Chapter 2569 Supernatural Powers - Ancient Temple of Anan

When the monks in the sky told the information about the secret place of mulberry, Daoxiu had already found Bailiyuan.

For Daoxiu, compared to the secret of the mulberry secret realm, it is obviously his junior brother who is more important.

After meeting, Daoxiu was silently relieved when he saw that Bailiyuan was not injured. Most importantly, he noticed that Bailiyuan had not fallen into a demon because of the killing. You must know that some monks in the practice world have their minds affected by killing, and it is not uncommon for them to go into evil ways.

The younger brother also has a clear heart, which proves that the younger brother's mental state practice is also quite high.

Worthy of being the reincarnation of Almighty.

Then Dao Xiu pulled Baili Yuan to a corner where no one was paying attention.

"Junior Brother, where are Seng Chang and Pikachu?" Daoxiu then asked doubtfully.

Baili Yuan patted the spirit animal bag on his waist for camouflage.

Taoism is clear.

The younger brother has grown up and knows how to keep a low profile.

As for other things, Daoxiu didn't ask. If the junior brother is safe, then everything will be fine, and nothing else matters.

Bailiyuan also asked about Daoxiu's experience.

Daoxiu's experience did not have any twists and turns, but the way to the secret place of mulberry was full of surprises and no dangers.

"Brother, I got a supernatural power, which is in the field of space. It can be attacked and defended. It's not bad. I have already learned it, brother. Do you want to try to learn it? Brother can give you some pointers." Daoxiu asked, and at the same time put a A jade slip inscribed with supernatural powers was handed to Bailiyuan.

The supernatural powers in the jade slips are naturally the supernatural powers Daoxiu obtained in the ancient temple, and Daoxiu doesn't mind sharing the treasured supernatural powers.

Daoxiu wants to point Bailiyuan.

The space attribute is also considered a relatively rare attribute in the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm. It is generally regarded as a power that only the upper third rank has the opportunity to touch, but not all upper third ranks can master it. The power of space attributes.

There are very few well-known space attribute skills and supernatural powers, and the cultivation conditions are extremely high. If monks below the upper third rank want to get in touch with space attributes, they need extremely high talent and opportunities.

Now Daoxiu has mastered a supernatural power of the space attribute, not only because Daoxiu has the opportunity, but also because Daoxiu has the talent of the space attribute.

The space attribute is so cherished, so it is naturally very useful. For example, to find undiscovered secret realms and unlock the entry methods of the secret realms, monks who master the space attribute have a natural advantage.

In addition, powers such as space jumping and space cutting are quite powerful means.

Bailiyuan took over the supernatural power and found that the record in the jade slip was a top-level space supernatural power—Anan Ancient Temple.

The effect is that an ancient temple space can be established, and the enemy can fight in the space. The space can weaken the enemy, strengthen itself, and block external attacks. The range of magical powers is also very large. The ancient temple space is not a simple hall, but has various buildings, and different buildings have different functions.

This is not just a simple space supernatural power, but a comprehensive top supernatural power, the kind that can be passed down as a top power inheritance.

If this supernatural power is split, many valuable supernatural powers can also be differentiated.

This supernatural power is also of great reference significance for Baili Yuan. Baili Yuan's life-eating city domain and the domain after transformation can all be learned from this supernatural power.

Of course, it is not easy to learn and master such a powerful supernatural power.

This is a great gift.

Daoxiu's generosity surprised Bailiyuan, but also moved him.

Daoxiu is good at it and can hand it over.

Baili Yuan smiled, then took off the ring on the little finger of his left hand and handed it to Dao Xiu.

Daoxiu: "?"

Bailiyuan: "Brother, here are all kinds of supernatural powers I have collected along the way, including top-level supernatural powers, as well as related practice experience. Although some supernatural powers are means of evil cultivation, they are also of reference significance for decent monks. By the way, Since the senior brother has the talent of the space attribute... this should be of great help to the senior brother's practice." Bailiyuan took out another jade slip and handed it to Daoxiu together.

