Chapter 262 Hematemesis upgrade (August 200 monthly ticket plus update)

To Bailiyuan's surprise, when Bailiyuan told Professor Dodor about the brain, Professor Dodor didn't reject Bailiyuan and forbid Bailiyuan to use the brain.

"Xiao Yuan, you need to know that technology is created by intelligent life to benefit itself, and you can't give up the heart of exploration just because of fear. What technology can bring to life depends on how life uses technology." Professor Duoduo said earnestly Said.

"Although I created Gamelot who destroyed my planet, I also created Caroline who is full of love in her heart. Artificial intelligence is like a newborn child at first, and what it will grow into in the future depends on The guidance of creators and users, at the beginning... oh~" Professor Dodor's eyes flashed a trace of reminiscence.

Although Professor Dodor has a sad past, there is still a place for Caroline in his heart, which makes him look at the issue of artificial intelligence more rationally, and does not generalize.

After listening to Professor Dodor's words, Bailiyuan also fell into thinking.

"Once an existence possesses wisdom, it can no longer be regarded as an object, but should be regarded as a life, regardless of whether the other party has a soul or not." Professor Dodor said.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"How about this, you hand over your brain to me, and I will help you research a set of 'suppression equipment', which can not only help you just in case, but also guide you to use your brain correctly, and cooperate with the 'suppression equipment' when the time comes." equipment', you can use your brain with confidence, and the safety factor will be much higher." Professor Dodor said.

"Really? Thank you very much." Baili Yuan said happily.

Professor Dodor also smiled and nodded.

But Professor Dodor spoke again.

"However, if I want to make a 'suppression device', I need a laboratory and various equipment, but..."

Professor Dodor showed a troubled expression.

Bailiyuan's face also froze, he forgot that Professor Duoduoer is just an ordinary old man on earth now, no matter how wise he is, it's all theory.

Now the embarrassment is that a smart woman can't cook without rice.

Baili Yuan rubbed his face and thought for a while.

"Professor, let me settle this matter."

After Bailiyuan made some preparations, he found that he agreed quickly, but he didn't have a good solution.

Those high-tech equipment and advanced materials are not available to ordinary people, even if they are related to the star clusters.

Finally, gritted his teeth, Bailiyuan took out all the savings he had saved when he was working at MAC, and advanced two years' wages, and sold some gold and jewelry saved in the world of coat of arms, and bought them with all the money. There are a lot of equipment and parts that can be bought, so Professor Dodor can assemble and manufacture the equipment he needs from scratch.

Fortunately, MAC's salary and benefits are very impressive, and Bailiyuan's usual expenses are not large. Bailiyuan has indeed saved a lot of money, and he can predict the salary for two years, which is impossible in ordinary companies. existential treatment.

In fact, Zhu Xingtuan's salary is higher and his expenses are lower, but Zhu Xingtuan has donated all his savings, so Bailiyuan can't use it.

But Fengyuan's expenses are a bit higher, usually with Baizi and two children, part of the remaining money is handed over to Baizi, and part is donated like Zhu Xingtuan.

Fengyuan heard that Bailiyuan needed money, so he said that he could support Bailiyuan, but in the end Bailiyuan refused.

After all, it was not easy for Feng Yuan to find a girlfriend.

Apart from the two of them, it was impossible for Baili Yuan to borrow money from other people.

After all, Bailiyuan never planned to pay it back.

As for the materials, Bailiyuan took out the ores and materials that he had saved in the world of emblems, as well as the cosmic metals, monster parts and equipment of the cosmic people that he had secretly saved, such as the Magma Stars. Saber.

After some preparations, Bailiyuan found that his usual inventory was basically emptied in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Bailiyuan got so many things, Professor Duoduo gritted his teeth and prepared to do his best for Bailiyuan!

Not only the intellectual brain and suppression equipment, Professor Dodor also came to Bailiyuan's Mark 50.

Mark 50 is lacking an intelligent system responsible for fine manipulation. Professor Dodor is going to integrate the brain with Mark 50.

Because of the relatively large amount of work, this research will take a long time. At the same time, because Professor Dodor is relatively old and there is only one person, the working hours will be extended again.

After some calculations, Professor Dodor said that if it is to be successfully developed, it will take at least a year at Professor Dodor's current level, as well as the existing equipment and materials.

It took ten months to develop the auxiliary work equipment, and the last two months is the time to truly integrate Zhinao and Mark 50.

Moreover, the final result, Professor Dodor predicted, not only can Bailiyuan use it when he is in a human body, but he can still use it even after transforming!

Both Zhinao and Mark 50 are finished products. Professor Dodor only needs to combine the two items together, optimize once, and input the data of Bailiyuan.

Only in the future, Bailiyuan needs to go through what he has learned, or find a team with a stronger technological level and better equipment.

Although Professor Dodor is a doctoral figure who is good at cosmic science and technology, and is also good at the two fields of machinery and artificial intelligence, but due to the equipment and environment, it is already a lot for Professor Dodor to be able to combine the two items together for another optimization. It's the limit of what Professor Er can do.

The reason why Professor Dodore is willing to do this for Bailiyuan is not only because Professor Dodor regards Bailiyuan as his student or a family member like a grandson, but also because of an obsession in his heart— —The deaths of Garromet and Caroline, who brought destruction, made Professor Dodor want to do something to make up for his mistakes.

Therefore, Professor Dodor also has high expectations for this research. He hopes that Bailiyuan can use this equipment to contribute more to the peace of the universe in the future!

Professor Dodor is in the midst of intensive development, so the courses taught by Bailiyuan and Professor Dodor have also been temporarily suspended.

However, besides being on duty at MAC, Bailiyuan often goes to Professor Dodor's home to help Professor Dodor's research and development.

The developed laboratory is located under Professor Dodor's house. It was dug out by Bailiyuan and the elves, and it was also reinforced to be safe and reliable.

And when he was helping Professor Dodor, Bailiyuan could also learn a lot from Professor Dodor.

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