Chapter 2500 The appearance of carrying people is very embarrassing, but the appearance of pretendin

"That's a flowing heart stone egg." Someone recognized the dish in Baili Yuan's hand.

The flow heart stone egg is not an egg material, but a special ore. The reason why it is called "egg" is because it looks like an egg, with a soft core and a hard shell.

The special ore is cooked by the chef, and the earth power in the ore will be condensed to the center to form a fluid. It is a pretty good earth attribute cuisine, but the shell left behind will become extremely hard, even ordinary shells can No marks can be left on it.

And Bailiyuan was able to directly bite it into pieces and eat it whole, which shocked people who knew about Liuxinshidan.

Because no one will ever eat the outer stone shell.

The stone shell is the same as the egg shell, it can be eaten, but it has no nutrition and taste, but the stone shell is not something that ordinary people can eat.

After eating the Flowing Heart Stone Egg, Bailiyuan continued to move forward, and the territory occupied by the chef just now became Bailiyuan's.

When Bailiyuan kept scrambling for space to eat a lot of dishes, a scent of flowers quietly penetrated into Bailiyuan's nose.

"It smells good, but the fragrance of this flower is not serious." Baili Yuan turned his head to look, and at some time, Hyuga Shishi quietly came behind him.

Numerous flowers and various plants surround the Hyuga world, setting off the Hyuga world beautifully.

"The fragrance of flowers is everywhere, Mr. Bailiyuan, I won't show mercy." Hyuga Shikai smiled, as if he had already won.

At this time, Bailiyuan was already surrounded by the fragrance of flowers.

Everyone who saw this scene shook their heads.

"If you fall into Master Hinata's confused flowers, you will have continuous hallucinations, and it will be difficult to get out."

As a master of cultivating ingredients, Hinata World has its own fighting methods and methods, which is to stimulate the growth of ingredients and exert the fighting ability of ingredients.

Therefore, the combat methods of food breeders are mainly divided into two directions-manipulating plants and manipulating creatures.

In this food snatching meeting, Hinata World chose the method of manipulating plants.

With the fragrance of flowers and various plants, a botanical garden is built that makes people confused. Confused flowers are just one application method of botanical gardens. After confusing flowers, there are even greater crises and complicated methods.

The conflict between the two also attracted the attention of other strong men, causing them to temporarily slow down their movements. Keynes also stared at Bailiyuan and Hyuga World.

It was also the idea of ​​the Chefs Guild to test Baili Yuan's strength.

"Manipulating plants and creating hallucinations? Me too."

[Skill-Move scene lv5]: Use spells to change the surrounding environment.

Forget about manipulating plants, let's use hallucinations to deal with Hyuga World.

The scene shifting technique seems to just change the surrounding environment, but after reaching the fifth level of proficiency, Bailiyuan himself has some special insights into this technique, which greatly enhances the power of this technique.

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, before Hyuga Shiji could act, he was surprised to find that the flowers and plants around him had disappeared.


Hinata closed her eyes and tried to communicate with the plants around her, but there was no response. She sprinkled a large number of plant seeds, but the seeds of these plants disappeared strangely before they fell to the ground.

Changing the surrounding environment can't bring about an increase in the environment for Bailiyuan, but it can completely change a specious environment that puts the enemy at a disadvantage. For example, at this time, Bailiyuan built an environment around Hyuga World where all plants and seeds disappeared.

This technique is not so easy to break open.

It's like at this time, even though Hyuga Shishi heard Baili Yuan's words and knew that Baili Yuan had created the illusion, he couldn't get rid of the illusion.

"Looks like I won."

Hyuga World looked a little serious and serious, she showed a professional smile, and said: "My methods are not limited to these." Saying that, Hyuga World took out an egg from her sleeve.

Bailiyuan is a little strange, this egg is the size of a basketball, where did Hyuga Shige put it before? I didn't see a third bulging ball on her body either.

Just when Hyuga World was about to use a new method, Bailiyuan pointed at Hyuga World's feet: "You should look at your position first."

Hyuga was in a trance, and then she was shocked to find that she had distanced herself from Bailiyuan, and at this moment she... stood out of the venue!

Going out of the field means losing the qualification for the competition.

"Impossible! It's an illusion!" Hinata said hurriedly.

However, Keynes held up the microphone and said: "Hi to the world, eliminate!"

It proves that Hinata World is indeed eliminated.

The surroundings were quiet, and there was no uproar, as if everyone knew that Hyuga World had been eliminated.

But how is it possible?

When Hinata looked at Bailiyuan again, her pupils shrank, because she saw that the plants and seeds she controlled before appeared beside Bailiyuan and did not disappear.

In an instant, Hyuga Shige's spine shivered, she didn't know what happened, what happened to this hellish situation?

Baili Yuan smiled mysteriously at Hinata World, and turned around to grab the food again.

In fact, probably only Hyuga Sekai didn't know what happened.

Cairns looked at Bailiyuan with complicated emotions.

Because, in fact, after Bailiyuan released the scene shift, he had already started to act.

In fact, Hyuga Shiji thinks that she has been standing and talking to Baili Yuan is fake, Baili Yuan has deceived her senses, and Baili Yuan who is talking to Hyuga World is just a false image.

The real Bailiyuan immediately rushed to Hyuga World's side, talking to Hyuga World, distracting Hyuga World's attention, making her unaware of the changes in the voices of the audience around her, while carrying Hyuga World out of the square , and then hurriedly ran back to the original position, maintaining the same posture as the phantom.

The senses were deceived, and Hyuga Shiji's bodily sensations were also dulled, and he couldn't feel Baili Yuan's touch.

Although the appearance of carrying people is very embarrassing, the appearance of turning around and pretending to be aggressive is indeed very chic.

Hyuga World could only leave in anger.

He didn't do anything yet, just lost for no reason, and was carried away under the watchful eyes of so many people and cameras.

Thin-skinned, hidden.

Baili Yuan quietly sniffed his palm while he was trying to snatch other dishes.

A woman who plays with flowers is indeed fragrant.

It's not the kind of girly fragrance that makes people invigorated, but a fragrance that makes people sink.

Taolong and Dawn also saw the battle between Baili Yuan and Hyuga Shige, they glanced at each other, and they both understood what the other meant - anyway, they didn't intend to face Baili Yuan first.

So, as the other contestants were eliminated and the cooking became less and less, the two of them faced off first.

At this time, in the entire food grabbing meeting, apart from them and Baili Yuan, only Zhongxin and Zhou Kai were left. They were able to stay because of luck and the care of Tao Long and Dawn.

Bailiyuan looked at the two of them.

Zhong Xin shook his body, turned his head and jumped in front of Zhou Kai.

"Come on, let's fight it out."

Zhou Kai blinked, looked at Zhongxin, and then at himself.

"We are already a man and a woman. Is there anything else to distinguish? It's impossible to take off."


Baili Yuan paused as he walked towards the next dish.


He wants to see this!


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