Reference 2502 Bad food will strike; opportunity for breakthrough

"The old man feels ashamed, and looks forward to having a deeper communication with you in the future." Taolong left a sentence and gave up the game.

"The final champion, Bailiyuan! Let us congratulate Mr. Bailiyuan!" Cairns announced.

In this way, Bailiyuan won the championship of this top food competition.

Post-match interview.

Taolong said that Bailiyuan had already surpassed him, perhaps he had touched the edge of a sixth-level chef.

Dawn said that Bailiyuan's strength is beyond imagination.

Hinata said to the world that she has prepared the ingredients, and hopes that Bailiyuan will come tonight tonight.

However, Bailiyuan disappeared quickly after the game. When the media found Bailiyuan again, they found that Bailiyuan was feasting in other restaurants.

Bailiyuan's unrestrained eating of all kinds of dishes unexpectedly matched the greedy temperament of the giant soul eater.

Every exchange meeting will have various accidents, and various hidden strongmen or inheritances of strongmen will be exposed, but this year's exposure of Bailiyuan is particularly noticeable.

Cairns also left in a hurry after the game.

Chefs Guild, temporary headquarters.

meeting room.

At this time, Keynes and all seven chairmen were present, as well as a special member, Taolong.

Taolong is not a member of the chefs guild, and he has no interest in the meetings of the chefs guild, but Cairns revealed a piece of information that caught his attention, and he had to come.

"I received a secret report that the Evil Food Society is on the move. They have obtained the inheritance of the Jiuji Master Wanshi Chef Bihu's predecessors, mastered the mysteries of Wanshi - Opening the Sky to Summon Food, and are going to summon multiple fifth-level demon king ingredients to destroy the exchange meeting , threaten Yinhei Gourmet City, and attack the Gourmet Guild." Cairns looked around and said in a deep voice.

The only thing that can attract Taolong is another Jiuji master.

This time, Taolong was just thinking about moving, and planned to come to the exchange meeting to join in the fun, but he was not only recognized, but also met Bailiyuan, and then heard the news of another Jiuji master's inheritance.

If it's just inheritance, it's okay to say that Taolong will not deliberately snatch it to learn, because he has his own pride. Of course, if there is a chance to get it, it is also possible to refer to it.

According to Keynes' information, some people not only obtained the inheritance, but also mastered the inheritance, and even comprehended the profound meaning in the inheritance. This proves that the opponent may also have grown to the level of Taolong, enough to make Taolong pay attention.

What's more, what the other party got was the inheritance of Chef Sihu of Wanshi.

Back then, Taolong and Bihu were pretty good friends. It's a pity that Bihu died, and the inheritance also disappeared. Only now did it appear again.

Sihu took the path of space power, comprehended it to an extremely deep level, and even managed to break through space and summon ingredients from other worlds. This is his profound meaning—opening the sky to call for food.

This esoteric trick indeed brought a lot of precious ingredients to Sihu, and made Sihu a leader among the nine poles at that time.

However, there are too many uncertainties in this mystery.

In the end, in the process of using the sky to call for food, Sihu summoned a powerful and special level 5 ingredient. The ingredient pretended to be weak, and then suddenly attacked. Sihu was killed in a sneak attack when he didn't investigate for a while.

Later, it was Taolong and the other two Jiuji masters who wiped out the fifth-level food.

And the five-level ingredients were also named "devil king ingredients" by them.

"The uncertainty of opening the sky to call for food is too great. How can that evil food be sure to summon multiple devil's ingredients? I have only seen devil's ingredients twice." Taolong pouted.

"Because the intelligence said that the evil food society has transformed the secrets, and plans to use the flesh and blood of everyone in the food city as a lure to attract the ingredients of the devil king." Cairns said.

People eat ingredients, and there are ingredients that can eat people. This is the rule of jungle hunting.

"I'm not a chef, so I don't know the possibility of this kind of operation, but I would rather believe it than believe it, and we must take bad food seriously." Cairns continued.

There are several references to the Bad Eaters in Keynes's words.

The Bad Food Society is a villain organization in the food world, which is hostile to the Chefs Guild. The main purpose of the Bad Food Club is to achieve various evil goals through food and cooking, and even developed many things that threaten the food world.

In the past, Kuishi would lure many chefs with profit, let them share their recipes, and said that they would help chefs improve their recipes, make them stronger and gain more benefits. However, evil food will turn around and use all kinds of insidious means to take the recipes of the chefs as its own, suppress the cheated chefs, and monopolize the profits of the recipes. He also shamelessly named this project "Dawn".

It can be said that bad food will be abhorred by almost all chefs today.

However, the Evil Food Association hides very deeply, and the Chefs Guild is not sure about uprooting the Evil Food Association, so it can only keep sending undercover agents to gather information. Now the Chefs Guild has been fighting against the Bad Food Society for hundreds of years.

"If this is really the case, I will also take action, old man." Taolong said with his chest in his arms.

The other chairmen will not be afraid either. After hearing Keynes' information, they have already begun to think about how to deal with it.

As for suspending the exchange meeting and evacuating the crowd, it is impossible.

If you do that, you will fall into the calculations of the Bad Food Society, and it will also damage the prestige of the Chefs Guild.

So this time we must win this battle in front of the whole world.

Moreover, countless powerful chefs are gathering in Yinhei Food City. If the incoming devil's ingredients are not strong enough, they can only serve as food deliveries.

There is also that Baili Yuan whose strength is unknown.

In fact, Keynes also wanted to invite Bailiyuan to the meeting, but after Bailiyuan heard the information, he didn't respond, so the invitation failed.

But what he didn't know was that Bailiyuan didn't understand the seriousness of the problem at all, and he wasn't a member of the Chefs Guild, so it was impossible for him to come here to help the Chefs Guild share the pressure.

that's all.

Bailiyuan and others ate happily for a few days, and at the same time, Bailiyuan helped Chef Fu gradually improve his promotion path.

until this day.

Shirakawa Junko called Bailiyuan back to the villa.

"Xiao Yuan, I'm here to feel it!" Junko Bai Chuan said with a flushed face.

"What?" Baili Yuan was surprised.

"I feel like I've touched the opportunity to make a breakthrough!" Junko Shirakawa said seriously.

Cultivation of immortals is like this, in addition to talent and resources, you also need to have feelings, the higher the level, the more you need to feel to break through.

After a few days of relaxation, coupled with eating various dishes suitable for attributes, Shirakawa Junko finally felt the opportunity to break through.

"I need a quiet room to adjust my state, hold on to the breakthrough opportunity, and prepare for the breakthrough."

"Okay, I'll help you protect the law."

Bailiyuan arranged a quiet room for Shirakawa Junko.

The reason why Junko Shirakawa was not allowed to go to the home space was because the home space was an independent space, not suitable for cultivators to break through, and on the other hand, it was because she was worried that if she changed to another space, Junko Shirakawa’s feeling would disappear again.

Bailiyuan didn't leave the villa that day, he just let the others leave the villa, and he stayed outside the quiet room alone.

Time passed slowly...

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