Chapter 2563 Don't use strange parts to attack

When Bailiyuan walked down the mountain, Brother Dadi contacted Bailiyuan again.

Big Brother Earth applied for a call.

application passed.

The earth conveyed its meaning—thanks to Bailiyuan for his help, and wants to express his gratitude to Bailiyuan.

Then the earth transmitted to Bailiyuan the vague perception of several directions, indicating that there are good things in these directions.

Dadi: Do you want my treasure? I can give you everything you want, go find it! I put all my treasures there!

Bailiyuan: I am the man who wants to become the king of the thief!

By the way, Bailiyuan asked Dadi if he knew the location of the secret realm, and Brother Dadi readily told Bailiyuan the three directions.

In the chaotic area, there are actually three secret realms!

The Patriarch of the Red Blood Sect may have obtained enlightenment tea tree branches in one of the secret realms.


Bailiyuan waited patiently at the foot of the mountain for a while, and finally he saw Pikachu and Seng Chang who rushed over.

"Xiaoyuan, someone is following our Pika~" Pikachu shouted to Bailiyuan as soon as they met.

Baili Yuan's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Dare to touch my rat and wolf?

"On the way, I sensed that someone was following us, but I could sense that the strength of the stalker was not weaker than mine, so I didn't use my spiritual sense to detect Pika casually." Pikachu explained.

"I'd like to see who is following you." Baili Yuan raised his eyes and looked in the direction where Pikachu and Seng Chang were running.

Seng Chang was a little worried. If there was a fight, he wondered whether the Buddha could still fight.

"Master Buddha, are you in good health?"

"No need to worry."

"Pikachu is not weak, Pika~" Pikachu said that he can also fight, as long as he is not an opponent with a self-inflicted wounding field like the earth dragon evil, Pikachu will not be weaker than ordinary monks of the same rank.

Opening the pupil of God, Baili Yuan's eyes penetrated the mountains and rocks, and saw the people who were following the traces of Pikachu and Seng Chang behind.

It's the dragon team!

At this time, the team of the Dragon Clan is following the traces of Seng Chang according to the guidance of the Senlong Stone. Because of the previous battle, all the monsters and beasts in the vicinity ran and shrank back and forth, so even if they went forward in a team with a large number of members, they did not encounter any attacks from monsters or beasts.

The reason why they followed was because they noticed that there was actually a real dragon nearby, so they had to catch up and check it out. The other party might know about the situation of the battle just now.

And if the other party is a real dragon wandering outside, it must be brought back to the Dragon Palace, because the blood of the dragon cannot flow out. If the real dragon does not understand the general situation and breeds a bunch of mixed blood dragons outside, it will insult the majesty of the real dragon. It will also make the real dragons in the Dragon Palace feel disgusted, and it will tarnish the honor of the dragon clan.

If the other party is a real dragon who made a mistake, then take its blood back and use it to increase the blood concentration of other real dragons. Maybe it can help talented dragon sons and grandsons to unlock new talents.

However, the dragon team did not catch up directly to stop Pikachu and Seng Chang. Dragons are indeed used to domineering, but it doesn't mean they have no ideas, they are also very ambitious.

Yuan Ming decided to go fishing.

There is a lot of fishing in the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Clan feels that they are very good at fishing - using very little bait in exchange for a bigger harvest, naturally there is also greed.

That's why the Seven-Heart Demon Eel was let go. Unfortunately, the Seven-Heart Demon Eel was killed, causing the Dragon Clan to lose a pool of fish. Otherwise, if there were descendants of the Seven-Heart Demon Eel, the Dragon Clan might be able to develop it. Fate-like supernatural powers. But this is just a small mistake for the Dragon Clan, and they have also targeted the thief who stole the fish, who may be the Daoyuan Buddha who killed indiscriminately in the chaotic area.

When this matter is over, Wanfozong must ask for compensation.

At this time, the Dragon Clan team followed far behind, wanting to see where Seng Chang was going, thinking that Seng Chang might go to his hiding place, where he might discover Seng Chang's secret, and then all the Dragon Clan took it into his pocket middle.

Just walking on the road, suddenly a peeping gaze fell.

When Bailiyuan opened the pupil of God to watch them, the stronger dragon and Jiaolong in the team felt it.

