special plant that likes to absorb the spiritual power and flesh and blood of creatures. It is not afraid of ice and fire. Although it has no wisdom, it is extremely dangerous. The spiritual power absorbed by it will be turned into its strength, and the flesh and blood will be turned into its nourishment, and then it will continue to grow. Such a large group of ghost-eating evil vines has already reached the seven-color level of threat.

It is a proper murderer!

But the reason why it is called a treasure is because the juice of the evil vine is an excellent healing material and can be used medicinally.

After the four heavenly kings forced out the real body of the Evil Spirit Vine, they managed to get away. They stood in four directions, restraining the Evil Vine from extending outwards, but they didn't dare to be entangled by the Evil Vine.

Daoxiu's face turned pale.

The Four Heavenly Kings are essentially his supernatural powers, which are also composed of spiritual power. Just now, the Four Heavenly Kings were entangled by vines, and naturally they were also sucked a lot of spiritual power by the vines.

In a short period of time, Daoxiu felt powerless to continue.

"The gap in strength is too great." Daoxiu realized the threat level of the spirit-devouring evil vine.

Who told Daoxiu that he had never seen the spirit-eating vine before, and the spirit-eating vine was not a living thing, without coercion and momentum, so that Daoxiu could not distinguish the strength of the spirit-eating vine, so that Daoxiu was sucked in to rescue the earth ear spirit elephant Spirit power gone.

"The earth ear spirit elephant is out of trouble, let's retreat first."

Daoxiu plans to use another magic trick on the spirit-eating vine to temporarily suppress the spirit-eating vine and buy time for the earth-ear spirit elephant to evacuate.

"Just use this supernatural power." Daoxiu raised his hand, and dragon chant and sword cry emerged from his body.

This is one of Dao Xiu's magic powers, and it is also an ancestral magical power mastered by Dao Xiu when he was a prince, and it is a top-level swordsmanship supernatural power.

"The Dragon Crying in the Great Desolation..."

"There is no need!"

Baili Yuan's voice suddenly sounded from behind Dao Xiu, interrupting Dao Xiu's use of magical powers.

"Huh?" Dao Xiu looked back.

Baili Yuan walked out of the attic on the back of the Earth Ear Elephant, standing on top of the Earth Ear Elephant, and... held Pikachu in his hand.

Pikachu is still a little dazed.

Just now, he was still comprehending the exercises, but suddenly Bailiyuan picked him up and lifted him up.

what's the situation?

Um? What happened?

Have enemies?

"Pikachu, use the thunder trick on those vines!"

The trainer had already commanded, and Pikachu directly launched an attack.



A ray of thunder fell in the Heavenly King Hall, hitting the Soul Devouring Evil Vine.

Then the Evil Vine of Devouring Souls was gone.

Just like there is an absolute gap in strength between Soul Devouring Evil Vine and Daoxiu, there is also an absolute gap in strength between Pikachu and Soul Devouring Evil Vine.

After the death of the Devouring Evil Vine, the wood attribute power in its body began to overflow.

Bailiyuan hastily put away the corpse of the ghost vine while it was still hot, and planned to develop the power of the ghost vine into a gene injector in the future, which should be able to develop a gene injector that can improve strength.

After finishing everything, Bailiyuan looked at Daoxiu who was still in a daze, and couldn't help saying: "Senior brother, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Daoxiu, who came back to his senses, replied casually.

He could only choose to run away from the enemy, but he was caught in such a second, Daoxiu's mood fluctuated for a while.

He was suddenly envious of Da Neng being reincarnated.

"When I get back, I will study the reincarnation of the great power. I have no chance in this life, but I can plan for the next life. It is best that I also get a powerful guardian spirit beast."

The Temple of Heavenly Kings was put away by Taoist priests.

Just when the two were about to continue to leave, a green object flew in the distant sky. This object seemed to be attracted by the overflowing wood attribute power, turned around and flew towards the ravine.


Something green hit the ravine.

Bailiyuan and Daoxiu looked at it.

It was a mass of wood-derived aura, and when the two were curious, the wood-derived aura seemed to be exhausted, and gradually dissipated, revealing the thing wrapped in the wood-derived aura—mulberry fruit!

The courier has arrived!

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