The Jade Slips recorded Bailiyuan's experience in practicing the space attribute, and it also recorded several methods and skills Bailiyuan had mastered. If they were developed by monks from the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm, they would have the chance to develop some good supernatural powers.

Everything in the ring is backed up by Baili Yuan, so it's nothing to give to Daoxiu now, and letting Daoxiu bring it back to Wanfozong can be regarded as repaying the care of Wanfozong.

Daoxiu subconsciously took what Bailiyuan gave him, but he was still a little dazed.

Don't you want to point out the younger brother?

Why did you become a collector?

Out of curiosity, Daoxiu checked the ring and jade slips that Bailiyuan handed him.

When Daoxiu saw all kinds of supernatural powers and practice experience accumulated in the ring, he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

The rows of jade slips of various colors symbolize wealth and honor. At the same time, Daoxiu also had doubts, how many sects' hometown did the junior brother pay for?

Then there was the jade slip of experience, and the content of the jade slip of experience shocked Daoxiu even more.

It turned out to be a complete record of spatial attribute cultivation experience!

After a rough look, Daoxiu saw that this jade slip was also of great use to the monks of the third rank, and even some of the methods recorded in it were enough to make the monks of the first rank envious.

It can be said that as long as a monk with a space attribute talent, there will be no problem in cultivating to the upper third rank with this jade slip.

How did the younger brother get such precious practice experience... Wait, it couldn't be the younger brother's own experience!

As a powerful reincarnation, there is a chance to gradually restore the memory of the previous life. If the younger brother recovers the memory of the previous life, it seems that there is nothing strange in taking out these things.

Daoxiu was greatly shocked, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

If the younger brother recovers his memory, should he be called Senior Brother?

While Daoxiu was thinking, he noticed that Bailiyuan took out a ring from his pocket and put it on the little finger that had just taken off the ring. It wasn't until this time that Tao Xiu discovered that Baili Yuan had rings on all ten fingers.

Each of them is a very cherished storage ring!

Daoxiu: (⊙_⊙)?

Oops, decisive.

I just lamented that the younger brother has learned to keep a low profile. Looking at it now, this is not low-key, it is even more boring!

"Junior Brother, these rings..." Daoxiu also planned to remind Baili Yuan.

"Oh, brother, you mean storage rings." Bailiyuan interrupted Daoxiu, then took out several storage rings from his pocket and handed them to Daoxiu, "I picked up a lot outside, two I can't wear it on my hand, brother, please help me put on the rest."

You picked it up, I'm afraid you didn't pick it up with a knife.

There was a silence.

Then refuse.

I have to say that Daoxiu is a bit stuck in Bengbu.

In the end, he silently went to the side to chant scriptures, and by the way, comprehend the practice experience given to him by Baili Yuan. Although he has directly mastered the supernatural powers of Anan Ancient Temple, he still needs practice and comprehension to make the supernatural powers of Anan Ancient Temple stronger. , such supernatural power has great potential, and it will be his trump card in the future.

Bailiyuan also comprehended the supernatural power of Anan Ancient Temple, and he liked this supernatural power very much.

The matter of the monks didn't affect the two of them too much, but Bailiyuan was a little curious about the Immortal Realm live broadcast reward show afterwards.

And Bailiyuan discovered a strange thing.

It was the third-rank monk who was the first to give a reward, and the monk who talked to the sky. Their emotions were not right. Bailiyuan actually felt that the emotions of the two were compatible. To be precise, they were cooperating!

"So it was entrusted? They are really money-making ghosts. If they were born in a world with live broadcasts, wouldn't they have to make a lot of money? I just don't know if they can run away with these spirit stones."

Because Baili Yuan also felt that there was a strong malice all around, targeting that cultivator in the sky.

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