"Who?!" Zhu Qi shouted loudly, "Who is spying on us!"

Such undisguised spying made the proud Dragon Clan feel provoked, but they didn't feel the power of their divine sense, so they couldn't reversely lock Baili Yuan's position.

Yuan Ming frowned and became vigilant.

"Don't be careless, even I have not been to the inner circle of this chaotic area a few times. There are many secrets and dangers hidden here. Han'er, stand by my side." Yuan Ming said solemnly.

Ping Han'er nodded and came to Yuan Ming's side.

Although Bailiyuan on the other side was far away, he instantly saw through the situation of the dragon team and why the dragon team tracked down Pikachu and Seng Chang.

"Dragon clan? So... Maybe they didn't catch up because they discovered my identity, but because they were chasing Seng Chang's real dragon blood? Did they use that glowing ball? Oh, look at me."

The pupil of God burst into light, and traces of cracks appeared on the pupil.

Combination of God's Pupil and Space Law——Burst, Reality! Crush it, spirit! Exile from this world! Activate, the true eye of the evil king!

In the distance, Zhu Qi flew into the sky, trying to find the snoopers hiding around.

And at this moment, there was a click.

The Dragon Clan and Jiaolong looked and saw that the dragon-sensing stone in Ping Han'er's hand was shattered, and then as if it had been impacted by something, the light on the dragon-sensing stone went out, and it turned into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Ping Han'er's aloof expression couldn't hold back any longer, she moved hurriedly and approached Yuan Ming, her forehead was already covered with cold sweat before she knew it.

Because the Sensing Dragon Stone was broken in her hands, she must have been attacked by something, and if the attack fell on her, she would definitely be injured.

The most terrifying thing is that no one noticed how the attack came.

Yuan Ming's face changed drastically, and Zhu Qi hurriedly fell back to Ping Han'er to protect Ping Han'er.

But the attacks did not continue to come.

As everyone calmed down, Ping Han'er thought of the crux of the problem.

"Only the Dragon Sensing Stone was attacked, maybe... the real dragon we were tracking did something!"

Zhu Qi frowned, his face was ugly.

He was taught a lesson by the prey!

Yuan Ming also frowned, but he felt that it wasn't the real dragon that launched the attack, "There is a strong person behind that real dragon, let's stop chasing it."

He was worried that this time it was just a warning from the other party. If he continued to pursue him, if the other party attacked Ping Han'er, he might not be able to protect Ping Han'er with this weird method.

This is definitely not bullying.

"Report this matter to Dragon Palace and ask Dragon Palace to send someone to deal with it, hmph." Yuan Ming has made a decision, he only has the strength of a middle-stage First-Rank Realm, but there are stronger people in Dragon Palace.

My Dragon Clan is a big clan, so I must give the provocateur a look.

The Dragon Clan has written down this hatred.

No one disagrees.

"Several envoys, where are we going next?" Young Master Mijiao came up and asked cautiously.

In fact, the dragons are a little confused.

Followed the envoy of the Dragon Palace to investigate a lot, and even broke into the inner circle of the chaotic area, but along the way, there was nothing to gain. The murderer's clues have not been found, and he has not received any benefits. Isn't he a street scammer?

But they didn't dare to have any opinion on the envoy of Dragon Palace.

Suggestions do not work either!

"Of course continue to go to the secret realm where the sacred tree mulberry is located!" Zhu Qi said angrily. He is very upset now, so he is bound to get the fruit of the sacred tree mulberry in the future.

The dragon team retreated.

In a contest across the air, Bailiyuan easily frightened off the Dragon Clan.

No, it's not as easy as it looks.

"Pain, pain, pain..." The reason why the attack did not continue was because Baili Yuan covered his eyes and started rolling on the ground after launching an attack with his eyes.

Almost scared Pikachu and Seng Chang.

Only Caroline chuckled.

This child is skinny, just now he felt that with the help of the battle suit, his recovery ability has been enhanced, and now he dares to use his eyes to bear the power of the law of space.

Indeed, the pupil of God will not break, but it will hurt!

"I hope you have a longer memory, don't use some strange parts to attack, this time it's the eyes, next time you want to use Niu Niu?"

"It's not impossible to try."


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