Chapter 2492 There are all kinds of drivers, and they can drive

The exchange meeting officially started.

Bailiyuan and the others were all arranged to have separate big villas. The villas they live in are not much different, they are all luxurious, with a large yard and underground garage. There are five luxury cars in the garage, which are dedicated to them.

And the villa area where they live are all five-level chefs. The fourth-level chef lives in another villa area, but there are all small villas there. The difference is quite obvious.

Of course, some chefs did not live in the villa area, but looked for the accommodation area by themselves. Only in this case, the accommodation cost will be paid by itself.

Everyone started to get acquainted in Yinhei Food City that day.

Zhao Xing took Nakiri Erina and Tian Suohui to study and participate in the competition. They are very serious about this exchange meeting.

For Nakiri Erina and Tiansuohui, this food exchange meeting is also an opportunity for them to break through their strengths.

The guests brought by Zhao Xing were free to move around, and their money was exchanged from Zhao Xing for things. It is impossible for Zhao Xing to say that Mr. Zhao pays the bill. After all, some dishes are very expensive even with a 10% discount.

Andy and others are also free to move around, driving and enjoying delicious food. This time they are all here to enjoy.

Bailiyuan only took Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Mannagi father and daughter to go out.

Originally, Bailiyuan planned to drive by himself.

"Don't worry, even though I'm still a child, I can drive six times, and I've been in spaceships, let alone four-wheeled vehicles. And I don't have to worry about the traffic police at all. I never drive without a driver's license, and he can't control me."

She was so scared that Nagiri drove the car herself. Although she didn't have a driver's license in this world, it was more reassuring than letting Bailiyuan drive.

As for Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Shinagi said that the old father should not be allowed to drive, and it is best for elderly people not to touch the steering wheel.

"Female driver." Nakiri Senzaemon said with a curled lip.

Nakiri Magi: (╬ ̄dish ̄)

"Father, please calm down, and be careful that I really hit the wall with the gas pedal!"

Facts have proved that not all female drivers are street killers, at least Nakiri Magi drives very steadily.

Nagiri Nakiri drove the two of them, and according to the current information released by the Chefs Association, they searched for well-known shops and ate them one by one.

Many delicacies in the food world have gone beyond the scope of ordinary cuisine, which makes people gain a lot of insight.

In the face of delicious food, the behavior of Nakiri and his daughter was particularly fierce.

"Delicious!" Nakiri Senzaemon yelled, and then his clothes burst open.

This is the special skill "Clothing Burst" of the Devil Eater, which can only be triggered by tasting delicious food, which is the best evaluation of food.

It was because he was almost taken away by the police as a hooligan, but it was Bailiyuan who saved him once with an authority card. Then Bailiyuan asked Caroline to make a set of nanoworm clothes for Nakiri Senzaemon, which was comfortable and refreshing, and the most important thing was that it was highly malleable and could be repaired automatically.

Nakiri Senzaemon's clothes-exploding ability at most makes the clothes swell up and never shatter again.

Moreover, Nakiri Senzaemon's physique is not simple, and every time he explodes his clothes, he will become stronger.

"Ah~~~" Nagiri Nakiri groaned while eating delicious food.

God's Tongue evolves rapidly under the influence of food, because the God's Tongue makes food have a particularly large impact on her, making her body happy as she tastes food. Many passers-by were frightened and suspected that there were ingredients added to her dishes.

A beautiful woman gasped coquettishly, it was hard not to make people think wrong.

It's a pity that she didn't inherit Nakiri Senzaemon's clothes-exploding stunt.

But there is a limit to what her body can bear.

After eating only five restaurants, Nakiri Mannagi's mind went blank, he was completely overwhelmed, and fell into a coma.

God's tongue also needs to slow down.

Then Nakiri Managi was assigned to the back seat, and Nakiri Senzaemon finally touched the steering wheel as he wished.

His driving skills are also just like what he is called in his own world, like a devil, which makes people frightened.

"Nakiri, do you have a driver's license in your world?" Bailiyuan couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile, "It's just that I seldom drive. After all, I used to have a special car and a driver when I went out."


Nakiri Senzaemon was still stopped by the traffic police.

Then it was Bailiyuan who touched the steering wheel, and just two blocks away, he was stopped by the Chefs Guild. The Chefs Guild had noticed the three of them a long time ago, and after realizing that none of them could drive normally, they specially arranged an exclusive driver for them.

"I don't want it!" Baili Yuan resolutely refused.

"Don't worry, we have drivers of various styles here to ensure your satisfaction."


"That's right!"

Then Bailiyuan and the others got an extra driver in their car, a beautiful woman in a bikini.

Of course, it is only responsible for driving, not for other things. Unless Bailiyuan and the others can make people willing.

The beautiful driver looked at Baili Yuan and Nakiri Senzaemon, and said that at most she could have something to do with Nakiri Shinzaemon, who was of the right age, and the other two were criminal and perverted paths.

So she just came to drive.

Nakiri Senzaemon supported Nakiri Mana who was still in a coma in the back row, and gave Bailiyuan a thumbs up.

As expected of a senior, he can easily do things that he can't do.

Bailiyuan said that Nakiri Senzaemon still has a lot to learn, this is for their health and longevity, and a happy mood.

Having such a driver naturally attracted the attention of some people. In fact, there are countless people who dress even weirder.

In the Yinhei Food City, the carnival is still going on, and there are many beauties wearing bikinis taking to the streets in such a lively atmosphere.

The car stopped in front of a big hotel.

The beautiful driver got out of the car and opened the door for Bailiyuan, who jumped out of the car.

Nakiri Senzaemon also got out of the car and handed Nakiri Manna to the care of the beautiful driver.

Then the two walked into the restaurant.

Many restaurants in Yinhei Food City are temporarily built. Chefs come from all over the world. Well-known restaurants from all over the world are now gathered in one city.

At this time, the restaurant was extremely hot, and there were many tourists and chefs queuing up.

In addition to the chefs who came to participate in the exchange meeting, there are more tourists. According to statistics, the number of guests in Yinhei Food City has exceeded 100 million.

"Do you two want to eat? Please line up here." The waiter greeted the two with a smile on his face.

Bailiyuan directly threw out his authority card.

"Enter everything on the menu." Baili Yuan followed up.

After seeing Bailiyuan's authorization card, the waiter's pupils shrank. Although he was a little surprised by Bailiyuan's appearance, he respectfully arranged a special seat for Bailiyuan and Nakiri Senzaemon, and then went to the back to inform chef.

Bailiyuan's authority card has privileges such as priority serving of meals, exclusive seats, etc. The most important thing is that eating does not cost money!

When Bailiyuan took out his authority card, he was the prettiest boy in the whole hotel!

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