Chapter 257 The Man Who Signed the Contract with the Wind

The recent earth is very peaceful, except for the occasional two monsters that come out to wreak havoc.

Bailiyuan continued his cultivation and study.

Professor Dodor welcomed Baili Yuan very much. After all, Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan had saved his life and fought for Caroline and him.

And Bailiyuan also met Professor Dodor, an excellent professor who now looks like an old man in his dying years, living in an ordinary mansion and guarding Caroline's cemetery.

Bailiyuan had never met Caroline, but she still put a bouquet of flowers on Caroline's grave.

The process of studying with Professor Dodor was quite smooth, and the carefree Professor Dodor also taught me everything.

Because the foundation of Bailiyuan is almost zero, everything has to be learned from scratch.

Bailiyuan is not a genius, and his learning process is mediocre, but Bailiyuan lives a long life and can keep studying.

Almost two years of MAC career has also made Bailiyuan grow a lot. Although the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change, even if the country is changed, it will change the current Bailiyuan a lot.

Time passed by, and two months passed quietly.

Although monsters and aliens often visit the earth, the time difference between the visits of monsters and aliens also allows the earth people to gradually erase the panic. Although they are afraid, they will not cause the social order to collapse.

On this day, Bailiyuan and Fengyuan were patrolling the mountains in a fighter jet.

In order to prevent aliens from hiding in the mountains, the mountains far from the city also need to be patrolled. Although it is not as frequent as in the city, it is still necessary to make sure to patrol at least once a month.

Fengyuan uses his eyes to look around, while Bailiyuan looks at the easter egg detector. Easter eggs will be refreshed on the easter egg detector if there are hostile targets.

However, some black iron eggs and bronze eggs will be refreshed in the mountains, but generally the reason why such eggs can be refreshed is because there are more ferocious beasts there.

But this time, a strange thing appeared on the egg detector—a golden egg.

Baili Yuan hurriedly patted Feng Yuan.

"There is a situation, there is a situation."

"What?" Feng Yuan was startled.

"In that direction!" Baili Yuan pointed in one direction, Feng Yuan hurriedly turned the nose of the plane and flew to the position Baili Yuan pointed to.

"This is the location."

Bailiyuan and Fengyuan looked at the forest below.

Otto's mind was hit by the eyes of the two.

A figure appeared in the line of sight of the two of them—the Magma star!

"It's the Magma star who controls Kiras's twin monsters. I didn't expect the other party to be hiding here." Baili Yuan said.

At this time, the Magma Stars also spotted the fighter above, turned around and ran towards the deep mountain.

"Damn it!" Feng Yuan gritted his teeth, landed on the ground, and chased after him with Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan observed the position of the Magma Stars through the egg detector, and soon, the two blocked the Magma Stars in a valley.

"Magma star, die!" Feng Yuan rushed forward without saying a word.

And Baili Yuan observed the Magma Stars.

The Magma star seemed a little weak when he fought Feng Yuan, giving people a feeling of recovering from a serious injury. However, the previous patrols did not find the Magma star, which means that the Magma star returned to Earth recently. up.

Fengyuan and the Magma Stars fight against each other.

But at this time, Fengyuan is no longer the former Fengyuan, and the Magma star is not the former Magma star, and the direction of the battle is no longer what it used to be.

At this time, Feng Yuan is no longer the young and inexperienced prince, but a powerful warrior who has grown up through countless special trainings by the star clusters, and now the Magma star has no help from the twin monsters of Kiras, and he is still recovering from serious injuries. Facing Feng Yuan, he has always been at a disadvantage.

Bailiyuan saw the timing, stepped forward and patted the Magma star, causing the Magma star to stagger.

"Xiao Yuan, leave this battle to me, please don't help!" Feng Yuan said seriously.

"I didn't want to help, I just touched an easter egg." Baili Yuan explained.

"..." Feng Yuan.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Magma star immediately became huge.

And Feng Yuan immediately transformed into Leo to fight.

Bailiyuan moved to the distant mountain in an instant, watching the battle between the two.

The Magma Stars are called "saber tyrants", and the Magma Stars' main fighting method is to attack with long knives like bayonets in their hands.

The Magma Stars are a very warlike and warlike race in the universe, but they also like aggression and destruction very much.

The Magma star who was fighting Leo at this time was considered a relatively mature fighter among the Magma star.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

Leo treats the Magma Stars with deadly moves.

Seeing Leo go mad at the Magma Stars, Baili Yuan shrugged, took out the golden egg he just picked up, and rubbed his hands together.

Bailiyuan took out the egg-smashing hammer.

"For Leo's victory, bless me!"


Bailiyuan smashed the golden egg.

The special effect flashed, and Bailiyuan felt a gust of wind blowing on his face.

Bailiyuan looked into the easter egg, and there was nothing but a piece of explanatory note.

? ? ?

"System, where are things?"


"Aren't you my skin!..."

After tidying up the system, Bailiyuan scratched his hair and picked up the explanatory note on the ground.

"Is there such a thing as 'thank you for your patronage'?" Baili Yuan guessed helplessly.

But the note is not a simple "thank you for your patronage" four words.

"Contract of Wind: Sign a contract with the wind and have the potential to awaken the power of the wind attribute. After awakening the power of the wind attribute, you will become a wind master, who can manipulate the wind in nature as a weapon and move freely in the air. The contract of wind is the relationship between nature and the soul. According to the contract, the wind used will change according to the mind. Note: The contract is established, and becoming a happy wind man is just around the corner, but the contract can only be activated by successfully awakening the power of the wind attribute, which is a small test of the wind for the contractor."


Bailiyuan rubbed the center of his brows, that is to say, he had already signed the contract, but if he wants to use this contract, he needs to awaken the power of wind first.

Whether it was given by the contract or by Bailiyuan himself, Bailiyuan does have the potential to awaken the power of wind, but... when will this power be awakened!

After such a long time, Bailiyuan's Wind Power still hasn't moved a bit.

Nezha has been pregnant for three years, and he has the potential to possess the power of wind for almost three years. Why is there still no movement?

Bailiyuan felt a little melancholy.

It's like someone telling you "You have a fiancee who is as beautiful as a fairy, she will come to you after you kill Lao Wang and live a shameless life with you", but no one tells you Who is "Lao Wang".

Are you uncomfortable?

In short, Bailiyuan is very uncomfortable!

Then the Magma star was kicked to death by Leo in the distance.

This chapter has been changed many times, and finally I decided to start writing from here. I skipped a lot of plots and changed some plots. After all, the plots in the middle are a bit inexplicable, such as the episode of Annu and the abandoned children. I didn’t watch it until the end I knew who the child belonged to, and after checking a lot of information, there was no clear statement about this episode, and the official didn't say anything.

After the tenth episode, Leo's plot style changed suddenly, and there were many plots that were not rigorous, incomprehensible, or younger, but YG could understand it in order to save the ratings.

After that, the uninteresting plot can be passed, and after the disc creature is finished, it will return to the world of the heraldry, and carry out the main line of the world of the heraldry.

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