Chapter 2490 Chefs Guild

The energy of the Chefs Guild is still great.

Like messaging.

What Bailiyuan did, as Zhao Xing expected, had already been transmitted to the communicator of the top chefs guild, and at this time the top executives of the chefs guild were in Yinhei Food City.

When the convoy arrived at Yinhei Food City, the convoy received a warm welcome.

After getting off the car, there are staff to guide everyone.

Staff from the Chefs Association issued authority cards to Bailiyuan and others.

What Zhao Xing enjoys is the authority of a fifth-level chef.

Bailiyuan's permission card is even one level higher than Zhao Xing's, and it is a special permission card. Only the top five chefs, or people with special status can have it.

Correspondingly, the people brought by the two also obtained different authority cards.

Zhao Xing's kitchen assistants have Level 4 authorization cards, and Baili Yuan's kitchen assistants have Level 5 authorization cards.

In terms of group of relatives and friends, Zhao Xing’s group of relatives and friends enjoys a 10% discount on all delicacies, while Bailiyuan’s group of relatives and friends enjoys free and priority access to all the delicacies.

Xiang Ye looked at Andy who was showing cards in front of her, gritted her teeth angrily, and then gave Zhao Xing a resentful look, which made Zhao Xing shiver, and hurriedly looked around.

"What's wrong?" Tian Suohui asked with concern.

"I feel a chill down my back, but it probably doesn't matter." Zhao Xing scratched his head and said.

Chefs participating in the food exchange meeting all enter at the front of Yinhei Food City, which is also the entrance for registration.

On both sides of the entrance, there are seven hills completely filled with ingredients.

There are hills piled up with cages of various beasts, and all the beasts in the cages are alive. However, they didn't dare to make a sound, and could only shiver in the cage. Because there are chefs out there!

The flavors of melons, fruits and vegetables are mixed together, but they are not chaotic. Instead, people can have different enjoyment every time they take a breath. Countless people with a keen sense of smell gather here, trying to distinguish the ingredients from the taste.

There is also a chef who comes with ingredients and starts to build the eighth ingredient mountain. The ingredients put into the ingredient mountain will also be exchanged for admission tickets for the chef.

All kinds of precious ingredients that are rare outside, enough to sell for six or seven figures, are stacked casually outside the Yinhei Food City.

Those foods that are not worth enough are not eligible to be put into the ingredients mountain at all, and there is no way to exchange them for admission tickets. They can only enter the city as tourists and pay for everything by themselves.

This is the grand occasion of the food exchange meeting in the food industry.

Everyone stopped in front of the mountain of ingredients, marveling at the grand occasion.

"According to the records, there are millions of chefs participating in each exchange meeting." Zhao Xing said.

"So much? No wonder it can pile up a mountain of ingredients."

"However, it is estimated that most of them are escorts. Only chefs like Boss Zhao and senior have the opportunity to attract attention."

"That's right."

Bailiyuan exchanged his own admission ticket with cosmic scallions. Although his cosmic scallions have never appeared in the food world, the food world has its own set of methods for firm ingredients.

In the end, the value of the universe scallions was recognized as 10 million! Of course, there are many rarity bonuses. The cosmic scallions that Bailiyuan brought this time are not the kind that can run away, they are just ordinary varieties, of course the taste and effect are good.

What Zhao Xing used was a cherished egg ingredient, which was successfully exchanged for admission tickets.

There is only one purpose for the admission ticket, which is to participate in the competition. Where there are people, there will be battles, and the same is true for chefs. Their way of fighting is cooking.

One way of communication in the exchange meeting is the competition!

During the exchange meeting, there will be various competitions, and tickets can be used to participate in these competitions. There will be a competition list at that time, showing the number and names of the chefs' championships. Those who reach the top will definitely gain huge benefits and honors.

For chefs with level 5 and above authority, they can not only be contestants, but also judges when they participate in the competition.

For chefs, cooking and tasting are both practices.

"Is there excitement?" Bailiyuan and the others suddenly noticed that there were many chefs staring at the direction of the entrance, and then there was an exclamation.

It looks like there is fun to join in.

He ran over joltingly, Zhao Xing and the others were also very curious, so naturally they followed.

When they got close, they could hear the general situation clearly.

It turned out that Cairns, the vice president of the Chefs Guild, was waiting there with the high-level officials, as if waiting for someone to arrive!

Zhao Xing made an explanation in due course.

The top level of the structure of the Chefs Association is the two presidents and vice presidents, as well as seven chairmen, below are the large and small cadres and the chef team, and below that are ordinary members and ordinary chefs.

The president of the chef's guild is a powerful chef, but he always loses track of his identity and his identity is a mystery. Some say it is one of Jiuji, some say it is a descendant of Jiuji. Only his majesty and strength are absolute, and he is also recognized as one of the five strongest chefs of this era.

The vice president, Cairns, is not a chef, but an ordinary person with strong abilities and charisma. He has won the confidence of all the senior executives of the Chefs Guild, as well as the trust of the president.

The seven chairmen are all capable people in the chef guild, and they can have a huge impact on the entire world and the chef guild.

At this time, there were two chairmen following behind Keynes——

Killing Chef, Dawn, male, level 5 chef. There was an aura of iron and blood on the strong man's body, and he was covered with fierce arrogance, but he was wearing a pink suit, which was incompatible with his aura.

There are many legends about Dawn, but they are surprisingly simple. Because what he does most of the time is either hunting powerful ingredients or on the way to hunt ingredients. This is a chef who sums up and kills for company.

Resuscitator, Hinata World, female. With a curvy figure and attractive face, her appearance in her thirties gives her the feeling of a big sister next door who is easy to get close to. Wearing an emerald green dress.

Bailiyuan said that this is the one he likes.

Andy rubbed his head helplessly.

As long as Bailiyuan doesn't rush out, let him do it.

got used to.

But she remembered it.

Take out the small book and brush it~

"Food world, gourmet exchange meeting, Bailiyuan sees beautiful women, which affects the image of the team and makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Zhao Xing continued to introduce: "The resuscitator is the title of Hinata World, and her real profession is a food cultivator."

The food cultivator is a profession that specializes in cultivating various rare food materials so that the food materials can continue to appear. It can even make the ingredients that have been exhausted or extinct appear again.

Hyuga World is a top food cultivator, and holds the largest food cultivation and sales group in the food industry. Every day, her group's turnover reaches seventeen figures.

It can be said that there are not many people in the food world who are richer than Hyuga Sekai.

At this time, these three heavyweights appeared at the same time, as if they were waiting for someone, which naturally made countless people feel excited and shocked.

As for the other high-level people behind them, there are fewer people paying attention.

"Could it be that some powerful existence is coming?" Zhao Xing guessed.

The chefs around wanted to show off in front of the three of them, but they didn't dare to talk to them. More and more people gathered together, waiting for the arrival of the mysterious existence.

Diarrhea in the lumbar disc, stomach pain when lying down, waist pain when squatting, and dare not sit still, ying ying ying~

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