I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2531 Jiaolong is dead;

Bailiyuan pinched herself quietly.

I subconsciously thought that I had something to do with this matter, how could I think so? I am not a person who likes to make trouble.

After hearing the storyteller's introduction of the horn of Longwei, the people in the teahouse were in an uproar, and their expressions changed one after another.

Big city broken?

Impossible, Wulong City didn't even open the city protection formation, the city walls are still in good condition, at this time only the blocking formation was opened. It didn't look like it was under siege at all.

Then there was only one reason why the Dragon Guard's horn was blown - the death of the city lord!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" A demon cultivator exclaimed in shock. His body is a eel-like monster with a trace of dragon blood in his body. He presumably has something to do with the dragon clan. That's why there was such a violent reaction.

The reactions from others were equally huge.

"The owner of Wulong City is the Mirage Flood Dragon King, a powerhouse of the second rank, and he is in his prime. How could he die so quietly?"

"Storyteller, are you telling lies? Let me tell you, if you make it up, you will be arrested by the city guard!"

No matter whether it was human monks or demon cultivators present, they reacted so violently, because most of them lived in Wulong City, and their wealth and interests were all related to Wulong City.

If the city lord of Wulong City dies, it is likely to cause turmoil in Wulong City. It is okay if he can transition to the next city lord smoothly, but if there is any conspiracy behind it, it will inevitably cause a series of turmoil, and now Wulong City The city is a closed state, and no one can escape.

Every time there is a big shock in an area, the strong at the top divide up the benefits, while the weak at the bottom have to work hard.

The storyteller shook his head with a wry smile, and sat slumped on the chair, "Everyone, what the little old man said is absolutely true. Besides, I think the place where the horn sounded was in the west of the city, not in the city lord's mansion. The matter this time may not be simple. It’s better for you to plan ahead.”

The storyteller was indeed frightened just now, but fortunately he recovered quickly and reminded others by the way.

At this time, the owner of the teahouse also showed up with someone, and said apologetically to all the guests: "Everyone, due to some reasons, the teahouse is going to be closed today. I'm sorry, everyone. The teahouse has prepared an apology for you. Thank you for your kindness to the teahouse. Support, when the teahouse reopens, I will sweep the bed and wait for your visit again. Xiaoer, please leave the guests."

Good guy, the restaurant is graduating and going out of business.

Moreover, he said he was asking people to leave, but it was no different from driving them away, as if he was afraid that the door would be closed late and trouble would come to the door.

The behavior of the owner of the restaurant also seems to prove what the storyteller said, something big is about to happen.

While emptying out the guests, the owner of the teahouse touched the jade saucer on his waist. The merchants in Wulong City also have internal contacts. The owner of the teahouse heard some bad things just now, so he was so busy to clear the customers and close the door.

If you can't judge whether there is trouble, then cut off the possibility of trouble from the root.

Then Bailiyuan, Pikachu and Seng Chang stood on the street with the apology from the teahouse.

The teahouse is also magnificent, even Pikachu gave an apology.

The apology is some refreshments.

Baili Yuan took Seng Chang's compensation as soon as he changed hands, and he took three parts of the compensation. The taste of this dessert is not bad.

Seng Chang is his younger brother, and his younger brother's things are also his elder brother's.

"It seems that something really happened in Fog Dragon City. The owner of the teahouse may have received some news." Caroline analyzed.

Baili Yuan withdrew his eyes from the west, then exhaled, his face became a little serious, and said: "The storyteller is right, something happened, there is a corpse of a flood dragon in the west, the strength of that corpse should be equal to Around the second grade."

"Besides, the method of killing that dragon is too cruel. If it is really the Lord of Wulong City, there must be a big shock between the Dragon Clan and Wulong City, and they will definitely not let it go."

The one who died was not only the lord of the city, but also a second-rank powerhouse of the dragon clan, who also used such cruel methods.

If this is not a big deal, what is a big deal?

At this time, many shops in Wulong City were closed, and small shops closed very quickly.

But the streets of Wulong City became bustling instead, and all the monks standing on the streets had just been kicked out of various shops.

But at this time, few people were entangled with the merchant's rudeness.

Because the local businesses are all so nervous, the monks are rarely fools. They all realize that the problem is a bit serious, and now they need to find a place to hide quickly.

At least avoid the storm, or find a chance to leave Wulong City.

If something really happened, the conflict between the bosses affected them, and they would hardly have a chance of surviving.

The human monks were even more worried.

Because the fifteen big cities on the coast of the East China Sea are under the name of the Dragon Clan, who knows if the Dragon Clan will maliciously find fault with the human monks?

"Okay, let's go back to the inn first, and then find a way to contact senior brother." Baili Yuan said.

Just now, Bailiyuan tried to contact Ao Daoxiu with the communication jade disc, but the message failed to send out to Wulong City, as if the ban opened by Wulong City at this time could block the sending and receiving of messages.

When Bailiyuan and the others returned to the inn they had rented before, they found that the inn was not closed, and the guests could return to their own residences.

It's just that those monks who wanted to move in temporarily were all rejected.

Also at this moment, several powerful auras descended on Wulong City, flying clouds and fog.

Naturally, the clouds and mists could not obscure Baili Yuan's detection.

"It's a dragon, but it's not a real dragon. It seems that some nearby big cities sent people here." Baili Yuan deduced.

"Seng Chang, let's go back and rest first. The matter in Wulong City should take some time to deal with. During this time, I will help you improve your bloodline."

"The disciple thanked the Buddha." Seng Chang looked a little happy.

Even after entering the Buddhist sect, Seng Chang still has a kind of attachment to his own blood.

Seng Chang knew that with his current potential, it was normal for him to be able to advance to the third rank. If he wanted to cultivate to the second rank, it would depend on chance and circumstances.

But if he can further enhance the bloodline of Fu Dou in his body, then his potential will reach the second rank, and he may even have a chance to reach the first rank.

The first-rank powerhouse is the pinnacle of the Nine Layers Immortal Realm, the realm that countless monks dream of.

It's just that there are hundreds of millions of monks in the Nine Layers Immortal Realm, and there are very few monks who can reach the first rank.

Even within the Qingyuan Monster Clan, there are not many first-rank powerhouses.

In the family where Seng Chang originally belonged, there are only two ancestors who are of the first rank, and they are not too young.

After entering the residence, Bailiyuan opened the restriction of the residence and set up some shielding formations at the same time.

Then Bailiyuan brought Sengchang into the home space.

The movement of raising Seng Chang's bloodline may be a bit big, so naturally it can't be done outside casually.

But when Bailiyuan was going to use "Life of the Moon" on Sengchang, Bailiyuan suddenly saw the Hualongchi which was idle.

Baili Yuan turned to Seng Chang and said, "Do you want to take a bath first?"

Seng Chang: "?"

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