Chapter 2542 You are here to welcome us, right?

exist? Ask something.

Bailiyuan wanted to ask that.

It's just that Yin Luo Sect obviously doesn't intend to communicate normally with Baili Yuan.

Because Bailiyuan and Seng Chang didn't hide themselves, when they came to the Yinluo Sect's territory, the Yinluo Sect found them easily, and then the gatekeeper disciples spread the news to the Yinluo Sect.

"Two monks of the fourth rank? And an unknown spirit beast?" An elder who received the news muttered.

The gatekeeper disciples tested the strength of Baili Yuan and Seng Chang through the formation.

Bailiyuan has always disguised his strength as a fourth-rank, and the formation of the Yin Luo Sect can't see through his strength. As for Pikachu, he can't detect his strength.

The elder chuckled, "Do you dare to come to the territory of my Yinluo Sect, outsiders? Just catch them, refine the ghosts, and help me break through! Two fourth-rank monks just sent to the door, hahaha, wonderful. "

However, as soon as the elder went out, he saw several elders from the next door rushing towards the outside of the classroom, and the elder's face changed suddenly.

"No, I'm going to be preempted!"

"It's not a toy!"

After cursing, the elder also hurriedly flew out of the classroom. When he was flying, ghostly howls appeared around him.

The forces in the chaotic area are more or less related to darkness, and they are even evil forces.

For example, Yinluo religion.

The Yin Luo Sect is also a third-rate force. Although there are not many people, it has insidious power and special skills. Moreover, there are always several third-rank powerhouses in the sect, occupying a place in the chaotic area.

Yinluo Sect's exercises are 100% evil in the outside world, and Yinluo Sect is undoubtedly an evil school.

Because the Yin Luo Sect's exercises focus on extracting the soul of life, refining the ghost for driving, and at the same time using the ghost to improve one's own strength. Other fields in the religion, including refining tools, alchemy, etc., are all related to ghosts.

This is also the reason for the desolation around the Yinluo Sect. Even the small animals were captured by the Yinluo Sect and their souls were refined into ghosts.

Because Yin Luo Sect's exercises do not have particularly high requirements for monks' aptitude, so as long as the Yin Luo Sect's disciples have enough Yin Soul, their strength is not bad, and they can stably cultivate third-rank powerhouses.

As for breaking through the third grade, it depends on the individual's talent.

With the help of Yinhun to improve strength, it can only be promoted to the third rank at most, which is the limitation of the Yinluo teaching method.

Otherwise, the Yin Luo Sect would not be willing to surrender to the chaotic area.

Many forces in the chaotic area know some things about the Yin Luo Sect, and they can't work together to get rid of the Yin Luo Sect, so they choose to stay away from the Yin Luo Sect.

And the Yin Luo Sect always secretly arrests disciples of other forces in order to provide for their practice.

However, the Yinluo Sect catches the most disciples from outside. Occasionally, the Yinluo Sect will have strong people go out and catch a group of living people to bring back to the teaching for the disciples to use.

Those experienced outsiders would not choose to get close to the Yinluo Sect.

It's a pity that Bailiyuan and Sengchang have no experience.

Recently, there have been more and more inexperienced monks, because the mulberry fruit of the sacred tree is about to ripen. Although this news has not been widely spread to the outside world, there are many people who know it. They either come in person or send people to come.

The harvest of Yinluo Sect is also increasing.

When Bailiyuan approached the Yinluo Sect, a group of elders with fourth-rank strength directly surrounded Bailiyuan and Sengchang.

It was dark all around, with bursts of Yin Qi, surrounded by ghosts, and the breath was cold.

There are more than 50 elders with the strength of the fourth grade of the Yin Luo Sect, and there are 37 elders who have come out at this time.

The number is not much worse than that of ordinary third-rate forces, but don't forget that the number of disciples of the Yin Luo Sect is far less than that of ordinary third-rate forces.

After all, some disciples never live to grow up, and are more likely to be secretly killed by disciples of the same generation, and some souls are extracted, refined into ghosts, and become rations for other disciples to grow up.

As long as it is not discovered by the sect, it is not a big deal for disciples to quarrel.

There are so many elders at this time because they all need fourth-rank ghosts to break through, and fourth-rank monks are not so easy to catch, let alone two of them.

Seeing such a big battle, Bailiyuan almost thought that his identity as a Buddhist disciple had been exposed.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the Yin Luo Sect, Seng Chang clasped his hands together and asked softly, "You are all here to welcome us, aren't you?"

A group of Yin Luo Sect elders from the fourth-rank faction surrounded Baili Yuan and Seng Chang, and the contrast between the two sides was quite obvious.

When the elders of the Yin Luo Sect heard Seng Chang's "naive" question, they all laughed or showed sarcasm.

"I don't think you understand at all."

"Entered the territory of my Yin Luo Sect, and want to leave?"

"How dare you tell me to wait for the rations?"

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Just kill them, you'll get them quickly, but you won't have them if you don't!"


However, facing the many elders of the Yin Luo Sect who attacked, Seng Chang asked again: "You are here to welcome us, right?" This time, Seng Chang's expression gradually changed.

The point of this sentence is to persuade these elders in front of you to be a good person.

after all……

More than 30 fourth-rank monks of the same level will be exhausted if they are killed.

Seng Chang will not give the elders of the Yin Luo sect in front of him a third chance.

Bailiyuan hugged Pikachu and quietly backed away.

"Seng Chang, I've left this place to you, so I don't need to keep anyone alive. I'll go around the other party's sect." Baili Yuan stared at the Yin Luo Sect in the distance with unkind eyes.

Sin needs to be cleansed.

Although Seng Chang was strong enough, it would be very difficult for Seng Chang to capture more than 30 of them by himself. It would be easier to kill them directly.

"Disciple understands." Seng Chang blinked his eyes and turned into golden dragon pupils.


A howl of a wolf, but in fact, it was a dragon's cry.

It's just that Seng Chang used to shout like this, but now he can't change it.

Although the sound is different, it does not affect the effect at all.

The more than 30 elders of the Yin Luo Sect who rushed forward were shocked by the howl of wolves and stopped their charge.

Some elders with flexible minds were shocked, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Then, a golden flame burned up.

Huge and handsome giant wolf jumped out of the flames.

Immortal suit, dress up!

Seng Chang officially used the golden immortal battle suit and became even more mighty.

"It's a demon cultivator, trap him!" An elder shouted.

A series of restrictions and attacks fell on Sengchang.

Blood Wolf Bloodline Supernatural Power - Breaking the Forbidden Spike!

Ka Ka Ka——

All the restrictions were crushed, and the attacks that fell on Seng Chang were all blocked by the lighted defense mask of the immortal battle suit.

"I almost felt pain!"

Seng Chang launched an attack.

He grew a second head, and then a third!

Along the way, Seng Chang didn't stop digging his own power while he was on the road. Instead, with Baili Yuan's guidance, he developed the power of Tianlong very quickly.

Fu Dou's bloodline supernatural power - the golden flame of Buddha's light!

The supernatural power of Naga blood——Erdong Tianxiang!

Supernatural Powers - Dharma Samadhi!

There was heavy rain in the sky, and then lightning and thunder.

Sky thunder, ground fire.

Ghosts cry, wolves howl.

Some Yinluo Sect elders felt fear in their hearts, hid in the black clouds, and harassed them remotely.

Seng Chang sniffled.

"I can smell you!"

Then Seng Chang jumped into the black cloud.

Supernatural powers - the Buddha has no hindrance!

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream from within the black cloud.

When Seng Chang jumped out of the black cloud, he was biting the corpse of an elder of the Yin Luo sect in his mouth. Then he spit out the body of the elder of the Yin Luo sect on the ground.

"A corpse stink."

The strength of the fourth rank is also the same, but the elders of the Yin Luo Sect are as fragile as a rag doll when facing Seng Chang.

"No, he's a great blood demon!" an elder exclaimed.

Bloodline Great Demon is a name for those special monster races with noble bloodlines and superior strength.


"Let the strong in the sect deal with him!"

"We must let him die, draw out his blood, and refine his soul!"

Lost in time, but the eyes of the Yin Luo Sect elders are still full of greed.

For the dead elders, they didn't have any sorrow, but wanted to take the opportunity to go up and suck out the souls of their colleagues who hadn't completely dissipated.

It's just that when these Yin Luo Sect elders turned around and wanted to run back to the sect. As soon as they turned their heads, they saw a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a bright yellow thunderbolt fell from the nine heavens, and the target was the Yinluo Sect!

Vaguely, they seemed to hear two voices.

"Pikachu, use the thunder trick!"


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